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  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解1


  Bart:Money, money,money.Hey!

  Woody:You got a date with justice,one-eyed Bart.

  Bart: Too bad, Sheriff. I'm a married man.

  Woody: One-eyed Betty!

  Jessie:I think you dropped something,mister.

  Bart: Jessie?

  Woody:Give it up. Bart! You've reached the end of the line!

  Bart: I always wanted to go out with a bang!

  Jessie: Oh, no!

  Woody:The orphans!

  Bart: Hate to l eave early. But our ride is here. It's me or the kinddies. Sheriff, take your pick.

  Jessie: Ride like the wind, Bullseys!

  Woody: Hold him steady!

  Jessie: Woody, hurry!

  Jessie: No!

  Buzz: Glad I could catch the train!

  Woody: Now let's catch some criminals.

  Buzz:To infinity and beyond!

  Woody: Reach for the sky.

  Bart: You cna't touch me, sheriff? I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.

  Woody: Well,I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.

  Buzz: Evil Dr. Pork Chop!

  Dr. Port: That's Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.


  1. Too bad. 口语化非常强的词汇。意思为:太糟糕了,很不幸运,非常不好等意思。影片中当Woody告诉Bart说他和正义有个约会。其意思就是说Bart你就要完蛋了。而Bart就说了,太不幸运了,因为我已经结婚了。这是二个战斗中的对白,幽默然又犀利。一般我们生活也还常用到:not too bad.来表达不太好也不太坏的情况,有点马马虎虎的意思。

  2. Our ride is here.影片中bart夫妇面对Woody他们的追捕,愤然的炸断了铁路,火车上的孩子们面临火车坠毁的灾难,而劫匪Bart夫妇在获得钱财后,准备离开了。因为有安排好的车来接他们。因此他说:接我们的车已经来了。Ride这里指所乘的车,为名词。类似短语Take a ride 有坐顺风车的意思。

  3. Take you pick. 情景如上面所述,Bart 说你自己选择吧。看你是救孩子还是抓我归案。你自己挑吧。这Bart可真够坏的,其实影片中的坏人都是一样,不得已时拿来人质来,看你是顾我还是顾人质。跟另一个短语很相似:It's up to you. 随你自己的便。你自己看着办吧。

  4. Ride like the wind. 影片中Jessie跟Woody看着Bart他们逃走却也顾不上抓他们,因为孩子们跟火车马上就要掉入深渊了。Woody他们必须尽快追上火车,让火车停下来好逃过灾难。就对他们骑的马儿说:马儿你要像风一样。进一步意思就是说:马儿你快点,再快点。


  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解2


  Bart: Well,that went well.

  Dinosaur: He held me! He actually held me!

  Dr. Port: This is just sad.

  Eye-bulls: Who we kiddin'? The kid's 17 years old.

  Slink:We ain't ever gettin' played with.

  Woody: Guys,hey,hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting!

  Dr.Port: Not again.

  Woody: Come on. Slink, gather everyone up.

  Slink: We are gathered, woody.

  Woody:Okay. First of all,we all know operation playtime was a long shot.

  Bart: More like a misfire.

  Woody:But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with. It's about…

  Jessis: Being there for Andy. We know.

  Dinosaur: But we can try again! Right?

  Woody:I'm calling it,guys. We're closing up shop.

  All: What?

  Woody:Andy's going to college any day now. That was our last shot.

  Bart: we're going into attic mode, folks.

  Buzz: keep your accessories with you at all times. Spare parts, batteries,anything you need for an orderly transition.

  Bart: Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished! Over the hill!

  Woody: Hey,hey,hey,now. Come on,guys. We all knew this day was coming.

  Sarge: Yeah, but now it's here.

  Woody:Look,every toy goes through this. No one wants to see…

  Buzz: Hey,Sarge! What are you doing?

  Sarge: War's over,folks. Me and the boys are moving on.

  Woody: Moving on?

