



  Did you know that USF boasts one of the lowest tuition rates in the country? Plus, in 2014-2015, we awarded an average financial aid package of $10,134 to 25,531 students. Now that's value!

  U.S. Students

  Tuition and fees are based on a number of factors, including undergraduate or graduate status, residency and the type of housing chosen.

  International Students

  The cost of attendance for International Students includes tuition and fees, health insurance, housing, books, and other living expenses. As international student, you are required to show that you have the funds to support yourself for an entire year before you can get a visa. To help you as you gather your financial documentation, we have put together the following list of estimated costs by level of study.

  When reviewing the estimates below, please remember:

  Additional costs may be assessed depending on your course of study.

  All international students are required to have health insurance for themselves and their families.

  Tuition and fees are assessed according to the student’s Florida residency classification. Most international students are classified as Non-Florida Residents and pay Out-of-State Tuition.

  Actual costs of housing are dependent on the type of on-campus or off-campus housing selected.

  All figures below are estimates based on the university’s published tuition rates and are subject to in...



  南佛罗里达大学University of south Florida建于1956年,是于20世纪创建的新型大学。南佛罗里达大学University of south Florida仅用40多年的时间便从开始的2000名学生发展到拥有3.5万名学生的大学,成为全美20所最大的大学之一,而且仍在不断的发展。学生中拉丁美洲和亚洲学生占26%,研究生占17%,职业学位教学计划占12%。





