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2015-08-12 10:00


【 liuxue86.com - 日记&经验 】

  15 of the Best Places to Study Abroad in 2015


  Following the launch of the QS Best Student Cities 2015, here are 15 of the best places to study abroad in 2015. Take your pick from these nerve centers of the world’s academia, culture, nightlife and commerce – all packed with plenty to stimulate your brain cells, social sensors, taste buds, cultural connoisseurship and adventurous impulses. From croissants to crumpets, snow sports to sea views and art galleries to beer festivals, there’s something here for everyone, including a good choice of internationally ranked universities.


  这里是2015年15个世界最佳出国留学城市。从这些世界学术界、文化、 夜生活和商业的神经枢纽挑选出你的最爱 — — 都充满了很多刺激你的脑细胞、 感官、 味蕾、 文化鉴赏和冒险的冲动。从羊角面包到松脆煎饼,雪上运动到海景,艺术画廊到啤酒节,这里有适合每个人的东西,包括国际排名的大学也是一个不错的选择。下面是出国留学网www.liuxue86.com为大家整理的2015年15个世界最佳出国留学城市。

  1. Paris

  Holding onto the top spot of the QS Best Student Cities index for the third year running, the French capital combines iconic architecture and one of the world’s most-coveted and admired cultural heritages with a highly impressive selection of internationally ranked universities. Its reputation among graduate recruiters rivals even its status among romantics, while low tuition fees go at least some way towards offsetting relatively high living costs.




  2. Melbourne

  A perfect score for “student mix” propels Australia’s second largest city to the runner-up spot in this year’s QS Best Student Cities, reflecting its large, diverse and inclusive student community. The nation’s “cultural capital”, Melbourne has plenty to offer all lovers of beach life, nightlife, comedy and live music, plus seven internationally ranked universities to choose from.



  "学生构成"的一个完美分数推动这座澳大利亚的第二大城市到今年的 QS 最佳大学城市的亚军位置,反映了其大、 多样性和包容性的学生社区中。作为澳大利亚的"文化首都",墨尔本为海滩生活、 夜生活、 喜剧和现场音乐演奏爱好者提供了丰富的选择,再加上有7所国际排名大学可供选择。

  3. London

  It’s impossible to beat the UK capital when it comes to sheer quantity of universities ranked among the world’s best; London has 19 representatives in the QS World University Rankings, including two institutions currently in the global top five. Then there are all the galleries, gigs, restaurants and clubs you could ever want, plus surprisingly expansive green spaces and a hipster culture to rival even New York.



  在世界最好大学的排名数量上,是不可能打败英国首都伦敦的。伦敦有19所大学在 QS 世界大学排名中,包括2所学校目前在全球排名前五。然后有所有你永远想要的画廊、 音乐会、 餐厅和俱乐部,加上惊喜扩展的绿色空间和时髦文化,甚至可以与纽约竞争。

  4. Sydney

  An iconic harbor and opera house, beaches among the most beautiful in the world, and – the QS Best Student Cities index reveals – an excellent reputation among graduate employers into the bargain. Australia’s most populous, most multicultural and most recognizable city is home to five internationally ranked universities.



  标志性的港口和歌剧院,世界上最美丽的海滩之一,以及 — — QS 最佳大学城市指数揭示了 — — 研究生雇主间的良好声誉。澳大利亚的人口最多、 最具多元文化和辨识度最高的城市,有5所国际排名的大学。

  5. Hong Kong

  One of the world’s most densely populated areas, Hong also boasts one of the planet’s most impressive concentrations of internationally ranked universities, with seven representatives in the QS World University Rankings. This is city life in the fast lane, with a side helping of stunning sea views and a rich mixture of local traditions and international outlook.



  世界上人口最密集的地区之一,香港还拥有地球上最令人印象深刻的集中的国际排名大学,在QS 世界大学排名中有7个代表。这是一座生活在快车道上的城市,迷人的海景一边帮助当地的传统与国际视野相混合。

  6. Boston

  Pursue your own “American dream” in the heart of New England, where Boston combines beauty and brains. In close proximity to two of the most famous universities on the planet (MIT and Harvard), the “Athens of America” is known for its history of intellectual pursuit, while behind its sea-front skyscraper skyline you’ll find pretty tree-lined avenues in which to enjoy the region’s famous Fall colors.



  在新英格兰的心脏,追求你自己的"美国梦",波士顿结合了美貌与智慧。靠近世界上最著名的两所大学(麻省理工学院和哈佛大学) ,这座"美国的雅典"以知识追求的历史而闻名,在其临海摩天大楼天际线后面,你会发现大量的林荫大道,在这里你可以享受该地区著名的秋天颜色。

  7. Tokyo

  Want to study abroad in a REALLY big city? They don’t come much bigger, busier or buzzier than the Japanese capital, known for taking the phrase “bright lights” to a whole new level of neon. From karaoke to tea ceremonies, Tokyo is packed with opportunities to explore traditional and contemporary Japanese culture – and did I mention it’s home to no less than 10 internationally ranked universities?



  想要在一个真正的大城市留学吗?没有比日本的首都更大、 更繁忙的城市,以“灯火灿烂”的短语而闻名——其全新的霓虹灯水平。从卡拉 ok 到茶仪式,东京充满了去探索传统和当代日本文化的机会 — — 我提到了东京有不少于10所国际排名的大学吗?

  8. Montréal

  Multi-lingual, multicultural, and a more affordable study destination than most of the other top 10 student cities this year, Montréal is home to the prestigious McGill University, currently ranked 21stin the QS World University Rankings. Annual highlights include the Montréal International Jazz Festival and the world's largest comedy festival, Just for Laughs – just a few spikes in the city’s jam-packed cultural calendar.