  Buzz: You're going A WoL?

  Sarge: We done our duty. Andy's grown up. And let's face it, when the trash bags come out. We army guys are the first to go.

  Woody: Trash bag? Who said anything about trash bags?

  Sarge: It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck,folks. You're gonna need it.

  Woody: No,no,no. Wait,wait,wait,wait!

  Dinosaur:We're getting thrown away?

  Woody: No. No one's getting away.

  Dinosaur: How do you know?

  Jessie:We're being abandoned!

  Buzz: We'll be fine, Jessie.

  Dr.Port: So why did Sarge leave?

  Betty: Should we leave?

  Slink: I thought we were goin' to the attic.

  Dinosaur: I hate all this uncertainty!

  Woody: Whoa, whoa,whoa,whoa. Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quite! On one's getting thrown, okay? We're all still here. I mean, yeah,we're lost friends along the way. Wheezy and Etch and…

  Dinosaur: Bo Peep?

  Woody: yeah,even Bo. All good toys who've gone on to new owners. But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us. He must care about us, or we wouldn't be here. You wait. Andy's gonna take us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm…

  Buzz: And we'll all be together.

  Woody: Exactly! There's games up there, and books,and…

  Buzz: The racecar track!

  Woody: The racecar track. Thank you!

  Slink: And the old TV.

  Woody: There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun,right?

  All: Yeah!

  Woody: And someday,if we're lucky,Andy may have kids of his own.

  Dinosaur: And he'll play with us then, right?

  Woody: We'll always be there for him.

  Buzz: Come on,guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go on a high note.

  Betty: I'd better find my other eye.

  Bart: Where'd you leave it this time?

  Betty: Someplace dark. And dusty.

  Dr. Port: Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.

  Woody: Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it.


  1. Hold up 坚持住,挺住,稳住的意思。影片中当玩具们听说他们要被主人Andy抛弃,像垃圾一样扔掉时,大家个个恐慌不安,很烦躁。这时警官Woody站出来,为了安慰大家并消除不良影响,就召集大家开会,并告诉大家都先不要慌,让大家稳住。而Hold on, 是等一等,过会儿,别持断等意思。注意下文哦,

  2. Not again. 字面上的意思是不要重复。面根据上下文来看,影片中Woody为了让大家安心呆在家里,不要个个都有主意想逃离或恐慌过日子,因此就召集大家开会。可是因为Woody是主人Andy最信任的警官吧,他可能也是玩具中的老大,中心人物,经常给大家开会吧。因此这里就出来一个not again.翻译为:不会吧,又要开会。这也是我们学生或打工族最烦的事吧,哈哈。

  3. That was our last shot. 影片中玩具的主人Andy已经17岁了,长大成人了,也准备上大学了。因此他可能不再需要玩具了。而忠实的Woody难怪主人偏爱,他也确实一直在支持他的主人,不管主人要准备如何处置他们。Woody动员大伙,说我们的主要工作不是玩游戏,而是为了主人Andy. 最重要的是大家能在一起不分开。Shot是射击,投篮,开枪等意思,而在这里要翻译成:这是我们最后的机会了。要意义出来才更符合原文要表达的意思。

  4. We're done. 前面影片中关于Done这个单词我们已经说过几次了,这里就不再说了。这里的意思为:我们要完蛋了。

  5. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay. 影片中玩具们知道自己逃不过被放阁楼或是扔掉或是捐赠或是卖掉这几个悲惨命运时,他们有人也开始自己的打算了,在里面选择一个自己觉得会好一些的方式来跟主人Andy做分别方式。eBay.是全球最大的网上交易网络之一,像知名的当当网,亚马逊网,还有现在的拍拍,淘宝等是一样的。这句话应该翻译成:我来看看我们在eBay网上面出售能值多少钱?

