


Supply chain management involves logistics, purchasing, and distribution. Supply chain/logistics MBA graduates may work in sectors such as food production and healthcare. These are the top business schools for supply chain/logistics. 2014年USNEWS美国研究生供应链/物流专业排名(Supply Chain /Logistics) 排名 大学 学费 注册人数(full-time) 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 麻省理工学院 $57,920 per year (full-t... [ 查看全文 ]



Going to business school to be an entrepreneur can help students channel their creativity, participate in business plan competitions, earn an MBA, and launch a business. These are the top business s...[ 查看全文 ]


Earning a marketing MBA can help you understand consumer behavior, enhance your communication skills, expose you to market research, and much more. These are the top business schools for marketing M...[ 查看全文 ]


2014年USNEWS美国研究生金融(Finance)专业排名 排名 美国大学 中文译名 学费 注册人数 1 University of P...[ 查看全文 ]


Balance a job and graduate school through a part-time MBA program. Students often take courses in the evenings and on weekends to earn their business degree. These are the top business schools for p...[ 查看全文 ]


Business leaders can earn an EMBA while still working full time. Courses often focus on leadership skills, teamwork, and professional development. These are the top business schools for Executive MB...[ 查看全文 ]


International MBA students master global issues through specialized courses and study abroad experiences and may find jobs in international business or at multinationals. These are the top business ...[ 查看全文 ]


An MBA in information systems helps students grasp the technical side of business administration. Coursework focuses on working with computers, networks, and IT systems. These are the top business s...[ 查看全文 ]


Lessons in management are at the core of a graduate business degree. A management MBA often sharpens students' leadership skills and confidence and leads to top business jobs. These are the best bus...[ 查看全文 ]


1剑桥大学(University of Cambridge) 2杜伦大学(Durham University) 3约克大学(The University of York) 4斯特林大学(University of Stirling) 5格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow) 5西苏格兰大学(University of the West of Scotland) 7谢菲尔德大学(...[ 查看全文 ]


TOP1 美国:毕业等于失业 就业难度:★★★★★ 拿到美国签证难,在美国就业更难。国际学生的就业机会在“9·11”事件后被严重压缩,即使是被视为热门的计算机业,“毕业即失业”的大有人在。 经济不景气,很多大公司裁员节流,银行、顾问公司都在裁员,信息高科技市场更是处于饱和状态,一些留学生选择推迟半年毕业,或者被迫当“海归”。 TOP2 英国:留学比就业容易 就业难度:★★★★ 在英国学习的中国留学...[ 查看全文 ]


石家庄分公司亚洲留学咨询顾问 留学主管 物流清点员 专业产品采购 桥梁专业监理工程师 美国堪萨斯州立大学 物流业务员 生物医学工程专业应届生 生产物流助理 物流送货员 路桥专业造价员 美国留学指南 机械专业教师 见习物流协调员 留学市场专员 美国叶史瓦大学 天津引进留学人才 美国海关 专业烤鱼 全球排名
墨西哥留学费用清单 柬埔寨研究生院校排名 约旦留学费用清单 伊朗大学本科院校排名 所罗门群岛研究生院校排名 土库曼斯坦大学本科院校排名 加纳TOP50大学 特立尼达和多巴哥TOP50大学 格林纳达留学费用清单 刚果民主共和国研究生院校排名