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2018-01-23 22:54


【 liuxue86.com - 衣食住行 】



  This royal palace housed the kings of Spain from the mid-1700s to 1900s. Although the royal family does not currently live in the palace, it is still considered their official residence. It is the largest royal palace in Western Europe with a total of 3,000 rooms, only some of which are open to the public, including the popular armory room and royal pharmacy.

  The majority of visitors were wowed by the luxuriousness and the grandeur of the palace, but many also complained about the long lines to get in. If you want to beat the crowds, make sure to get there early. Admission is 11 euros (about $13.20) for adults and hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 8 p.m., depending on the season. If you aren't interested in touring the inside of the palace, walk around and rest your feet in one of the two on-site gardens. The Sabatini Gardens are adjacent to the property, and easily accessible via street stairway. However, if you really want to beat the palace crowds walk further down the street behind the palace to the less-traveled Campo del Moro Gardens for a truly royal retreat. You can reach Campo del Moro Gardens by getting off the Príncipe Pío metro, and the palace from Plaza de España or Ópera metro stations.

  这座皇家宫殿从17世纪中叶到20世纪中期就是西班牙国王的王室。虽然王室目前还没有居住在皇宫,但仍然被认为是他们的官邸。它是西欧最大的皇家宫殿,共有3000间客房,其中只有一些向公众开放,包括热门的军械库室和皇家药房。大多数游客都被皇宫的豪华和庄严所震撼,但也有很多人抱怨排长队。如果要打败人群,一定要早点到达。入场费为成人11欧元(约合13.20美元),上午10时至下午6时或晚上8时,视乎季节而定。如果您不想游览宫殿的内部,可以四处走走,将脚放在两个现场花园中的一个。萨巴蒂尼花园毗邻酒店,并可通过街边的楼梯轻松抵达。 然而,如果你真的想打败皇宫,人群就会在皇宫后面的街道上走下去,走到人迹罕至的坎波德尔摩洛花园,去一个真正的王室撤退。您可以乘坐PríncipePío抵达Campo del Moro Gardens 地铁和从西班牙广场 或 Ópera 地铁站出发的宫殿。


  关键信息:开放的时间是星期二中午至下午4时,星期二至星期日上午10时至下午7时。成人12欧元(约合14.40美元),学生8欧元(约合9.60美元), 11岁以下的儿童免费。

  The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, named for the family from which the collection was bought, is housed in the intimate Villahermosa Palace. The museum has more than 1,000 works of art, ranging widely in style, from German Expressionism to Russian Constructivism and 19th-century American art. Artists featured include Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, Marc Chagall, Vincent van Gogh and more. Most recent visitors enjoyed their time at the museum — some liked it better than the Prado for its coziness and diversity; others recommended you visit the latter and Queen Sofia museums first. Admission is 12 euros (about $14.40) for adults and 8 euros (about $9.60) for students. Hours are 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.n. Tuesdays through Sundays. Located just west of Retiro Park, you can tour the museum by jumping off at the Banco De España metro stop.

  提森-博内米萨博物馆以收藏品的家族而命名,被安置在温馨的比亚埃尔莫萨宫。该博物馆拥有1000多件艺术作品,风格广泛,从德国表现主义到俄罗斯建构主义和19世纪的美国艺术。艺术家包括克劳德莫奈、毕加索、瓦西里康定斯基、马克夏加尔、文森特梵高等等。最近的游客喜欢他们在博物馆时-有些喜欢它好过普拉多以其舒适感和多样性; 其他人建议您访问后者和索非亚皇后首先是博物馆。入场费为成人12欧元(约合14.40美元),学生入场费为8欧元(约合9.60美元)。营业时间为星期一上午12点至下午4点,周日上午10点至晚上7点。位于 Retiro公园以西,您可以在Banco DeEspaña地铁站下车参观博物馆。



  Of Madrid's three famous museums, the elegant Museo Nacional del Prado is the most celebrated. Opened in 1819 with the help of Isabella of Braganza (King Ferdinand VII's wife), the museum contains 8,600 paintings and more than 700 sculptures, featuring Spanish, Italian and Flemish styles of art. Among the most famous works featured include Velazquez's "Las Meninas," Goya's "The Third of May 1808," El Greco's "Adoration of the Shepherds."There are often lines outside the Prado, so plan on getting there early and make sure to wear comfortable shoes. Although the Prado charges an admission fee of 15 euros (about $18) for adults (visitors younger than 18, and students 18 to 25 get in for free), try to visit during the museum's free hours (usually the last two hours of the evening). However, many recent travelers recommended visitors allot half a day to tour the museum, simply because there is so much to see.The museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can find the Prado adjacent to Retiro Park, and reach the attraction off the Atocha or Banco de España metro stops.

