






  Children's day is coming, wish you like a child lively and lovely, honest and kind, like children, like children pure curiosity, like children's day day up. But can't naughty, no night urine kang!

  2. 做一次深呼吸,呼出一口浊气,吸入一股灵气,纳入天地的清风。就在今天,不再察言观色,不再瞻前顾后,给快乐放纵的空间。儿童节快乐!

  Take a deep breath, and breathe out a polluted air, inhaled a reiki, into the breeze of the heaven and earth. Just for today, no longer sense motive, no longer have to look, happy to indulge. Happy children's day!

  3. 岁月流逝,淡忘了儿时的记忆,繁华落尽,远去了旧时的困惑,转眼间我们已经长大,在岁月的路途中我们并肩一起走,好朋友儿童节快乐!

  In the childhood memories, time passes, the prosperities, far away the old confusion, we have grown up in a twinkling of an eye, in the way of time we walked together, good friends happy children's day!

  4. 六一儿童节,愿永远保持纯真的童真,与快乐相抱,烦恼赶跑,幸福永绕,开心相拥,吉祥永罩,祝你儿童节快乐,象孩子般的笑口常开。

  June 1 children's day, wish to keep innocent childlike innocence forever, embrace with happiness and troubles away, and happiness, happy, good luck forever, I wish you a happy children's day, smile like a child.

  5. 儿童节行为规范:早上可以赖床;吃饭可以淘气;不乐意就大哭;见谁不顺眼就咬谁;最重要的一点,见着我的短信必须开口笑一笑。六一快乐!

  Children's behaviour: can stay in bed in the morning; Have a meal can be naughty; Don't want to cry; See who is not pleasing to the eye just bite; Most...