  6. I guarantee it,这句话的意思是:我向大家保证。影片中Woody一再做大家的思想工作,告诉大家不会被主人像垃圾一样丢掉的。说主要其实是关心大家的,也一定会给大家一个好的交代的。他要向大家保证,希望大家对主人在信心。其实说这话的同时,Woody自己也没主意,他也不知道主人会怎么处理他们。但他能站出来,安慰大家,同时也安慰自己。


  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解3


  Jessie: We're on the curb!

  Bart: I knew it would come to this.

  Buzz: Pull, eveyone! pul.

  Bart: It won't rip!

  Dr.Port : Forget it! It's triple-ply, high-density polyethylene!

  Dinosaur:There's gotta be a way out!

  Bart: Andy doesn't want us. What's the point?

  Buzz: Point. Point. Point! Push! Push!

  Dinosaur: I can hear the garbage truck! It's getting closer.

  Woody: Buzz! Jessie!

  Slink: Andy threw us out.

  Dr.Port: Like we were garbage.

  Bart: Junk. He called us junk.

  Betty: How could he?

  Buzz: This doesn't make any sense.

  Jessie: I should have seen this coming. It's emily all over again.

  Dinosaur: Sarge was right.

  Bart: Yeah,and Woody was wrong.

  Buzz: Wait a minute. Wait, hold on. This is no time to be hysterical.

  Dr.Port: It's the perfect time to be hysterical.

  Dinosaur: Should we be hysterical?

  Slink: No!

  Buzz: Maybe! But not right now!

  Jessie: Fellas, I know what to do.

  Woody: What's the heck?

  Jessie: We should've done this years ago.

  Buzz: Jessie, wait. What about Woody?

  Jessie: He's fine, Buzz. Andy's taking him to college. Now we need to go.

  Buzz: You're right. Come on.

  Woody: Buzz?

  Buzz: Woody!

  Woody:What's going on? Don't you know this box is being donated?

  Buzz: It's nuder control, woody. We have a plan.

  Dinosaur: We're going to daycare!

  Woody: Daycare? What, have you all lost your marbles?

  Betty: Well,didn't you see? Andy threw us away.

  Woody: No,no,no,no. He was putting you in the attic.

  Bart: Attic? So how did we end up on the curb?

  Woody: That was a mistake. Andy's mom thought you were trash.

  Dr.Port: Yeah. After he put us in a trash bag.

  Betty: And called us junk.

  Woody: Yeah, I know. It looks bad. But guys, you gotta believe me.

  Bart: Sure thing, college boy!

  Jessie:Andy's moving on, Woody. It's time we did the same.

  Woody: Okay. Out of the box. Everyone,right now! Come on, Buzz. Give me a hand. We gotta get this thing outta here.

  Buzz: Woody, wait. We need to figure out what's best for everyone.


  1. Forget it. 这是非常口语化的一个词。意思为:算了吧,忘了吧,没关系等。影片中玩具们被Andy的妈妈误当然垃圾给扔掉了。玩具们在垃圾袋中听到垃圾车再一步步的逼近,却没办法逃离出去。最后他们想用恐龙的尖尖尾巴来刺破垃圾袋子逃生。然而猪博士知道垃圾袋的组成成份,知道这是很难破坏掉的。因此他说:还是算了吧。也就是说不用白费力气了。如:Please forget it, cheer up! 请忘掉这件事,振作起来!

  2. What's the point? Point 是重点,见解,核心问题等意思,也有一个点的意思。这句话要翻译成:重点是什么呢?或关键是什么呢?如:What is the point of this meeting? 这次会议的目的是什么?What is the point of the story? 那个故事的主旨是什麽?

