


【 liuxue86.com - 高考英语 】


  201. It's a great pleasure to...……(感到)非常愉快.

  It's a great pleasure to do business with you. 跟你做生意我感到非常愉快.

  202. It's customary to...…是习惯.

  It's customary to give people gifts on their birthday. 过生日送礼物是一种习俗.

  203. It's delightful to...……令人很高兴.

  lt's delightful to play by the seashore. 在海滨玩令人很高兴.

  204.lt's my great honor to...……是我莫大的荣幸.

  It's my great honor to introduce the governor. 我很荣幸向大家介绍我们的州长.

  205. It's (not) good to...……(不)好.

  It's not good to get into the habit of telling lies. 养成说谎的习惯不好.

  206. It's our duty to... ……是我们的责任.

  It's our duty to protect the forests from destruction. 保护森林免遭破坏是我们的责任.

  207. It's wrong to...……是不对的.

  It's wrong to read people's private letters without permission.未经允许看别人的私人信件是不对的.

  208. It's a shame / pity that... 可惜/遗憾…….

  It's a shame that you cannot make it to the party tonight. 今晚你不能来参加聚会,真可惜.

  209. It is (really) unbelievable that...……(真)让人难以置信.

  It's really unbelievable that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends!


  210. It is /will be difficult to...……(会)很难.

  I think it will be difficult to tell her the truth. 我认为告诉她真相会很难.

  211. It'll do you good to...……对你有好处.

  I think it'll do you good to drink eight glasses of water every day. 我认为每天喝八杯水对你有好处.

  212. Last but not least, ...…最后但同样重要的是…….

  Last but not least, I'd love to thank all my teachers and friends.

  最后但同样重要的是,我要感谢我所有的老师和朋友. [经典演讲句型]

  213. Let me explain why...…让我解释为什么…….

  Let me explain why I didn't do my homework. 让我解释为什么我没做家庭作业.

  214. Let me fill you in on... 让我来告诉你……. [六星级句型]

  Let me fill you in on the company's new policies. 让我来告诉你公司的新政策.

  [ fill sb. in on: 对某人提供有关……的情况]

  215. (Just) let me know if... 如果……,请告诉我.

  1) Let me know if you change your mind. 如果你改变了主意,请告诉我.

  2) Just let me know if you don't know how to get to that shop. I will be glad to take you there. 如果你不知道怎么去那家店,请告诉我.我很乐意带你去那的.

  216. Let me see if... 让我看看是否…….

  Let me see if I can be of any help. 让我看看能否帮上什么忙.

  217. Make sure to do sth.—定要做某事.

  Make sure to leave a note if you go out. 你出去的话一定要留个条.

  218. Maybe it's better to... 可能……会更好一些.

  Maybe it's better to stay at the hospital for another few days.你在医院再住几天可能会更好一些.

  219. ... means a great deal to me.……对我意义重大.

  Your encouragement means a great deal to me. 你的鼓励对我来说意义重大.

  220. My dream / goal / hope / plan is... 我的梦想/目标/希望所划是…….

  My dream is to speak English in three months. 我的梦想是三个月内会说英语.

  221. My point of view is that... 我的观点是…….

  My point of view is that everybody should have the right to get an education.


  222. no matter what... …无论什么…….

  No matter what happens, I'll always stand by you. 不论发生什么事,我都永远支持你.

  223. no one can deny that... 没有人能够否认…….

  No one can deny that the accident was caused by carelessness.


  224. no sooner...than... 一……就……. [倒装句型]

  No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep. 他一合眼就睡着了.

  225. no words can express... 语言难以表达……./……难以言表.

  No words can express how surprised and happy I was when I saw the gift.


  226. Not until...did... 直到……才……. [倒装句型]

  Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.


  227. Now that...,…既然/由于……,…….

  Now that we are alone, we can talk freely. 既然我们单独在一起,就无拘束地聊聊吧.

  228. On the condition that... …条件是…….

  You can leave school early, on the condition that you finish your assignment first.


  229. On the contrary, ... 正好相反,…….

  Their criticism did not discourage me. On the contrary, I worked even harder.


  230. On (the) one hand..., on the other (hand), ... 一方面……,另一方面…….

  On (the) one hand I admire your ability, but on the other (hand) I distrust your judgment. 一方面我钦佩你的才能,但另一方面我不相信你的判断力.

  231. One of the +形容词最高级+名词+is… 最……之一的就是……

  One of the most impressive pieces of writing is Hamlet.


  232. Personally, I think / believe / feel... 我个人认为/相信/感觉…….

  Personally, I think that women play an increasingly important role in society now.

