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学校名称: 澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学 University of Tasmania

所在位置:澳洲,Sandy Bay Campus:Churchil Avenue,Sandy Bay,Tasmania 7005



Faculty CRICOS Code Bachelor Degree Course Code 2017 Annual Tuition Fee** Duration (Years) Campus Intakes (Semester)
SET 080299B Agriculture (Honours) S4X $31,500 1 H 1, 2
SET 001679M Agricultural Science (Honours available in year four) 73M / S4A $31,500 4 H 1, 2
SET 089192G Applied Science (Agriculture and Business) K3T $36,500 3 H 1, 2
SET 081316J Applied Science (Environmental Science) 73U $29,250 3 L 1, 2
AMC 077530D Applied Science (Marine Engineering) 23M1 $30,500 4 L Variable
AMC 089713J Applied Science (Marine Electrotechnology) 23P4 TBC 3 L Variable
IMAS 065473G Applied Science (Marine Environment) J3T $28,500 3 L 1, 2
IMAS 065474F Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours J4T $28,500 1 L 1, 2
AMC 062252M Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) J3P $29,250 3 L 1, 2
AMC 087654J Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management)(Honours) 24R $26,000 1 L, D 1, 2
AMC 077531C Applied Science (Nautical Science) 23N1 $30,500 4.5 L Variable
ARTS 001694A ARTS 13A $25,500 3 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 093077J ARTS with Honours
(4 year with integrated Honours)
F4R $28,000 4 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 030426C ARTS (Honours) R4A $27,000 1 H, L 1, 2
HEALTH 002705F Biomedical Science M3G $30,000 3.5 L 1
HEALTH 039209F Biomedical Science (Honours) M4E $30,000 1 L 1, 2
SET 044249M Biotechnology S3V $29,250 3 H 1, 2
SET 080301B Biotechnology and Medical Research (Honours) K4L $29,250 1 H 1, 2
TSBE 002346B Business~ 33A $26,500 3 H, L, D 1, 2
TSBE 039208G Business (Honours) G4F $26,250 1 H, L 1
AMC 062253K Business (Maritime and Logistics Management)~ J3X $30,000 3 L, D 1, 2
AMC 066196D Business (Maritime and Logistics Management) (Honours) J4N $28,000 1 L, D 1, 2
TSBE 085311D Business Administration 33O $26,250 2 H 1, 2
TSBE 081315K Business Administration (Hospitality Management) 33G $26,250 2 H, L Spring,
TSBE 081314M Business Administration (Tourism Management) 33H $26,250 2 H Spring,
ARTS 039207G Contemporary ARTS 13B $28,000 3 L 1, 2
ARTS 048218G Contemporary ARTS (Honours) F4J $28,000 1 L 1, 2
TSBE 002342F Economicsº 33E $26,250 3 H 1, 2
TSBE 039206J Economics (Honours) C4E $26,250 1 H 1
EDUCATION 070687F EDUCATION - Early Childhood 43A $26,000 4 L 1, 2
EDUCATION 070689D EDUCATION - Primary 43B $26,000 4 L 1, 2
EDUCATION 081477C EDUCATION (HEALTH and Physical EDUCATION) 43J $26,000 4 L 1, 2
EDUCATION 081954A EDUCATION (Honours) E4C $26,000 1 L 1, 2
SET 089220G Engineering (Honours) N4F $31,500 4 H 1#
AMC 089609J Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering) (Honours) 24C $36,000 4 L 1#
AMC 089610E Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours) 24A $36,000 4 L 1#
AMC 089611D Engineering (Ocean Engineering) (Honours) 24B $36,000 4 L 1#
SET 002847C Environmental Design 73E $24,500 3 L 1#
SET 039205K Environmental Design (Honours) D4A $24,750 1 L 1, 2
SET 077142E Environmental Design with Honours (Interior Design) D4C $24,750 1 L 1
SET 056050E Environmental Science with Honours S4R $29,250 1 L 1, 2
HEALTH 058480M Exercise Science M3Q $30,000 3.5 L 1#
ARTS 005531K Fine ARTS 13C $28,000 3 H 1, 2
ARTS 017285J Fine ARTS (Honours) F4A $28,000 1 H 1
HEALTH 039203A HEALTH Science M3H $26,500 3 L 1, 2#
HEALTH 058513G HEALTH Science (Honours) M4H $26,500 1 L 1, 2
SET 079196G Information and Communication Technology 73T $27,000 3 H, L 1, 2
