



标签: 发布会策划书



发布会策划书模板 篇1

  Activities planning strategy:

  1, to recommend to the tour line, as dark lines, establish and maintain good public relations with dealers across the country, the accumulation of strong brand potential, get higher degree of concern, to promote the sales of new products.

  2, through the strong public relations, we integrate the product characteristics and theme contents in an all-round way, provide feedback information for dealers, predict the two-way functions of the public, so as to fully realize interaction.

  3, the activity scene of the product entity display, let the dealer experience, enhance confidence.

  Venue layout of the activity scene:

  1, guests sign at the venue: located at the entrance of guests sign, a main image background plate and the map of the Chinese KT board, guests sign, and posted a small wizard in the Chinese map KT, position and guest elf posted the corresponding distribution area, a check-in desk, goods, name card plate, guest corsage and media data bag sign, by two (behind the elves with wings) dressed in ceremonial reception, guidance, service event venue.

  2, product sales and display area: the simulation is provided with a plurality of Yilabao and a display cabinet, display cabinet filled with flowers, will release a new mobile phone dis...





  一、 确定新闻发布会日期、地点、新闻点等。


  二、 确定组织者与参与人员,包括广告公司、领导、客户、同行、媒体记者等,与新闻发布会承办者协调规模与价格,签定合同,拟订详细邀请名单、会议议程、时间表、发布会现场布置方案等。 注意事项:该步骤主要由主办者提出要求,承办者具体负责。

  三、 按照邀请名单,分工合作发送邀请函和请柬,确保重要人员不因自身安排不周而缺席发布会。回收确认信息,制定参会详细名单,以便下一步安排。


  四、 购买礼品、选聘主持人、礼仪人员和接待人员并进行培训和预演。设计背板,布置会场,充分考虑每一个细节,比如音响、放映设备,领导的发言稿,新闻通稿,现场的音乐选择、会议间隙时间的娱兴安排等。

  五、 正式发布会前提前一到两个小时,检查一切准备工作是否就绪,将会议议程精确到分钟,并制定意外情况补救措施。

  六、 按计划开始发布会,发布会程序通常为来宾签到、贵宾接待、主持人宣布发布会开始和会议议程、按会议议程进行、会后聚餐交流、有特别公关需求的人员的个别活动。

  七、 监控媒体发布情况,整理发布会音像资料、收集会议剪报,制作发布会成果资料集(包括来宾名单、联系方式整理,发布会各媒体报导资料集,发布会总结报告等),作为企业市场部资料保存,并可在此基础上制作相应的宣传资料。

  八、 评测新闻发布会效果,收集反馈信息,总结经验。


  活动策划书 | 活动方案
