

澳洲留学 新南威尔士大学课程设置详解

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2014-05-17 14:59




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学校名称: 澳洲新南威尔士大学 The University of New South Wales







  新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)-- 2013年《QS》世界排名第49位

  新南威尔士大学(英语:The University of New South Wales,简称UNSW),为澳大利亚八大名校(Group of Eight)所组成的盟校成员,也是Universitas 21联盟的一员。根据各项学术评鉴与科学研究排名显示,今天的新南威尔士大学是澳大利亚高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是澳大利亚理工菁英的所在地。UNSW的校训是Scientia Manu et Mente(拉丁文,意思为:Knowledge by Hand and Mind;中文译作:实践思考出真理),反映著学校对科技研究的精进和实践精神。UNSW校徽上有象徵牛津大学与真理的书,以及剑桥大学的狮子。




  澳大利亚国防学院 (Australian Defence Force Academy) [ADFA]:



  • 光伏、太阳能与可再生能源,UNSW拥有澳大利亚最大的工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)和亚太地区领先的太阳能与可再生能源学院(School of Solar and Renewable Energy)。UNSW研发了世界上能源效率最高的太阳能电池,至今仍保持着这一纪录。该学院的一位著名校友就是中国大型太阳能电池制造商——无锡尚德电力控股有限公司的首席执行官施正荣。

  • 商学、金融与会计,UNSW享誉全球的澳大利亚商学院拥有1.2万多名学生。UNSW与行业和政府有着紧密的联系,在澳大利亚、中国和亚太地区为学生提供良好的发展机会。

  • 设计、媒体与创意产业,UNSW有超过7000名学生学习设计和与设计相关的课程。学校领先的课程帮助学生掌握在新兴和创意产业获得成功所需的工具与技能。



  Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education

  Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Education

  Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice

  Bachelor of International Studies

  Bachelor of Media in Communication and Journalism

  Bachelor of Media in Media Production

  Bachelor of Media in Public Relations and Advertising

  Bachelor of Media in Screen and Sound

  Bachelor of Music

  Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education

  Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Science

  Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Science (Advanced)

  Bachelor of Social Science

  Bachelor of Social Work

  Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Social Science


  Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics

  Master of Arts in Development Studies

  Master of Arts in International Relations

  Master of Arts in International Relations / Master of Public Policy

  Master of Arts in Interpreting and Translation Studies

  Master of Arts (Extension) in Interpreting and Translation Studies

  Master of Arts/Master of Social Sciences (Combined)

  Master of Education

  Master of Educational Leadership

  Master of Teaching (Secondary)

  Master of Journalism and Communication

  Master of Policy Studies

  Master of Public Relations and Advertising

  Master of Social Development


  Bachelor of Commerce

  Bachelor Commerce (Services Marketing -Tourism and Hospitality)

  Bachelor of Economics

  Bachelor of Information Systems

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Economics

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Systems

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Education

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

  Bachelor of Taxation


  Master of Commerce

  Master of Commerce (Extension)

  Master of Technology and Innovation Management

  Master of Taxation Studies

  Master of Business and Technology

  Master of Business Administration (AGSM MBA) 更多课程信息,请查阅》

  Master of Professional Accounting

  Master of Professional Accounting (Extension)

  Master of Accounting and Business Information Technology

  Master of Economics

  Master of Finance 更多课程信息,请查阅》

  Master of Financial Analysis

  Master of Financial Economics

  Master of Financial Planning

  Master of Information Systems

  Master of Marketing

  Master of Risk Management

  Master of Taxation


  Bachelor of Architectural Computing 更多课程信息,请查阅》

  Bachelor of Architectural Studies

  Bachelor of Construction Management and Property 更多课程信息,请查阅》

  Bachelor of Industrial Design

  Bachelor of Interior Architecture

  Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

  Bachelor of Planning

  Bachelor of Planning/Bachelor of Laws


  Master of Architecture2 years

  Master of the Built Environment in Sustainable Development

  Master of Construction Project Management

  Master of Construction Project Management in Professional Practice

  Master of Planning

  Master of Property and Development

  Master of Urban Development and Design 更多课程信息,请查阅》


  Bachelor of Art Education

  Bachelor of Art Theory

  Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Social Science

  Bachelor of Fine Arts

  Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Design

  Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Art Education

  Bachelor of Media Arts


  Master of Art

  Master of Art Administration

  Master of Art and Design Education

  Master of Design 更多课程信息,请查阅》

  Master of Digital Media 更多课程信息,请查阅》


  Bachelor of Engineering

  Bachelor of Engineering(Civil Engineering with Architecture)

  Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)/Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental or Mining)

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Engineering/Master of Biomedical Engineering

  Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

  Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)/Bachelor of Arts

  Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)/Bachelor ofScience

  Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)/

  Bachelor of Digital Arts

  Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)/

  Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology)