  多语言,多元文化,以及比起今年大多数前10的学生城市,蒙特利尔是更能负担得起的留学目的地,蒙特利尔拥有麦吉尔大学,目前QS 世界大学排名中位列第21位。每年的亮点包括蒙特利尔国际爵士乐节和世界上最大的喜剧节,来笑一笑 — — 只是这个城市满满的文化日历上的几个小点缀。

  9. Toronto

  A close rival to Montréal in all respects (including the “cultural capital” accolade),Canada’s largest city and leading financial center boasts booming arts, fashion, creative and foodie scenes, and claims the strongest score in the “desirability” category of the QS Best Student Cities index. Like Montréal, it’s home to three internationally ranked universities, with the University of Toronto currently one place above McGill in the world rankings.



  在所有方面 (包括"文化首都"荣誉)与蒙特利尔最接近的竞争者,加拿大最大的城市和主要金融中心,拥有蓬勃发展的艺术、 时尚、 创意和美食家喜爱的餐厅,并声称在QS 最佳大学城市指数中"愿望"类别得分最高。像蒙特利尔一样,多伦多有3所国际排名的大学,目前多伦多大学的世界排名高于麦吉尔大学一位。

  10. Seoul

  Having been “up and coming” for some time, Seoul is now a firm fixture among Asia’s most happening destinations. Very much a 24/7 kind of city, the South Korean capital is known for its infectious energy and non-stop activity, its combination of grand palaces and towering skyscrapers, and as the center of the K-pop scene which has redefined the phrase “go viral”. Prospective students may be interested to know it’s also home to 14 internationally ranked universities.




  11. Zürich

  Famed for being prosperous and immaculately kept, Switzerland’s largest city has a lot more vivacity and diversity to it than you might expect – from art galleries to street art, and from a creative cabaret scene to the world’s biggest annual outdoor dance party. Meanwhile Zürich’s natural backdrop – stunning views of the Alps and the lake which shares the city’s name – is hard to beat, as is the global ranking of its leading university, ETH Zurich (currently 12th).



  以繁荣和洁净的城市而闻名,瑞士的最大城市,拥有很多活力和多样性,它可能比你期待的多 — — 从街头艺术,艺术画廊,到世界最大的年度户外舞蹈晚会创意歌舞表演现场。同时苏黎世的自然背景 — — 壮丽景色的阿尔卑斯山和湖,也分享了这个城市的名字 — — 很难打败,正如其领先的大学,苏黎世联邦理工学院(目前第12位)。

  12. Vancouver

  Combining coast, mountains and city life, Canada’s third representative in the QS Best Student Cities index pretty much has it all – including a university in the global top 50. The University of British Colombia (UBC)’s campus is impressively green and coastal, while Simon Fraser University is based in the middle of the Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area, about 20km outside the city. Both are likely to appeal to snow sports lovers, thanks to the proximity of the famous Whistler Blackcomb resort.



  海岸、 山脉和城市生活相结合,加拿大在 QS 最佳大学城市指数的第三个代表差不多拥有一切 — — 包括全球前 50 名的大学。英属哥伦比亚大学的校园有令人印象深刻的绿色和海岸,而西蒙弗雷泽大学则是在伯纳比山保护区中部,距城市约20 公里。两者都有可能出现大量的雪上运动爱好者,多亏附近的著名胜地惠斯勒黑梳山。

  13. San Francisco

  Within striking distance of Silicon Valley, San Francisco blends a culture of cutting-edge innovation with a heritage of laid-back beach life and bohemianism. The home of “hippie” counterculture and liberal activism is also one of the world’s leading financial centers, most-visited and most-filmed cities, and most desirable places for ambitious young graduates to live. Stanford University (ranked 7th in the world) and the University of California, Berkeley (27th) are both within the Bay Area.



  位于硅谷,旧金山融合尖端创新文化与悠闲海滩生活和放荡不羁的传统。嬉皮士等反主流文化和自由派行动主义的故乡,也是世界领先的金融中心,大量游客的游览地以及电影拍摄地,雄心勃勃的年轻毕业生最适宜生活的地方之一。斯坦福大学 (世界排名第七) 和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 (第27) 都是在旧金山湾区。

  14. Munich

  Home of the renowned Oktoberfest, Germany’s third-largest city boasts the highest “affordability” score in the top 15 – largely thanks to the absence of tuition fees at German universities. With two internationally ranked universities (one just outside the global top 50), Munich offers opportunities to explore traditional Bavarian culture, alongside life in a highly developed, high-tech and high-brow metropolis.



  著名的慕尼黑啤酒节之乡,德国的第三大城市,在前15座城市中拥有最高的"负担性"得分— — 很大程度上因为德国大学对学费的减免。有两所国际排名的大学 (1所正好在全球前 50 名之外),慕尼黑提供了探索传统的巴伐利亚文化的机会,生活在一个高度发达、高科技和高格调的大都市。

  15. Singapore

  This densely populated and prosperous “Asian Tiger” is a high achiever in all areas – including higher education. Its two leading universities are now both within the global top 40; the National University of Singapore is 22nd, and the young but fast-climbing Nanyang Technological University 39th. Singapore is clean-cut, corporate and competitive, yes, but also multicultural, colorful and full of surprises.



  这个人口密集和繁荣的"亚洲虎"是在所有领域的成功者 — — 包括高等教育。其两所领先的大学现在都在全球前40;新加坡国立大学是第22位, 和年轻但快速攀升的南洋理工大学为第39位。新加坡是整洁、 合作和竞争的,但也是多元文化、丰富多彩、 充满惊喜的。


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