SET 079195J Information and Communication Technology (Honours) K4I $28,000 1 H, L 1, 2
LAW 003151E LAWs 63I1 $27,000 3 H 1
LAW 003151E LAWs (Direct Entry) 63P1 $27,000 4 H
1, June (intensive study period)
LAW 003151E LAWs (Standard Entry) 63P2 $27,000 4 H 1, June (intensive study period)
IMAS 081797J Marine and Antarctic Science K3S $32,500 3 H 1, 2
IMAS 091423A Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours) K4S $32,500 1 H 1, 2
ARTS 093067M Media 13T $27,000 3 H 1
ARTS 093066A Media with Honours
(4 year with integrated Honours)
F4G $27,000 4 H 1
HEALTH 055221K Medical Research M3M $28,000 3 H 1, 2
HEALTH 058589J Medical Research with Honours M4G $28,000 1 H 1, 2
HEALTH 056049J Medicine-Surgery M3N $61,500 5 H 1
ARTS 002715D Music 13K $28,000 3 H 1, 2
ARTS 030422G Music (Honours) F4D $28,000 1 H 1, 2
ARTS 091917A Music (Elite) with Honours F4E $28,000 1 H 1, 2
ARTS 077969F Musical ARTS 13N $28,000 3 H 1, 2
SET 033976D Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies 73Q $29,250 3 H 1, 2
SET 048220C Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies (Honours) S4T $29,250 1 H 1, 2
HEALTH 001680G Nursing H3D $28,000 3 L 1
HEALTH 055223G Nursing (Fast-Track) H3H $30,000** 2 H 1
HEALTH 039202B Nursing (Honours) H4A $28,000 1 H, L 1
HEALTH 002058K Pharmacy M3F $30,000 4 H 1
HEALTH 087653K Pharmacy (mid-year) M3I $30,000 3.5 H 2
HEALTH 030419B Pharmacy (Honours) M4C $30,000 1 H 1, 2
HEALTH 089945D Psychological Science 53Y $30,000 3 H, L 1, 2
HEALTH 089944E Psychological Science with Honours M4Y $30,000 1 H, L 1, 2
HEALTH 052161G Psychology (Honours) M4O $30,000 1 H, L 1, 2
SET 002059J Science 73O $29,500 3 H, L± 1, 2
SET 030420J Science (Honours) S4E $29,250 1 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 027725G Social Science 13E $27,000 3 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 033204D Social Science (Police Studies) 13D $27,000 3 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 002721F Social Work 13L $27,000 2 H, L 1
ARTS 033204D Social Work with Honours R4B $27,000 1 H, L N
SET 058833B Surveying and Spatial Sciences 73G $31,500 3 H 1, 2
SET 058835M Surveying and Spatial Sciences with Honours N4N $31,500 1 H 1, 2
ARTS 056432B Visual Communication 13F $28,000 3 H 1, 2
Faculty CRICOS Code Combined Degrees Course Code 2017 Annual Tuition Fee** Duration (Years) Campus Mid Year Intake
ARTS 056052C ARTS - Business 13J $27,000 4 H, L 1, 2
ARTS 039197E ARTS - Economics 13G $27,000 4 H 1, 2
ARTS 039193J ARTS - Fine ARTS 13I $28,000 4 H 1, 2
ARTS 079994M ARTS – Information and Communication Technology 13P $28,000 4 H, L 1, 2
LAW 004594C ARTS - LAWs 63J1 $27,000 5 H 1
ARTS 039192K ARTS - Science 13M $28,000 4 H, L 1, 2
TSBE 056051D Business - Economics± 33D $26,250 4 H 1, 2
TSBE 079995K Business - Information and Communication Technology 33N $26,750 4 H, L 1, 2
LAW 027722K Business - LAWs~ 63O1 $27,000 5 H 1
TSBE 046801J Business - Science 33J $26,250 4 H 1, 2
TSBE 079988J Economics - Information and Communication Technology 33M $26,750 4 H 1, 2
LAW 046797M Economics - LAWs 63K1 $27,000 5 H 1
TSBE 046798K Economics - Science 33I $26,250 4 H 1, 2
LAW 079990D Information and Communication Technology - LAWs 63R1 $27,000 5 H 1
SET 079989G Information and Communication Technology - Science P3B $29,250 4 H, L 1, 2
SET 079991C Information and Communication Technology - Visual Communication P3C $28,000 4 H 1, 2
LAW 089500M Psychological Science - LAWs 63Y $27,000 5 H 1
SET 089288K Science - Engineering (Honours) N4G $31,500 5 H 1#
LAW 039906C Science - LAWs 63L1 $27,000 5 H 1






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