





  1. Your university is planning to film all large lecture classes and put them on the university website. Do you agree or disagree with this plan and why?

  2. 阅读:学校准备给环境科学专业的学生开设一个实习项目(offer summer environment practice)因为,学生做这个program可以获得benefits,获得学分;其次,还可以帮同学得到更多的实地调查经验,并且可以帮助一些环境保护机构完成他们的工作。听力:学生同意。首先,做这个program可以更好帮助他将来找工作apply for job;其次,原本这些环境保护机构里local organization都是志愿者,他们都是短期工作完就会离开,学生来的话就可以长时间帮忙了。

  3. versioning,企业提供不同价格之后的不同服务。

  听力:用music services举例说明:有average 和special的consumer,为他们提供不同的服务。pro musician高价格的套餐音质更好,低价的那个套餐更适合大众。

  4. 蚂蚁帮助植物种子传播的两种好处 ants how to help plants reproduce:首先,protect them from environment forces that may destroy them 传播的位置可以保护种子不受环境破坏的因素。因为蚂蚁会把种子带到地下,这些种子在地下可以有效的防御森林大伙;其次,provides more nutrients 种子可以获得更多营养。因为蚂蚁会把种子带到一些刚刚腐烂的树里面,这些树在腐烂的时候释放的nitrogen会提供给种子养分。


  Sample answer :

  As for me, I think is definitely a great idea for my university to put all the large lecture classes online and allow students and the general public to watch these videos whenever they want, because that's the point of spreading ideas and knowledge, and that's why we need universities in this I think, for students, the big benefit is that they can re-watch the lectures, which contains knowledge or points they didn't really under...