

2017雅思口语精选:Your favorite color



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  2017雅思口语精选:Your favorite color

  Talk about your favorite color. You should say:

  What it is?

  Why you like it?

  Whether the color affects you in some aspects?


  a) If I had to describe my favorite color, I would choose yellow.

  b) I am sure you have a favorite color too.


  a) Many artists are known to use yellow in their paintings.

  b) For example, Vincent van Gogh is famous for the yellow sunflowers in some of his paintings.


  a) Many countries have yellow in their national flags.

  b) For example, South Africa has a broad yellow band in their newly designed flag. This symbolizes the energy and warmth to be found in the nation.

  There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about yellow as my favorite color. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.


  a) First of all, to me, yellow symbolizes the sun.

  b) What I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and warmth.


  a) Secondly, yellow is a bright color as apposed to dull colors like brown and gray.

  b) For instance, brown and gray usually make me feel depressed.


  a) Lastly, yellow is a practical color.

  b) That is to say, you can wear yellow with almost a...





  1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

  2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?

  3. Is taking a nap important?

  4. Do old people sleep a lot?

  1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

  这道题是简单的信息问句, 同学们要给出对应的信息内容。但切记不要只说I sleep for 8hours 就没有了。后续要给出更细节的东西, 这里介绍给同学们一种方法:一切分情况讨论。

  可以借助频率词:usually,sometimes,once in a while,occasionally,或者是on weekdays ,on weekends,on holidays 等。

  通常我每天睡几个小时,几点到几点,还可以给出原因,对学生来说睡前完成作业,finish the homework and prepare for the next day。早晨起床花费多久到学校commuting to school,这些信息都很不错。也可以再给出一个其他的情况,周六日或者假期睡多久,给出细节,这样语言上会丰富很多。

  Actually,on weekdays,I usually sleep for just 6hours at most. Because I have to stay awake, finish my homework and prepare for the next school day until midnight and I must get up around 6:30 to fresh up myself then commute to school for 45mins. Fortunately, on weekends or holidays, I can stay in bed as long as I wish, maybe for 10 hours or even more.

  2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?

  这是一道必要性或者重要性的问题,对这一类问题一方面当然可以说明为什么有必要,对于本题就是have enough sleep 的好处:

  比如 storage up energy养精蓄锐; get a clear mind for the next day第二天精神状况更好等; 另一个也很容易描述的方面是:实际情况是怎样。也就是大家都知道这个很必要也很有好处,但现实情况下大家更多的还是怎样。 联系现实情况永远都是一个很不错的扩展方向。

  Sure, definitely. It’s extremely important to sleep for at least 7hours a day. So that one can storage up energy and...






  Task 3的文章字数大概为100 个单词, 要同学们要45秒之内读完整篇文章,最好记住大致主题。一般来说,文章的题目就是整篇文章的核心,可能暗示了后面听力中两人的对话内容和话题。所以,这篇文章的提示性非常强,一定要认真阅读。有时候,还可能猜到听力对话中两名学生的正反观点和理由。




  在task 3中,我们还可以结合自己的生活常识,来判断对话者到底是支持还是反对某个观点的。此外,如果两个人给出理由,我们没有完全听到或是记录下来,那也可以试着用自己的常识来解答,反推它的理由。所以,即使没有听完整对话的内容,我们也不要惊慌失措,试着按常识来回答,可能结果也不错!





  Part 1


  你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么?


  What’s your major ? why did you choose the major ?


  Doyou study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?what will u do in the future ?工作之后都是干什么? 你在你家周围做什么?


  Doyou like watching TV? What’s your favorite TVprogram ? 喜欢看什么节目? 跟谁一起看?喜欢自己看还是和别人一起? 会不会花太长时间看电视?


  Doyou live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Doyou others visit your home ? what doyou usually do when visitor come ? whatevents will you do to entertain friends in your home ?


  你最喜欢什么颜色? 为什么? 你儿童时期喜欢什么颜色? 你会用什么颜色装饰房间? 从小到大喜欢的颜色一样吗?


  你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?

  8.Sunnyday /rainy day :

  Doyou prefer sunny days or rainy days ? what do you usually do during sunny days?


  喜欢游泳吗? 为什么? 自己游泳还是别人一起? 一周几次? Doyou like go swimming on holiday ?你坐过船么?”


  Doyou like taking photos ? 一般什么情况下才会拍照呢? 你们家你的照片多吗?摄影和摄像更喜欢哪个?


  送花作为礼物么? 礼物需要贵重吗?


  Whatbring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么?Even forgotten tobringsth.?






2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport


  “2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport”由出国留学网雅思考试栏目为您提供,想要在雅思口语考试拿高分,话题每日练是必须的,小伙伴们赶紧练习吧,小编就先在这里祝大家考试顺利!


