
出国留学网专题频道北京101中学栏目,提供与北京101中学相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 北京一零一中是北京市重点中学,北京市高中示范校。位于北京市海淀区圆明园遗址,地处中关村科技园区中心地带,东临清华,南接北大,占地面积20万平方米。建校于1946年,当时在张家口,叫做张家口市立中学(现张家口市第一中学),后因国民党三面大举进攻张家口,与回民中学、女子中学全体师生撤离,并合并为晋察冀边区联合中学,然后演变为华北育才中学,最后迁至北京,与师大附中合并,定名北师大附中二部,最后迁于现址,定名为北京一零一中学,原师大附中二部改为今天的北师大二附。北京一零一中是中国共产党在老区创办并迁入北京的唯一一所中学。1955年,学校定名为北京一零一中, 郭沫若同志亲笔题写校名,并释其含义为“百尺竿头,更进一步”。







高考志愿填报 高考志愿填报时间















  北京101中学2013-2014学年上学期高三年级阶段性考试下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )

  A. 自1999年联合国教科文组织把每年的3月21日定为“世界诗歌日”以来,为世界各地人们举办诗歌活动提供了一个契机,推动了诗歌运动的发展。

  B. 一家心理卫生研究所对使用手机的人群进行抽样调查,结果显示超过50%以上的人有“手机依赖症”,总在期待自己能收到最新信息。

  C. 诺贝尔奖评委会有关人士表示,作家能否获得诺贝尔文学奖的唯一标准是文学作品的质量,对于作者的政治立场,他们并不关心。

  D. 不同的航空公司对乘客免费托运行李的额度有不同要求,有些航空公司规定,经济舱旅客每人可以免费托运两件重23公斤的行李。

  北京101中学2013-2014学年上学期高三年级阶段性考试下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )

  A. 高速公路上交通事故的主要原因是司机违反交通规则或操作不当造成的,交通部门要加强安全宣传,提高司机的安全意识。

  B. 老北京四合院处于皇城天子脚下,受到等级制度的严格约束,在行制、格局方面难免会千篇一律,显得呆板而缺乏创意。

  C. 领导干部如果不能带头读书学习,那么个人会由于能力不足遭到淘汰,单位的学习风气难以形成,工作也会因为思想贫乏难有起色。

  D. 总结这一次农村实践经历,我们要从指导思想上,明确树立起依靠科学技术,加快解决农民强烈的致富愿望和落后的生产技术这一突出矛盾















中考英语动态:初三英语月考试题和答案 北京101中学08年12月




I still remember my first Christmas party with Grandma. I was just a kid. On Christmas Eve, Grandma gave me ten dollars to buy something for someone. For a moment I just stood still, 41 , wondering what to buy, and 42 on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school. I was 43 about to think the person out, when I suddenly thought of Bob. He was a kid with bad 44 and dirty hair, and he 45 right behind me in class. Bob didn’t have a 46 . I knew that because he never 47 to play with us in winter. His mother always 48 a note, telling the teacher that he had a(n) 49 , but all we knew that Bob didn’t have a cough. I 50 the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I went to the nearest store and found a red jacket. It looks real 51 . “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the 52 asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. That evening, Grandma helped me 53 the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, “To Bob, from Santa Claus” on it. Then she 54 me to Bob’s house. Grandma 55 down the street from Bob’s house, and she and I moved 56 and hid in the bushes by his front door. Then Grandma gave me a push. “All right, Santa Claus,” she 57 , “get going.” I took a deep breath, 58 for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pressed the doorbell and 59 . Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. 60 it did, and there stood Bob.



标签: 英语 北京 试题





1、How are ___weekend? It was great.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

2、Last Sunday, I saw ____interesting talk show.

A. an B. a C. / D. some

3、How are the buses in Beijing? They are very___.

A. friendly B. unfriendly C. crowded D. delicious

4、_______ are good for our health.

A. Tomato B. The tomato C. A tomato D. Tomatoes

5、Mary is very talkative. She never stops____

A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks

6、My father loves to ____ jokes.

A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell

7、Don’t eat ___class.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

8、Last weekend, Tom ____for a walk with his father.

A. go B. goes C. going D. went

9、On weekends, we don’t have to ____ a uniform.

A. wearing B. wear C. wears D. wore

10、What do you _____ game shows? I can’t stand them.

A. think B. think over C. think of D. think about

11、I don’t like beef, mutton ____ fish.

A. and B. or C. but D. so

12、They decided to _____ for exams at home.

A. studied B. studies C. studying D. study

13、The old woman doesn’t mind what young people think of ______.

A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

14、Yesterday I went to Tian’an Men Square. I found many kids _____kites there.

A. flying B. fly C. flies D. flew

15、He listened to ...

中考英语动态:北京101中学 初三英语月考试卷


标签: 英语 北京 中考



I still remember my first Christmas party with Grandma. I was just a kid. On Christmas Eve, Grandma gave me ten dollars to buy something for someone. For a moment I just stood still, 41 , wondering what to buy, and 42 on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school. I was 43 about to think the person out, when I suddenly thought of Bob. He was a kid with bad 44 and dirty hair, and he 45 right behind me in class. Bob didn’t have a 46 . I knew that because he never 47 to play with us in winter. His mother always 48 a note, telling the teacher that he had a(n) 49 , but all we knew that Bob didn’t have a cough. I 50 the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I went to the nearest store and found a red jacket. It looks real 51 . “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the 52 asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. That evening, Grandma helped me 53 the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, “To Bob, from Santa Claus” on it. Then she 54 me to Bob’s house. Grandma 55 down the street from Bob’s house, and she and I moved 56 and hid in the bushes by his front door. Then Grandma gave me a push. “All right, Santa Claus,” she 57 , “get going.” I took a deep breath, 58 for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pressed the doorbell and 59 . Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. 60 it did, and there stood Bob.