

雅思机经:2011.8.27 雅思口语Part1回忆







  1. What is your name?

  2. What is the meaning of your name?

  3. Are you working or studying?

  4. Who gave you your name?


  5. Do children read more now than before?

  6. Do you like to read newspaper?

  7. How much time do you spend in reading newspaper?

  8. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?

  9. What kind of book do young people like to read?

  10. When did you begin to read newspapers?

  11. How many kinds of newspapers are there in China?

  12. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?

  13. Do you think news is important in people’s life?


  14. Tell me something about your favorite art.

  15. Tell me something about your favorite music.

  16. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?

  17. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?


  18. Do you live in a flat or in a house?

  19. Do you have garden in your house?

  20. What do you have in your house?

  21. Do you have decorations in your house? (Ex. Decorations in the wa...

雅思机经:2011.8.25 雅思口语Part1回忆





  雅思口语Part 1考题


  1. Tell me something about your work?

  2. Tell me about your studies?


  3. Tell me about the city you come from.

  4. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city?


  5. Do you like cooking?

  6. When do you usually cook?


  7. Do you like to read book?

  8. How much time do you spend in reading book?

  9. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?

  10. What kind of book do you like best?

  11. What do you usually read? Why?

  12. What is your favorite magazine?

  13. What kind of newspaper do you have in China?


  14. What are the requirements for your house decorations?

  15. Is the place you are living good for your child? Why?

  16. Do you know your neighbors? If not, Why?


  17. How long have you been a student?

  18. What do you enjoy most about your studies?

  18. Why did you choose this university?

  19. What is your major in your university? Why did you choose it?

  20. Why did you choose this s...

雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思口语PART1回忆【新东方】





  1. Television

  Do you like watching TV?

  What is your favorite TV show?

  Did you enjoy the same kind of TV show when you were a child?

  Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with others?

  Do you think people watch too much TV nowadays?

  2. Happiness

  What do you think is happiness?

  What do you think makes you happy?

  Do you think happiness is important?

  Do you think money is important for people to be happy?

  What do you usually to make yourself happy?

  3. Weather/Season

  What’s the weather like in your hometown?

  Which is your favorite season?

  What do you do in different seasons?

  Has the weather in your hometown changed in the past few years?

  4. Dancing

  Do you know how to dance?

  When was the last time you danced / watched other people dancing?

  How do you feel when people dance?

  Why do people dance?

  Do you think it is important to learn how to dance?

  Do you want to learn how to dance in the future?

  5. Birds

  Do you like birds?

  Are there many birds around where yo...

雅思机经:2011.6.25 雅思口语Part1回忆



  雅思口语Part 1考题

  Your Work/Your Studies

  Your Hometown<必考题目>


  1. What foods do you usually eat?

  2. Did you like to eat the same food when you were a child?

  3. What food did you like to eat when you were a child?

  4. Do you still like that food now?

  5. If you had children, what foods would you recommend they eat?

  6. Do you think it's good to (often or sometimes) take children to restaurants?

  7. How has food in your country changed since you were a child?

  Hand-made things-----较新(抽象话题,注意types/kinds of 题型的答题技巧)

  1. Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?

  2. What kinds of things do children make by hand?

  3. Do children often make things by hand?

  4. Do you like make things by hand?

  5. Why do you think people choose to buy hand-made things?

  6. How are hand-made things different from machine-made things?

  7. What kinds of handicrafts do people in your country like?


  1 .Do you have any lucky number? Why?

  2. Do numbers have special meanings in your country?

  3. Which numbers are important for you to remember?

  4. How do you memorize numbers?