

各国圣诞节的习俗 中英文

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  法国东部的孩子们有个邪恶的造访者,他叫“鞭子老爹”(Le Pere Fouettard),确保孩子们一整年都表现乖巧。圣诞老人12月6号给孩子分发礼物时,他也陪伴左右。“鞭子老爹”会给淘气的孩子煤块和一顿鞭子。

  One of the most popular origin stories of the character say that he was a greedy inn keeper who killed three rich boys on their way to boarding school. In many versions of the story, he even eats the children. Whether or not he cannibalizes the boys, the story ends when Saint Nick finds out and resurrects the children and forces Le Pere Fouettard to act as his servant throughout time.


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