  我个人认为女性在社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用. ;

  233. Please don't hesitate to... 请随时…….

  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are in need of assistance.


  234. Please feel free to... …请随时…….

  Please feel free to visit me when you are in Guangzhou. 在广州的时候,请随时来找我.

  235. Please forgive me for... …请原谅我…….

  Please forgive me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了.

  236. Please give my best wishes to...…请代我问候…….

  Please give my best wishes to your parents. 请代我问候你的父母.

  237. Recent studies show that... 最近研究表明…….

  Recent studies show that an increasing number of students go abroad at an early age. 最近调查表明,越来越多的学生在年纪尚小的时候就出国留学了.

  238. Sb. can do nothing but do... 除了做……,某人什么也做不了.

  Their neighbors tan do nothing but envy their new pool. 他们的邻居只能羡慕他们的新泳池.

  239. Sb. have / has / had no choice but to do... 某人除了做……别无选择.

  We had no choice but to take a taxi for we'd missed the last bus.


  240. Sb. look(s) as if... 某人看上去好像…….

  She looks as if she is unfriendly at first. 她起初看上去好像一点都不友好.

  241. Something must be done to...…必须采取措施…….

  Something must be done to change our current examination system.


  242. Sorry to bother you, but... …很抱歉打扰你,可是…….

  Sorry to bother you, but I have a question to ask you.


  243. Thanks to... 由于…/多亏….

  Thanks to his parents' encouragement and support, he finally realized his dream.


  244. The point is... 重点/关键是…….

  The point is that you have to keep your promise to help her with her English.


  245. The problem / question is that / whether... 问题是…….

  1) The problem now is that we're locked out of the house. 现在的问题是我们被锁在门外了.

  2) The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们能否帮助我们.

  246. The reason why... is...…的原因就是…….

  The reason why he made such a great achievement is his perseverance.


  [ perseverance n.坚持;坚定不移] [坚持创造辉煌!]

  247. The secret of...is to... ...的秘诀是.......

  The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.

  成功的秘诀是将平凡的事做得不平凡. [五星级名言!李阳老师热烈推荐!]

  248. The way I see it, ..…我的看法是…….

  The way I see it, you should avoid making the same mistake again.


  249. This was the moment when...…就是那个时候…….

  This was the moment when I realized that I wanted to be a professional singer.


  250. That reminds me, ... 那提醒了我……./那让我想起了…….

  That reminds me, I must get some cash. 这倒提醒了我,我得取一些现金.

  251. There are signs that... 有……的迹象/征兆.有迹象表明/显示…….

  There are signs that you have made a significant improvement.


  252. There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问,…….

  There is no doubt that health is better than wealth. 毫无疑问,健康胜于财富.

  253. There seems to be... …看起来好像…….

  There seems to be a little misunderstanding between them. 看起来他们之间好像有点小误会.

  254. There used to be... …过去曾有……./曾经有过…….

  There used to be many forests in our country. 以前我们国家有很多森林.

  255. There's no point in... ……是无意义的.

  There's no point in getting angry when things have happened. 对已发生的事生气是没有意义的.

  256. There's no way... ……绝不可能.

  There's no way one could succeed without hard work. 一个人不努力绝不可能成功.

  257. To a great/some extent, ... 在很大/某种程度上,…….

  1) To a great extent, you will be on your own. 在很大程度上,你要靠自己.

  2) To some extent, from self-confidence comes success and from success comes more self-confidence.


  258. To be frank / honest, ...老实说,…….说实话,…….

  To be honest, I don't think we have a chance of winning. 说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的可能. 259. To one's delight / joy / surprise,... 让某人高兴/惊奇的是,…….

  1) To my delight, there's a sale on clothes on Beijing Road,


  2) To my surprise, I got a new computer for my birthday.


  260. To start with, ...…首先,…….

  To start with, let's talk about how much money we need.首先,让我们讨论一下我们需要多少资金.

  261. To sum up... 总之,…….总而言之,…….

  To sum up, life in the future will certainly be very different from that of today.


  262. To tell (you) the truth,... …说实话,…….

  To tell you the truth, I used to make a lot of trouble when I was young.不瞒你说,我小时候老是闯祸.

  263. We hold the opinion that... 我们认为…….

  We hold the opinion that miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them. 我们认为奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼搏.

  264. We must do something to... 我们必须采取行动以…….

  We must do something to reduce the pollution. 我们必须采取措施减少污染.

  265. We must take action / measures to... 我们必须采取行动/措施以…….

  1) We must take action to keep up with new developments. 我们必须采取行动跟上新的发展形势.