  3. make any sense. 意思为没有任何意义。影片中玩具们不管主人Andy是把他们法垃圾一样扔掉还是装入垃圾袋中放入阁楼,这对他们来说是没有分别的。因为他们也知道,他们终会有这么一天的。如:It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early. 那么早起来没有任何意义。We couldn't make any sense of his sudden outburst. 我们被他这没头没脑的话给弄愣了。

  4. It's nuder control. 表面意思为:这还是控制之下。意思就是说:还在掌控之中。情况还能控制住,并不是不可换回。因为影片中玩具们看到要被捐赠的箱子,他们计划把自己装入箱子,一起给捐到幼儿园,那总比当垃圾处理掉要好很多吧。

  5. That was a mistake. 这是一个错误。也可以这么翻译,但是给人很生硬的感觉。影片中woody给大家解释,主人并不是想扔掉他们,而是想把他们放入阁楼,而主要的妈妈误以为那是一袋垃圾,因此才把他们当垃圾丢到街上去的。因此这里翻译成:这只是个误会。会更为合理一些。

  6. to figure out. 可以翻译成:想出,领会到,明白,理解等意思。影片中Woody不同意大家就这么离开主人,并一再劝说他们回去。而Buzz站出来,理智的告诉woody: 我们必须知道怎么样的情况才是对大家更有利的。如:We should learn to figure out white from black. 我们应该学会分清事非。Jim tried to figure out the cost. 吉姆想估计一下花费。


  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解4


  Buzz:All right, everyone. On three! One,two…

  Jessie: Three!

  Buzz: Whoa!

  Jessie: Let's go.

  Dr.Port: Go!

  Bart: He did it. Yes, sir!

  Jessie: Way to go, Buzz!

  CHUNK: Yeah, you think they had a fun playtime?

  TWITCH: They might hear you.

  Ken: Okay, now you start.

  Barbie: I…

  Ken: Love…

  Barbie: You.

  Ken: See? That time, I said "love". Okay, now me first.

  Barbie: Okay,okay,okay.

  Ken: I…

  Barbie: Love…

  Ken: You. You see what I mean? It changes every time.

  Barbie: You are so smart.

  Chunk: Come on, Romeo. We're late.

  Barbie: I'll wait up for you.

  Ken: Kisses! All right,place your bets. Come on, everybody.

  Chunk: Come on. Any splits?

  Twitch: Heya. Bring it here. All right. Here we go. Come on, horsey, come on!

  SPARKS: Come on, turkey, come on, turkey.

  Twitch: Gobble, gobble,baby. Come on, horsey.

  Stretch: Come on,duck.

  Ken: all right, that's it. No more bets.

  Sparks: Come on. Right here.

  Stretch: Let me have the duck, let me have the duck,let me have the duck! Here is a duck. I won.

  Chunk: Ah, man!

  Ken: Well, Stretch takes the round.

  Stretch: You lost.

  Ken: Okay, minimum bet, five Monopoly.Goyote's wild. Here,here. Two greens here. Changing two double A's. Hey, what do you guys think of the new recruits? Any keepers?

  Stretch: Oh,please! Landfill?

  TWITCH: Cowgirl? Dinosaur? Toddler fodder.

  Ken: But that space guy, he could be useful.

  Chunk : He ain't the sharpest knife in the place where they keep the knives.

  Sparks: Neither are you, Chunk.

  Twich: You got a little keeper yourself, didn't you ken?

  Ken: Hey, lay off, Twich. Barbie's different.

  Stertch: Aw,Mr. Sotty over here.

  Chunk: What do you expect from a girl's toy?

  Ken: I am not a girl's toy! I'm not! Why do you guys keep saying that!

  Twitch : All them toys are disposable. We'll be lucky if they last us a week.

  Ken: Well,well. Looky who we have here.

  Buzz:Let me go!

  Ken: Take him to the library.


