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2015-09-08 16:50


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  This is where the internet steps in, a realm of student resources with bountiful information about anything, where you can learn the things your parents never taught you (or that you weren’t interested in learning at the time), such as how to budget your money, how to arrange an overdraft with your bank, and how to iron your clothes without leaving an iron-shaped pattern. In short, all the student resources you could ever possibly need are available online.

  Below is a categorized list of useful student websites and online resources that will help to make student life that little bit easier from day one.

  Money-saving websites for students

  22. Groupon.com

  Groupon offers daily deals on things such as spa days, fancy restaurants and city breaks. Not exactly the essentials of student life, but a good way to treat yourself at the end of a stressful exam period, perhaps.

  23. MoneySavingExpert.com

  MoneySavingExpert has advice on everything from cheap flights to the best bank interest rates, helping your student budget stretch further.

  24. Mint.com

  Free to use, Mint can help you organize your finances and track your spending.

  25. MyVoucherCodes.co.uk

  MyVoucherCodes offers vouchers and discounts for a huge number of retail stores and restaurants within the UK. In you are in the US, RetailMeNot is the place to go.

  26. UniDays.com

  Just one of many student websites offering discounts, UniDays lists thousands of student discounts and offers around the globe. It’s free to join and also available as an app.

  27. WiseBread.com

  WiseBread is dedicated to living well on a tight budget – whether you’re a student or just trying to get more for your money. It offers advice on everything from debt management to growing your own fruit and vegetables.

  Other useful resources for students

  28. Poetry.RapGenius.com

  An offshoot of Rap Genius, Lit Genius is a place where scholars have formed a community to annotate poetry and literature, both classic and recent. Extremely helpful for English literature students.

  29. TED.com

  TED hosts thought-provoking talks given at events all over the world on the core topics of technology, entertainment and design – but in fact covering pretty much every aspect of human experience. The TED site is where you can find all the videos of these talks. Another good procrastination device, but you may also find some inspiration for your next essay.

  30. Wikipedia.org

  Although your tutors will tell you never to reference Wikipedia in assignments, the collaboratively edited encyclopedia project can be a very useful tool for early-stage research into your assignment or project.

  31. Bartleby.com

  Bartleby publishes classic literature, poetry, non-fiction and reference texts free of charge.

  32. Gutenberg.org

  Similarly, Project Gutenberg provides free online access to texts whose copyright has expired; so far it’s digitized more than 45,000 texts.

  33. TopUniversities.com

  Finally, don’t forget to check out all the student resources we have right here at TopUniversities.com, including a blogging community, student forums, university rankings, country guides, course guides, and advice on all aspects of student life – from scholarships and applications to studying abroad and career planning.

  想了解更多衣食住行网的资讯,请访问: 衣食住行

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