

人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案

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  人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案【一】



  Teaching goals 教学目标

  1. Be able to learn some important words and phrases

  2.Help students to learn about robots and science fiction


  eaching important points教学重点

  Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.

  Teaching dif ficult points 教学难点

  How Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.


  Teaching procedures 教学过程

  Step I Warming up

  Present a photo of robots. Then ask students to say something about robot.

  What is on the blackboard?

  What is a robot?

  What can a robot do?

  Step II Pre-reading

  Ask students to predict question:

  If you have a robot, will you fall in love with it ?

  Introduce the background of the text.

  Step III Reading

  Fast reading

  1.What is the text mainly about?

  It is mainly about how a household _________ was _________ ________ in a family.

  2.Find the characters in the story

  Larry Belmont: working in a company that makes robots

  Claire: Larry’s wife, a housewife

  Tony: the robot

  Gladys Claffern: a woman that Claire envies

  3. Tell stu dents that Claire’s feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed. Read the story again and then fill in the blanks.

  Comprehensio n

  Read the sto ry again and find out Claire’s sense of failure and what helps did Tony offer to her.


  Fill in the blanks according to the knowledge that we have learnt in this class.

  The company for which Larry worked was to have a newly?made robot____(call)Tony experimented with by his wife Claire at home. At _____first sight of Tony, Claire felt ________(alarm). She thought it was absurd tha t a robot seemed more like a human than a ______ .For as long as three weeks, Tony wanted to help her to dress, which made Claire ________(embarrass) and she refused him. But she was glad that Ton y could make her home ________, give her a new h aircut and change her makeup. To improve her home,he could also ________ a list of items for her to buy. And finally Tony helped Claire win the victory to be ________ (envy)by those ladies like Gladys Claffern who Claire wanted to be like. ________made us unbelievable was that Claire fell in love ______Tony—a robot !



  1. Surf the Internet to get more information about science fiction..

  2. Preview the language points in the text.

  人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案【二】




  1. 语言知识: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟悉有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来)

  2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克服生词 困难,理解语篇意义。

  3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。

  4.文化意识: 帮助学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。

  5.情感态度: 培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。

  6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;



  1. 语言知识: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟悉有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来)

  2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克服生词 困难,理解语篇意义。

  3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。

  4.文化意识: 帮助学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。

  5.情感态度: 培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。

  6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;


  Step 1Warming-up and lead-in 5 mins

  老师带着学生回顾上一节warmingup中的有关有机器人能为人类做点什么并且机器人存在人们生活的方方面面。接着老师设计了一个问题询问学生。“Will it be possible for human beings to fall in love with a robot? ”



  Step 2. Skimming 3mins


  T: Find out the main Characters in the story.

  Larry Belmont — employed in a company that make robots.

  Claire Belmont — Larry’s wife, a housewife

  Tony — the robot

  Gladys Claffern— a woman that Claire envies


  Step 3. Careful reading 23 mins

  1.Havestudents read the passage carefully and finish the table.

  [意图说明] 本题是对该单元文章主要内容的缩写,给学生提供了篇章的语境,锻炼学生快速阅读培养学生细节理解能力为以后活动的开展和任务的实现扫除语言障碍,同时使学生梳理一下Claire对Tony的情感变化过程。

  2. Have students think about why Claire’s feeling changed. How did Tony help her to defeat hersense of failure?

  最后引导学生思考一下三个问题Was Claire satisfied with Tony? Why shouldTony be rebuilt? Who is not satisfied with it ?

  [意图说明] 因为reading的标题是satisfactionguaranteed , 所以用反问的形式让学生真正去思考Tony包君满意了吗?以此来思考标题。目的在于让学生学会用已知的信息用英语思维并去理解语篇的意义。

  Step4 Discussion 7 mins

  Have students discuss “If you have a chance to have your own robot,

  whatdo you want him to do ?”


  Step 5 homework 2 mins

  1. Guess the meanings of difficult words and sentences in the text.

  1). It would be a bonus.

  2). ...he seemed more like a human being than a machine.

  3)....someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position.

  4). as a favour

  5). She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page.

  6)by the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew....

  2.Preview “ A biography of Isaac Asimov”(P16)

  3. Surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction


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