  马德里的三个著名的博物馆,优雅的普拉多博物馆是最有名的。1819年在Braganza的伊莎贝拉(费迪南德七世的妻子)的帮助下开幕,该博物馆收藏了8,600幅绘画和700多件雕塑,展出了西班牙,意大利和佛兰德风格的艺术品。其中最著名的作品包括 贝拉斯克斯的“拉斯维加斯”,戈雅的“1808年5月3日”,埃尔·格列柯的“牧羊人的崇拜”。普拉多以外经常有线路,所以要早点到达,确保穿着舒适的鞋子。虽然普拉多为成人(18岁以下的游客和18至25岁的学生免费入场)收取15欧元(约18美元)的入场费,但在博物馆的免费时间(通常是晚上的最后两个小时)。然而,最近许多旅客建议游客半天参观博物馆,只是因为有很多东西要看。博物馆开放时间为周一至周六上午10时至晚上8时,星期日和上午10时至下午7时Ÿ节假日OU可以找到普拉多一个djacent到 Retiro公园, 并达到吸引关闭阿托查或西班牙银行地铁站。



  The Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, located north of central Madrid, is the city's main fútbol (or soccer) stadium and the domain of the city's most popular team: Real Madrid. Fútbol is an integral part of Spanish life, and the stadium's sheer size is example of this (its capacity is 80,000-plus). Although you can take tours, many say the best way to experience this stadium is to cheer Real Madrid on at a game。Should you want to take a tour, prices are 25 euros (about $30) for adults and 18 euros (about $21.60) for kids 14 and younger. Hours for tour vary by season and the team's schedule. For more information, visit the stadium's website. You can find the venue off the Santiago Bernabeu metro stop.


  10.El Rastro市场


  Exit the La Latina metro station and wander down Calle de las Maldonadas to one of Spain's most popular flea markets, El Rastro. Dating back to the 15th century, the market starts at Plaza de Cascorro and is primarily concentrated on Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores, ending at Ronda de Toledo. The streets, also including Calle San Cayetano, are lined with hundreds of merchants selling everything from kitschy souvenirs to antiques and even everyday household items.Fashionistas, in particular, flock to El Rastro for the market's abundant Moroccan leather hand-stitched bags and second-hand clothing and jewellery.Recent visitors' reactions to El Rastro varied: some loved the atmosphere, especially the live music, and others found the market to be mediocre, with very few bargains or finds. Some travelers recommended exploring the side streets adjacent to the main street for a greater selection. Others said to escape the crowds, venture into the stores lining the main street as some of them contain items featured in El Rastro.The market is only open on Sundays and public holidays from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. Plan to get there early as crowds can get heavy as early as 11 a.m. This area is also a hot spot for pickpockets, so keep your hand on your bag at all times.

  从La Latina地铁站出来,沿着Calle de las Maldonadas蜿蜒前往西班牙最受欢迎的跳蚤市场之一El Rastro。追溯到15世纪,市场开始在卡斯克罗广场,主要集中在Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores,在Ronda de Toledo结束。街道,包括圣卡耶塔诺街(Calle San Cayetano)在内,还有数百名商人出售各种纪念品,甚至日常生活用品。尤其是时装爱好者,他们聚集到了El Rastro市场上丰富的摩洛哥皮革手工缝制手袋和二手服装和珠宝最近游客对El Rastro的反应不尽相同:一些人喜欢大气,尤其是现场音乐,另一些人则认为市场是平庸的,很少有便宜货。一些旅客建议探索附近的主要街道旁边的街道更多的选择。其他人说,逃离人群,冒险进入主要街道的商店,因为其中一些包含在埃尔拉斯特罗特色的项目、。这个地区也是扒手的热点,所以请将手放在包上。

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