




  a letter of recommendation 推荐信

  financial aid 经济援助

  honor roll 红榜,优秀学生名单

  scholarship 奖学金

  fellowship 奖学金

  grant 助学金

  tuition waive 学费减免

  loan 贷款

  merit-based 以优秀为基础

  competitive 竞争的

  field research 现场调查

  full-time 全职的

  babysitter 临时保姆

  qualification 资格

  resume 简历

  CV(curriculum vitae) 履历

  career/job fair 招聘会

  job posting 招聘广告

  field trip 实地考察

  meal plan 餐券

  reissue a student ID card 补办学生证

  shuttle bus 班车

  student union 学生会

  student center 学生活动中心










  fluctuate v.波动;变动

  同alternate, wave

  Some investors panic when stock prices fluctuate wildly.


  gainsay v.否认

  同deny, disagree

  There was no gainsaying the astronomer's knowledge about the planets.


  *astronomer n.天文学家

  hybrid n.混种;混血儿

  同half-breed, mixture

  Scientists have developed a hybrid of rice that is more resistant to diseases and insects.


  idiom n.习语;惯用语

  同expression, phrase

  When studying a foreign language, idioms are often the most difficult thing to learn.


  Inappropriate adj.不适合的

  同unsuitable, improper, unfit, incongruous

  This movie is very violent and is inappropriate for children to watch.


  innocuous adj.无害的

  同harmless, inoffensive, vapid, insipid, innocent

  I don't understand how such an innocuous children's book could cause such an uproar.


  *uproar n.骚动

  jerk n.拉扯

  同twitch, pull, yank

  I felt a jerk on my sleeve, then realized it was just a tree branch.


  laconic adj.简洁的

  同concise, com...




  alpaca 羊驼

  anteater 食蚁兽

  antelope 羚羊

  armadillo 犰狳

  ass,donkey 驴

  badger 獾

  bat 蝙蝠

  bear 熊

  beaver 河狸

  billy 雄山羊

  bison 美洲野牛

  bitch 雌狗

  boar 雄猪

  boar 种猪

  brood 鸡的统称

  buck 公兔

  buffalo 水牛

  bull 公牛

  bull,ox 雄牛

  bullock,steer 小阉牛

  calf 小牛,牛犊

  calf( pl. calves)年幼的牛

  camel 骆驼

  cat 猫

  catta 雌猫

  cattle 牛

  chick 小鸡

  chicken 鸡

  chimpanzee 黑猩猩

  chinchilla 南美栗鼠

  cock,rooster 公鸡

  colt,foal 马驹,小马

  cow 雌牛

  cow 母牛

  deer 鹿

  dog 狗

  dog 雄狗

  dolphin 河豚

  donkey 雄驴

  donkey,ass 驴

  dormouse 睡鼠

  dromedary 单峰驼

  duck 鸭

  duckbill,platypus 鸭嘴兽

  elephant 象

  ewe 雌绵羊

  ewe 母羊

  ferret 雪貂

  flock 绵羊的统称

  foal,colt,filly 幼马 来源

  fox 狐

  gaggle 鹅的统称

  gander 雄鹅

  gazelle 小羚羊

  gelding 阉割的马

  gibbon 长臂猿

  gilt 小母猪

  giraffe 长颈鹿

  goat 山羊

  goose 雌鹅

  goose 鹅

  gopher 囊地鼠





  clinic诊所,physician内科医生,oculist/eye doctor眼科医生,surgeon外科医生,dentist牙医,vet兽医,see a doctor看病,send for a doctor请医生,make an appointment预约


  symptom症状,have/catch a cold感冒,have a sore throat嗓子痛,stomachache胃痛,fever发烧,cough咳嗽,headache头痛,toothache牙痛,have a runny nose流鼻涕,depression沮丧,消沉,vomit/throw up呕吐,dizzy头晕,feel chilly觉得发冷,phlegm痰


  liver trouble肝炎,pneumonia肺炎,flu流感,allergy过敏症,twisted扭伤的,asthma哮喘,diabetics糖尿病患者,cramps抽筋,diarrhea腹泻,have a stuffed nose鼻子不通,cholera霍乱,stiff neck脖子发僵,yellow fever黄热病,hay fever枯草热


  pills药丸,tablet药片,capsule胶囊,mixture合剂,eye drops眼药水 ,syrup糖浆,pad药棉块,vitamin维他命,penicillin盘尼西林,antibiotic抗生素,ointment药膏,medication药物,aspirin阿司匹林,cold cure感冒药,sweating medicine发汗药,febrifuge退烧药


  bandage绷带,syringe注射器,stethoscope听诊器,injection注射,preventive injection预防针,gauze纱布,case history病历,extract拔牙,take one's temperature量体温,feel one's pulse量脉搏,take one's blood pressure量血压,give a prescription开药方,have an operation 动手术


  1.health and well-being健康, 2.improper or unhealthy diet不健康的饮食, 3.a balanced diet均衡的饮食, 4.processed food经加工的食物, 5.consumer—consumption消费者、消费, 6.manufacture生产, 7.artificial chemicals人工化学(添加剂...