  Master of Engineering Science

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)

  Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Chemical Process Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Chemical Process Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Civil Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Civil Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Energy Systems)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Energy Systems)

  Master of Engineering Science (Engineering and Technical Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Engineering and Technical Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Environmental Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Environmental Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Food Process Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Food Process Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Geoinformation Technology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Geoinformation Technology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Information Technology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Information Technology)

  Master of Engineering Science (Manufacturing Engineering and Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Manufacturing Engineering and Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Mechanical Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Microelectronics and Microsystems)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Microelectronics and Microsystems)

  Master of Engineering Science (Petroleum Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Petroleum Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Photovoltaics and Solar Energy)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Photovoltaics and Solar Energy)

  Master of Engineering Science (Project Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Project Management)

  Master of Engineering Science (Signal Processing)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Signal Processing)

  Master of Engineering Science (Structural Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Structural Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Systems and Control)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Systems and Control)

  Master of Engineering Science (Telecommunications)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Telecommunications)

  Master of Engineering Science (Water Resources)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Water Resources)

  Master of Engineering Science (Water, Waste Water and Waste Engineering)

  Master of Engineering Science (Extension)(Water, Waste Water and Waste Engineering)

  Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

  Master of Engineering in Telecommunications

  Master of Biomedical Engineering

  Master of Science in Food Science and Technology

  Master of Science (Extension) in Food Science and Technology

  Master of Mining Engineering

  Master of Information Technology


  Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice/

  Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Laws 6.5 years

  Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws 6.0 years

  Bachelor of Media/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Planning/Bachelor of Laws 7 years

  Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws 5 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced)/Bachelor of Laws 6 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)/

  Bachelor of Laws 6 years

  Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Laws 6.5 years


  Master of Laws

  Master of Business Administration (MBA)/Master of Laws

  Master of Business Law

  Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology

  Master of Dispute Resolution

  Master of Human Rights Law and Policy

  Master of International Law and International Relations

  Master of Law, Media & Journalism

  Master of Legal Studies


  Bachelor of Exercise Physiology 4 years

  Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 6 years


  Master of Health Management

  Master of Health Management (Extension)

  Master of International Public Health

  Master of Public Health

  Master of Public Health (Extension)

  Master of Public Health/Health Management

  Master of International Public Health/Public Health

  Master of International Public Health/Health Management

  Master of Forensic Mental Health


  Bachelor of Aviation 3 years

  Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering) 4 years

  Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)/Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) 5 years

  Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)/Bachelor of Commerce 5.5 years

  Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)/Master of Biomedical Engineering 5 years

  Bachelor of Environmental Science 4 years

  Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Arts 5 years

  Bachelor of Medical Science 3 years

  Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry 4 years

  Bachelor of Optometry/Bachelor of Science 5 years

  Bachelor of Psychology 4 years

  Bachelor of Psychological Science 3 years

  Bachelor of Science 3 years (see majors on pages 67 and 68)

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced) 4 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) 4 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)/Bachelor of Commerce 5 years

  Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) 4 years

  Bachelor of Science (International) 4 years

  Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) 4 years

  Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts 4 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)/Bachelor of Arts 5 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced)/Bachelor of Arts 5 years

  Bachelor of Science (Advanced)/Bachelor of Social Science 5 years

  Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education 4 years

  Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Social Science 4 years


  Master of Science and Technology in Spatial Information

  Master of Marine Science and Management

  Master of Science and Technology in Chemical Analysis and Laboratory Management

  Master of Science and Technology in Mathematics

  Master of Financial Mathematics

  Master of Statistics

  Master of Biostatistics

  Master of Science and Technology in Engineering Materials

  Master of Optometry

  Master of Environmental Management


  -大卫.冈斯基 (David Gonski),新南威尔士大学校长,Investec Bank,Coca-Cola Amatil 和澳大利亚交易所主席

  -约翰.尼尔兰 (John Niland),新南威尔士大学前校长,麦格理银行董事。

  罗拔.史达布 (Robert Stable),昆士兰联邦大学校长。

  -保罗.基廷(Paul John Keating),澳大利亚联邦第24任总理,新南威尔士大学法学博士。

  -Alan O. Trounson,世界著名的生物学家。

  -格伦•马库特Glenn Murcutt, 建筑界的诺贝尔奖-普利兹克奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize) 得主(2002)。

  -Raj Reddy, 计算机科学届的诺贝尔奖-图灵奖得主(1994),曾任卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院院长(1991-1999)

  -施艾(John Shine),世界知名的分子生物学家。

  -提姆.富兰纳瑞(Tim Flannery),澳大利亚哺乳动物学者,古生物学家和全球变暖活动家。

  -格林.戴维斯(Glyn Davis),墨尔本大学校长。

  -Douglas Daft,可口可乐公司总裁((2000 - 2004)

  -John B. Prescott,必和必拓(BHP-Billiton)总裁 (1991 to 1998)






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