  有点贵的运动Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive

  You should say

  What it is

  How much it usually costs

  Who usually do it with

  And explain why you like to do this activity


  Even though people say it’s quite costly, it’s meant for the rich, but I would love to play tennis one day.

  I knew just a bit about this sport, but it’s not too hard to estimate the price. As an amateur, at least I should have a nice Nike or Adidas which up to now is about 50 USD, not to mention other fancy sportswear like T- shirt, shorts and socks. For equipment, bats, bat bags and also I should never forget safety equipment, sadly, it’s said that the higher it costs the better, so I’m gonna give it around 200 USD. So that would be 250 USD in total. Quite expensive I’m afraid. Anyway, my dad, who is not only motivated, but also knowledgeable about the sport, would definitely be my go-to partner. I guess the reason why I’m into this quite-expensive sport firstly is because of its intense, intensive practice, intensive competitiveness, for example, which helps increase my patience and focus. In addition, such independent sport makes me feel rewarded, feel proud because what I’ve won actually ...




  话题训练:有趣的住家Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited.

  You should say:

  Where this place is

  What it is like

  When you want to live in there


  I have visited many houses and apartments, and I liked most of them.But here, I would like to talk about a house, which I find very interesting.This is the house of my aunt and uncle, who live in Chandigarh.

  It is a double story house with four bedrooms, one kitchen, one hall and one drawing room.I find the house very interesting, because the total energy needed to run the house is obtained from solar panels.They have set up solar panels with a cost of 10000 yuan and now all their air conditioners and geysers run on solar panels.They also do not have to worry about power cuts because they are generating their own power from solar panels.Otherwise also that house is very energy efficient. During the daytime there’s so much light from the windows that they do not need to turn on the lights.The house is so well ventilated that they do not need to switch on the fan also at times.

  My uncle was telling us that now they have to pay the electricity bill of 20 yuan per month, whereas earlier it was about 120 yuan a month.The maintenance cost of the solar panels is quite less.They have decorated the house with minimalistic approach,...




  1. Do you like shopping for shoes?

  2. How often do you buy shoes?

  这两道题都是在说你喜不喜欢鞋子,对于女生来说可能什么样的鞋子都要备一双,例如运动鞋sneakers,高跟鞋high heals,凉鞋 sandals ;男生可能一双运动鞋就可以走天下了。


  Absolutely sure, shoes have the same magic power as bags which can always attract women, in my eyes, every moment of resistance to temptation is so hard for us. Once I meet shoes I like I would buy it if the price is reasonable.


  Actually, I can’t really say I fancy it unless I am in the demand for shoes. Unlike girls, they are more crazy about such things, you know, like clothes, shoes and bags. Two or three pairs of shoes are more than enough for men, I suppose.

  3. What kind of shoes you do usually buy?

  4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good looking shoes?

  5. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

  6. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?



  style: simple and all-match / trendy / stylish / in / epidemic

  textures: leather / canvas

  colors: vibrant / plain / lily-white

  type: flats / platform(有防水台的鞋) / sandal / trainers / loafer(乐福鞋)/ dress shoes (皮鞋)

  feel: comfortable / casual / badly fitting /rub painfully / flatter my legs / exaggerate my height

2017雅思口语话题答案:Living room decorated fish tank


  “2017雅思口语话题答案:Living room decorated fish tank”由出国留学网雅思考试栏目诚心为您整理,更多考试相关资讯,请继续关注我们的更新!

  I’d like to talk about the decorative fish tank in our living room, which is a gift I gave to my dad on his 50th birthday. And it’s the first thing you see when you step into my place.

  He has always been fascinated with fishes, but since my mom bought me a cat, he just had to … you know, give up that interest, ‘cause those two creatures are not designed to live under the same roof.

  Anyway, it’s been a long time now, and my cat is getting old, I mean, he won’t jump around and chase moving stuff any more, so I thought it would be a good time for my dad to pick up the old hobby. So I just went ahead and bought him a huge fish tank where he could keep as many fishes as he wants.

  My dad was thrilled when he saw the gift. We placed it in our living room, and the best thing about it is that it’s not only a fish tank, but can also serve as a coffee table. It’s about this long (body language这个时候派上用场了,拿手比划), and it’s adorned with precious stones. This tank has become my father’s favorite item in our home and he bought quite a few expensive tropical fish.

  There are light bulbs on top of the tank, and when it’s getting dark, my dad likes to turn them on, and the whole living room would be lit up with the warm, soft light. So I have to say, it’s a great decoration.

  And the fi...





  Describe a restaurant that you like

  You should say:

  where this restaurant is

  what type of food this restaurant has

  why you go to this restaurant

  and explain why you like this restaurant.


  soak 浸泡

  initiate 开始

  proficiency 熟练

  armor 盔甲

  dynamic 火力

  constant 不变的事物

  carve 雕刻