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2015-08-27 10:59


【 liuxue86.com - 留学费用 】

学校名称: 日本广岛大学 広島大学


学费:535800 人民币



  The tuition fee waiver program was established so that applicants who are unable to pay tuition fees or who experience hardship in doing so due to economic or other reasons can receive a waiver for either half or the whole amount of the fees after submitting an application. Applicants are ranked according to need based on household income, and waivers are granted accordingly within the budget so that, depending on necessity, the applicants may receive a waiver for all or half the tuition fees or no waiver at all.

  1. Those Who May Apply for a Waiver

  Those who meet one of the following criteria may apply for a tuition fee waiver:

  (1) Those who meet a certain academic standard and are unable to pay their tuition fees due to economic reasons.

  (2) Those who are unable to pay their tuition fees due to one of the following circumstances arising within six months (or one year in the case of new students or for the first semester of the year of enrollment) of the due date for payment of the fees for a particular semester :

  (Specifically, this means on or after October 1 for the first semester or on or after April 1 for the second semester.)

  (a) The person providing the student's school expenses passes away

  (b) The student or the person providing the student's school expenses is the victim of a natural disaster

  (c) The person providing the student's school expenses loses his or her job and is unemployed at the time of application

  (This applies only to those whose employers have gone out of business or those who have been fired. It does not apply to those who retire due to reaching retirement age, taking advantage of early retirement programs, or personal reasons)

  (d) The person providing the student's school expenses is, at the time of application, undergoing long-term medical treatment

  ("Long-term medical treatment" refers to treatment that is expected to take six months or more to complete, during which time the person may not work.)

  2. How to Apply

  (1) The Tuition Fee Waiver Application Guide and Application Forms

  -Download the Tuition Fee Waiver Application Guide and application forms from the following URL and print them for the second semester of the 2015 academic year.


  -If you are interested in applying for the tuition fee waiver of the second semester of the 2015 academic year, please independently download application forms from the webpage, complete the necessary documents, and submit them within the deadline.

  (2) Where and when to submit applications for waiver of tuition fees

  -The applicant is asked to bring the necessary documents in person to the designated location on one of the designated dates.

  -Applications are not accepted on any other days, so please check before coming.

  -If you are unable to come on one of the designated days due to unavoidable circumstances, you must notify the Student Services Group in advance. If no advance notice is provided, applications will not be accepted after the deadline.

  Click here for information on where and when to submit applications for waiver of second semester tuition fees for the 2015 academic year

  3. Notification of Decision

  (1) When notifications will be sent


  First Semester: The End of July (tentative)

  Second Semester: The End of December (tentative)

  (2) Method of Notification

  Applicants will be notified individually using the Student Information System (Momiji) electronic message board. If you are not approved for a waiver or receive a waiver for only half the fees, you must send payment for the tuition fees by the deadline noted in the notification.

  4. Notes About the Application Process

  -Applications must be submitted individually for each semester. The schedule and other information will be posted on the website in late January for first semester applications and in late July for second semester applications.

  -No fees will be collected until you have been notified of the decision, so please do not send payment until that time. (Payments are non-refundable. If payment is made, your application for a waiver will be discarded.)

  -Read the Tuition Fee Waiver Application Guide carefully and make sure that your application is not missing any documents.

  想了解更多留学费用网的资讯,请访问: 留学费用

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