  1. Way to go. 在北美,非正式的用于表示快乐,赞同或兴奋时说way to go. 意思有:行,做的好,加油。影片中Woody走后,他们一伙在小朋友的玩具室里,被小朋友乱丢,甚至破坏。因此他们像让Buzz为代表去跟lotso谈叛,想告诉Lotso说他们不适合这个年龄段的孩子玩,他们想被放在大一些孩子玩具室里,这样更能发挥他们的作用。但门窗都锁住了,唯一出去的通道就是门上面的排气孔,因此他们准备了一场精彩的表演之后,Buzz最后还是成功出去了。Jessie他们兴奋的夸他,干的好,加油。

  2. place your bets. Place有放入,置入的意思,bet是打赌,赌注的意思。影片中Buzz跟踪他们来到自动饮料机上面,发现他们在那里赌博。这句Place your bes.翻译成:下赌注,请下注的意思。其实这跟下订单是一样的说法,做外贸的朋友应该更能明白吧:place an order. 下订单。

  3. minimum bet, five Monopoly.Goyote's wild。这句话应该翻译成:最小赌注为5片,上不封顶。

  4. Two greens here. 影片中他们赌博中用的到词语。这句话是下赌注时说的,面译为:我再多二张绿色的。那绿色的是什么呢,赌博当然用钱赌了,我们也在影片中有看到。大家也都知道美元是绿色的,这里greens其实就是指美元的意思。音译为:我下二张美元在这。

  5. Lay off. 此词有解雇,下岗,停止工作或活动的这些意思。那在这里要怎么翻译呢?影片中他们都拿Ken开玩笑,说他袒护Barbie,跟她在一起,并说他是她的玩具。Ken很恼火,不愿意这样被人嘲笑,有点大男人的意思哦,因此让他们Lay off. 就是让他们停止这个话题。不要再说这个了,换个话题来说。


  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解5


  Woody: Hello?

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: You shouldn't have come back,cowboy. They've cracked down hard since you left. More guards,more patrols. You and your friends aren't ever getting out of here now.

  Woody: I made it out once.

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: You got lucky once. Want my advice? Keep your heads down. You'll survive.

  Woody: Yeah,for how long?

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: I've been here years. They'll never break me. There's only one way toys leave this place. Poor fella. Trash truck comes at dawn. Then it's off to the dump.

  Woody: Look, I appreciate your concern, old-timer. But we have a kid waiting for us. Now, we're leaving. If you'd help us, one toy to another. I'd sure be grateful.

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: Well, if you're gonna get out, first thing you gotta get through's the doors. Locked, every night. Inside and out. Keys are left on a hook in the office.

  Woody: Got it. What else?

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: Lotso has trucks patrolling all night long. Hallway, lobby, playground.

  Woody: Yeah, yeah,yeah. What about the wall?

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: Eight-feet high. Cinder block. No way through it. You go over or under.

  Woody: That's it? Doesn't seem so bad.

  CHATTER TELEPHONE: It's not. Your real problem's the monkey. The monkey's the eye in the sky. He sees every thing. Classroom. Hallways. Even the playground. You can unlock doors, sneak past guards, climb the wall, but if you don't take out that monkey, you aren't going nowhere. You wanna get out of here? Get rid of that monkey!


  1. Keep your heads down。影片中的这句也是俚语来的,保持你的头低着,翻译为:低调行事。这是影片中玩具电话对Woody的忠告,说你想要活着呆在这里,最好行事低调。因为大家都知道,枪打出头鸟。事实也是这样的。完整俚语为:Keep your heads down and your ears open. 低调行事,保持警惕。

  2. the eye in the sky。在美语中有侦察卫星,跟踪的意思。影片中玩具电话介绍监视玩具的猴子,说他只要发现有人逃走就会通知人来抓回去的。而这只猴子很厉害,到同在为至还没有人能逃过他的发眼。The eye in the sky. 空中之眼,这里要音译为:眼观八方。

  3. Get rid of that monkey! 影片中玩具电话告诉Woody,说要想离开这里,就一定要先制服那只眼观八方的猴子,没有他报警,顺利出逃的机会才会增加。Get rid of 词组有摆脱,除去,消灭的意思。在这里也是这个意思,因此这句话翻译成:你们要想逃离这里,就必须先除去那只猴子(的监视)。


  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解6


  Lotso: Well, well. Look who's back.

