




  St Andrews is a unique combination of ancient and modern, local and global. Founded in 1413 we are the third oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of the most popular in the UK. Once the centre of Scottish political and religious life, St Andrews retains many marvellous mediaeval buildings, juxtaposed with modern cutting-edge Science and Arts facilities.


  The city is quite small – the University accounts for approximately half the population – but it has a distinctly cosmopolitan air due to the presence of students, teachers and support staff from over a hundred countries, as well as the constant infusion of visitors coming to experience the spectacular scenery and famous golf courses. Most people who live here believe we have the best of both worlds.


  The university ranks in the top ten for research, teaching and the student experience. Perhaps its most distinguished feature, however, is the strong sense of community reinforced by the size and location of the town and the many cultural and social activities in the University.




    圣安德鲁斯大学St. Andrews University. 全英综合排名第4的大学。很多人认为这个学校是因为威廉王子亲驾而名气大增的,其实这个学校历来就是英国人心中除了Oxbridge之外最神圣的学校之一, 建于1413年。St Andrews University位于苏格兰东部的海边袖珍城市St Andrew。根据英国教育权威机构RAE和QAA的评定,不论是在传统的文学,历史学,社会学,数学,物理学,经济学还是在新兴的计算机,商科,心理学等领域,该校在科研和教学领域都分别达到5分和24分的满分,个别甚至科研水平达到5星级水平。因其古老的传统,文学,历史和社会学尤为著名。


  M.Litt. and M.Phil. in Ancient History;

  M.Litt. and M.Phil. in Central and Eastern European Studies, Environmental History;

  M.Litt. in Historical Research;

  M.Litt.and M.Phil. in Medieval Hisotry;

  M.Litt.Middle Eastern History;

  M.Litt. in Modern Historiography;

  M.Litt. in Modern History;

  MLitt in Reformation Studies, Stottish History etc.