  2) We must take measures to better the traffic. 我们必须采取措施改善交通状况.

  266. We should make every effort to... 我们应该竭尽全力…….

  We should make every effort to protect our valuable drinking water.


  267. What do you find the hardest in... 你觉得……最大的困难是什么

  What do you find the hardest in learning English 你觉得学英语最大的困难是什么

  268. What do you mean by... 你……是什么意思

  What do you mean by telling me a lie 你跟我撒谎是什么意思

  269. What do you say... 你认为……怎么样

  What do you say we go for a drive one of these days when it clears up


  270. What do you think of... 你认为……怎么样

  What do you think of the relationship between China and America 你认为中美关系如何

  271. What I'm getting at is... 我的意思是…….

  What I'm getting at is that he deserves this promotion. 我的意思是他被提升是理所应当的.

  272. What is more serious is that... 更严重的是…….

  What is more serious is that you didn't realize your mistake.更严重的是你没有意识到自己的错误.

  273. What's the point of... ……意义何在 为什么要……

  What's the point of arguing about it 争论这件事意义何在

  274. What makes you think... 是什么让你认为…… 你为什么认为……

  What makes you think he will show up 是什么让你认为他会来

  275. What seems to be the problem with... ……大概是什么问题

  What seems to be the problem with the computer It doesn't work smoothly.

  这电脑大概出了什么问题 运行得很不顺.

  276. What seems to be the trouble is... 好像问题在于…….

  What seems to be the trouble is that nobody knows how to operate this machine.


  277. What surprised me is that...令我吃惊的是…….

  What surprised me is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.

  让我吃惊的是每个人似乎对她都很冷淡. [ indifferent adj.不关心的;冷漠的]

  278. What will you do if... 如果……,你会做什么

  What will you do if such kind of thing happens to you 如果你碰到这样的事,你会做什么

  279. What you have to do is... 你必须做的是…….

  What you have to do is hand in your composition tomorrow. 你必须做的是明天交作文.

  280. What would you say /think of... 你认为……怎么样

  What would you say if the project will have to be postponed


  281. When do you want me to... 你想让我在什么时候……

  When do you want me to give you my final decision 你想让我在什么时候给你最后决定

  282. When it comes to... 谈到……,./涉及到…….

  When it comes to English, he's an expert. 在英语方面,他是个专家.

  283. When will it be convenient for you to... 你看什么时候方便……

  When will it be convenient for you to come to my home 你看什么时候方便来我家

  284. Would you be so kind as to... 能否请你……

  Would you be so kind as to get our board and lodging ready

  能否请你帮我们安排好食宿 [ board and lodging:食宿]

  285. Would you like to... 你想……吗

  Would you like to join us We're sure you'll have a good time.

  你想加入我们吗 我们相信你会玩得很开心的.

  286. You are expected to... 你要//应该…….

  You are expected to work late tonight. 你今晚要加班.

  287. You are (not) allowed to... (不)允许你…….

  You are not allowed to use my computer when I'm away. 我不在的时候不许用我的电脑.

  288. You are (not) permitted to... (不)允许你…….

  You are not permitted to park your car here. 你不能把车停在这.

  289. You are required to...…要求你…….

  You are required to show the ticket. 你必须出示门票.

  290. You are supposed to... 你应该.......

  You are supposed to have finished reading this novel by now. 到现在你应该看完这本小说了.

  291. You don't have to... …你没必要…….

  You don't have to be present. 你不必到场.

  292. You don't need to... …你没必要…….

  You don't need to do all that was required of us. 你没必要做要求我们做的一切.

  293. You really have to do something about...


  You really have to do something about your poor pronunciation.


  294. You should avoid doing sth. 你应该避免做某事.

  You should avoid being late for school. 你应该避免上学迟到.

  295. You should make an effort to... 你应该努力…….

  You should make an effort to improve your reading comprehension. 你应该努力提高你的阅读能力.

  296. You should make good use of... 你应该充分利用…….

  You should make good use of your spare time to practice English.


  297. You should never... 你绝不应该…….

  You should never flap about. What is needed is your solid action.

  你绝不应该讲空话,需要的是你的实际行动. [ flap about:(俚)讲空话;闲聊]

  298. You were (not) supposed to... 你本(不)应该…….

  Jim, you were supposed to call three hours ago! 吉姆,你应该在三个小时以前打电话过来的!

  299. You will be able to... if... 如果……,你将能够…….

  You will be able to get accepted by a top law school if you can pass the exam.


  300. You'll never guess... 你永远猜不到…….

  You'll never guess who telephoned me just now — my cousin from America!


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