  提高,变好:improve, make better, enhance

  采取(措施):adopt, take

  提出(政策):propose, offer

  废除:eliminate, get rid of, do way with, dispense with

  提供:provide, offer, give

  任务:assignment, job, work, task

  有用,帮助:beneficial, helpful, useful, be a great help to, do good to, bring benefit to, be good for

  方法:way, approach, strategy, method

  延期相关:more time, extra time, extension, later deadline; put off, postpone, put back to, delay, (until)

  因素:cause, factor, reason

  合适:fit, suit, be suitable/fit/right

  需要:require, need, it is necessary for..to..,demand

  不变:fixed, constant, stable, unchanged (unchanging)

  担心:worry about, be concerned about, care about

  解决:solve/resolve, address, deal with, work out, tackle

  解释:tell, explain, spell out, say how

  观点:idea, belief, view, opinion

  影响:affect(vt.), influence(vt.), have influence/effect/impact on






  astronomy 天文学

  astronomical 天文的

  astronomical observatory 天文台

  astronomer 天文学家

  astrophysics 天文物理学

  astrology 占星学

  pseudoscience 伪科学

  cosmos(universe) 宇宙

  cosmology 宇宙学

  infinite 无限的

  cosmic 宇宙的

  cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

  cosmic rays 宇宙射线

  celestial 天的

  celestial body (heavenly body) 天体

  celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图

  celestial sphere 天球

  dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星

  quasar 类星体,类星射电源

  constellation 星座

  galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系

  cluster 星团

  solar system 太阳系

  solar corona 日冕

  solar eclipse 日食

  solar radiation 太阳辐射

  planet 行星

  planetoid (asteroid) 小行星

  revolve 旋转,绕转

  twinkle 闪烁

  naked eye 肉眼

  Mercury 水星

  Venus 金星

  Earth 地球

  Mars 火星

  Jupiter 木星

  Saturn 土星

  Uranus 天王星

  Neptune 海王星

  Pluto 冥王星

  orbit 轨道

  spin 旋转

  satellite 卫星

  lunar 月球的

  meteor 流星

  meteor shower流星雨

  meteoroid 流星体

  meteorite 陨石

  comet 彗星

  space (outer space) 太空,外层空间





  1、对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health

  2、供应不足 be in short supply

  3、化学污染物 chemical pollutant

  4、节水的习惯 water-saving habit

  5、水的分布 distribution of water

  6、水资源保护 water conservation

  7、水资源短缺 water shortage

  8、饮用水 drinking water

  9、有害物质 hazardous material

  10、在危险中 at risk

  11、被耗尽 be exhausted

  12、城市垃圾 urban garbage

  13、达到高效 achieve high efficiency

  14、当场处罚 on-the-spot fine

  15、对环境不利 be unfriendly to the environment

  16、环境恶化 environmental degradation

  17、火灾隐患 a fire hazard

  18、垃圾的回收和处理 litter collection and disposal

  19、垃圾分类 garbage classification

  20、破坏环境 ruin the environment

  21、提高大众的环保意识 promote the public awareness of environmental protection; arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection

  22、采取强有力的措施 take stronger and harsher measures

  23、有限资源 finite resource

  24、电脑监控系统 computer monitoring system

  25、缓解交通阻塞的压力 relieve the traffic congestion

  26、加快车流量 acceleratethe flow of traffic

  27、交通法规 traffic law and regulation

  28、认识不够 lack adequate awareness

  29、有损形象 sopil the image

  30、遵守交通法规 observe traffic regulation

  31、补救性措施 remedial measure




  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式





  gossip 闲谈

  rumor 传闻,谣言

  comic a.使人发笑的 a comic song b.喜剧的 a comic opera

  poetic 诗意的,诗的

  narrative 叙事的

  irony 讽刺

  vignette 小品文

  sermon 训诫,说道

  astute 精明的,狡黠的

  observation 观察,观测/评论

  prospector 探矿者

  beacon 烽火/灯塔,灯标

  prodigious 惊人的,奇妙的

  protagonist 主人公

  despise 鄙视

  opera 歌剧

  symphony 交响乐

  chamber music 室内音乐

  oratorio 清唱剧

  soloist 独唱者

  vogue 时尚,流行

  choral society 合唱团

  wane 变小,减少

  libel 诽谤

  pretentious 自命不凡的

  contemporary artistic development 当代艺术发展

  vibrancy 活跃

  metropolis 大都市

  linger 徘徊

  relic 遗迹,废墟

  discern 看出,识别

  mirage 海市蜃楼

  prolific 多产

  humanitarian 人道主义者

  philanthropist 慈善家

  repertoire 戏目

  dialect 方言

  mural 壁画

  sanctuary 神殿

  anthem 国歌

  constellation 星座







  1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.


  2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century?


  3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.


  4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.


  5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.


  6. The greater the population there is in a locality; the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


  7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning.


  8. With moder...