

人教版五年级下册英语Unit2《My Favourite Season》教案


  《My Favourite Season》教案(一)


  1、进一步巩固四会句子:I like …because …并能在情境中综合运用。

  2、能够正确认读和理解文章的含义,并正确完成选择题。 3、能够根据教学内容回答对四季喜好的问题,并做恰当的回答,完成句子填写的活动。


  1、掌握四会句型:I like …because…句型。 2、能听懂短文内容,并完成提出的问题。


  Step 1 Warm-up


  2.Let’s sing:

  What’s your favourite season?

  (设计意图:通过问候,拉近师生距离;通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课堂气氛, 又让学生在歌曲中初步感知fall的含义。)

  Step 2 Pre-reading

  1、T:(承接上面的歌曲)We have learnt four seasons. They are….(学生看课件依次说出四个季节名称)Yes. We also call “autumn” “fall”.教师出示单词卡操练,操练完后板书并让学生拼读。

  2、Ask and answer:

  T: Which season do you like best?

  Why do you like spring/summer/fall/winter.


  Step 3 While-reading

  1、General reading

  (1)让学生带着问题Which season does Robin like best? 观看Read and write的动画。

  (2)Read and tick:

  Let the students read the passage quickly and tick.

  (3)Tick or cross:

  1.There are beautiful flowers in spring.( ) 2.The weather is cold in summer. ( ) 3.Robin doesn’t like summer. ( ) 4.There is lots of snow in winter. ( )


  2、Detailed reading

  (1)Get the Ss to read Paragraph 1 and answer the question: Why does Zoom like spring?

  T: Yes. The spring is very beautiful....