  Phone: I am sorry,cowboy. They broke me.

  Lotso: What are y'all doing? Running back to your kid? He don't want you no more.

  Woody: That's a lie.

  Lotso: Is it? Tell me this, Sheriff. If you kid loves you so much, why is he leaving? You think you're special, cowboy? You're a piece of plastic. You were made to be thrown away. Speak of the devil. Now we need toys in our Caterpillar Room and you need to avoid that truck. Why don't you come on back, join our family again?

  Jessie: This isn't a family! It's a prison! You're a liar and a bully! And I'd rather not in this dumpster than join any family of yours!

  Barbie: Jessie's right! Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force.

  Lotso: If that's what you want.

  Ken: Barbie! Wait! Don't do this, Lotso.

  Lotso: She's a Barbie doll, Ken. There's a hundred million just like her.

  Ken: Not to me, there's not.

  Lotso:Fine. Then why don't join her!

  Barbie: Oh, Ken!

  Ken: Everyone, listen! Sunnyside could be cool and groovy if we treated each other fair. It's Lotso. He's made us into a pyramid, and he put himself on top!

  Lotso: Anyone concur with Ken? I didn't throw you away. You kid did. Ain't one kid ever loved a toy, really. Chew on that when you're at the dump.

  Woody: Wait! What about Daisy?

  Lotso: I don't know what you're talking about.

  Woody: Daisy? You used to do everything with her?

  Lotso: Yeah? Then she threw us out.

  Woody: No. She lost you.

  Lotso: She replaced us!

  Woody: She replaced you. And if you couldn't have her then no one could. You lied to Big baby and you're been lying ever since.

  Lotso: Where'd you get that?

  Woody: She loved you, Lotso.

  Lotso: She never loved me.

  Woody: As much as any kid ever loved a toy.

  Big baby: Mama.

  Lotso: What? You want your mommy back? She never loved you. Don't be such a baby. Push them in. All of them. This is what happens when you dummies try to think. We're all just trash, waiting to be thrown away! That's all a toy is! Hey, stop it. Put me down, you idiot! No, no! Wait a minute! Big baby, wait!


  1. Speak of the devil. 这是一句俚语,翻译为:说曹操,曹操就到。影片中坏蛋Lotso想阻止Woody他们一伙离开,并恐吓他们,让他们选择是留下来给小朋友玩还是被垃圾车拖走。正在说时,装垃圾的车子就来了,因此Lotso就说了这句。如:I wish the tea lady would bring round the drinks trolley-speak of the devil, here she is. 我希望卖茶女推来饮料小车——说到她,她就到。

  2. a hundred million. 一百个百万是多少呢?其实口语中的一些词汇并不需要准确的翻译出来,只是告诉人们,这是比喻很多,成千上万。影片中Ken和Barbie一见钟情,虽然曾经二个人各侍其主。但爱情这玩意真不好说,有时很弄人。当Lotso告诉Ken说,你喜欢的Barbie娃娃只要你喜欢,就有成千上万个。你没有必要为了这个就背叛我吧。当Ken最后还是选择了他面前这个娃娃。真是问世间情为何物?

  3. Don't be such a baby. 表面意思为:不要像个孩子。影片中Big baby看到他原来的主人吊牌后,非常怀念他的主人,他其实也是一直被lotso蒙蔽在鼓里。其实他原来的主要并不是买来新的玩具来代替他们的。而是那小姑娘在外面玩累了,无意丢失了她的玩具,因此才买新的回来。Lotso看到Big baby叫妈妈,火气很大,并说他:别这么孩子气。这样音译出来,就不会感觉有硬硬的感觉,不是吗。

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早安的问候标志着一天的开始!快快准备起床吧!下面是由出国留学网小编为大家整理的“早安问候一句话”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。早安问候一句话【一】1. 把昨天的疲惫让梦带走,