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2011-02-13 21:18




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学校名称: 意大利米兰理工大学 Politecnico di Milano

所在位置:意大利,Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano - P.IVA 04376620151 - CF 80057930150



Government spending cuts are throwing Italian schools and universities into turmoil, sparking campus sit-ins and mass street protests around the country. The education system is in crisis, its brain-drain and lows in world rankings matched by its teachers' pitiful salaries.

“These are tough times,” says Gianluca Spina, professor of management and dean of MIP, the Politechnico di Milano school of management.

MIP's governance structure, unique in Italy, gives it some shelter in the storm, however. Founded in 1979, it is 51 per cent owned by Milan's Politechnico, Italy's oldest and largest state technical university, and 49 per cent by 17 corporations, mainly Italian multinationals, as well as subsidiaries of foreign enterprises, including Taiwan's Acer and Accenture of the UK.
米兰理工大学(Politechnico di Milano)管理学院(MIP)院长及管理学教授詹卢卡•斯皮纳(Gianluca Spina)表示:“目前是艰难时期。”

MIP was born out of the desire of industrialists at Pirelli, Eni and Fiat to provide their engineers with management skills. And, as Italy is drawn into the mainstream of globalisation, MIP is supplying customised business management packages for its corporate shareholders, as well as the open market.

“We are helping Italian companies with globalisation, how to manage cultural diversity as they acquire companies abroad, make greenfield investments and open factories, how to forge a corporate identity,” says Prof Spina.

He gives the example of the corporate MBA programme developed for Italcementi, Europe's second largest cement group which is expanding in the US, Asia and the Middle East. Non- Italians make up 25 of the class of 30.

Known as a country of small enterprises and family-run businesses, Italy has relatively few companies on the list of Fortune 500 in spite of its status as a G8 country. But MIP has found its own niche there by educating foreign customers on how small companies perform.

“US and China want to know about Italy's small companies, industrial districts and fashion houses,” Prof Spina says, noting its training programme on the exhibition and convention industry run with Shanghai's JiaoTong University.

About half of MIP's 600 to 700 students are individuals rather than on corporate programmes, drawn by Milan's reputation as a hub for design, fashion, finance and football. Among the wide-ranging courses on offer is a post-graduate course for athletes and young managers in the business of sport.

A full-time MBA course over 14 months costs €25,000, while an executive MBA spread over two years is €28,000. Of the 75 students taking the full-time MBA, 50 are non-Italian. The institute has recently received accreditation from Equis, the accrediting arm of the European Foundation for Management Development.

Prof Spina sees three types of non-corporate students. The first is the non-Italian seeking a life experience – learning Italian, having a clear idea to return home and find work there. Type two are students from emerging economies – Chinese, Indian, and Latin American – who see a full-time MBA as a gateway to the developed world, expecting to find a placement in Italy or Europe. The third is more international career- oriented, seeking good placements but not necessarily in Europe.

Anthony Lambkin, an Australian, is clear “type three” material. After graduating from Brisbane University, he moved on to the University of North Carolina in the US and then the car industry in Detroit.

He says he was attracted by Politechnico's reputation for technological innovation, an MBA course that is shorter and more intense than in the US, and the inclusion of an internship, which he will complete at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, working on clean technology start-ups. “Milan feels like a hub,” he smiles.

From the start of the next academic year in May, MIP is moving with a large part of Politechnico out of its cramped and functional quarters in the suburbs of Milan. A campus for 20,000 students is being built in a former industrial zone outside the city in Boviso.

Prof Spina notes that Politechnico di Milano, with 40,000 students, provides 50 per cent of Italy's designers, 25 per cent of its architects and 15 per cent of its engineers. It is a powerful brand that enables MIP to compete with its more established and better known rival, Bocconi, a private university also in Milan.
全日制MBA为期14个月,费用为2.5万欧元;EMBA课程为期2年,费用2.8万欧元。全日制MBA的75名学员中,有50名学员不是意大利人。该学院近期获得了Equis的认证,后者是欧洲管理发展基金会(European Foundation for Management Development)下属的认证机构。

Unicredit, Italy's second largest bank, which is also a member of the shareholders' consortium, took the unusual step of “forcing” the two rival schools to co- operate and integrate programmes for its executives. “They threatened to go to Insead or London Business School instead,” Prof Spina recalls.

As the debate continues over the role that the MBA “culture” has played in the global financial crisis, there are some wry smiles from around the table in recalling the MIP programmes that assisted UniCredit's move into Germany and central and eastern Europe – an expansion that prompted the bank to seek a €6.6bn recapitalisation last October, and which was followed by official Libyan funds taking a 5 per cent stake in the bank.

安东尼•兰姆金(Anthony Lambkin)是一个澳大利亚人,他显然属于“第三类”学员。他从布里斯班大学(Brisbane University)毕业后,接着就读于美国北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina),之后投身底特律汽车行业。

他表示,吸引自己的因素包括米兰理工大学在技术革新方面的声誉、其管理学院的一项MBA课程用时比美国短而且更集中、课程还包含了实习期等。他将在美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰市的凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)进行有关清洁技术创业方面的实习。他微笑着说:“米兰感觉就像一个中心。”



意大利第二大银行——联合信贷银行(Unicredit)也是米兰理工大学管理学院的股东。该银行采取了不寻常的举措,“迫使”这两家相互竞争的院校进行合作,一同为该行高管打造课程。对此斯皮纳回忆道:“他们威胁称,不然就要去找欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)或伦敦商学院(London Business School)。”



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