
出国留学网专题频道摄像机栏目,提供与摄像机相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 摄像机种类繁多,主要由视频电路和音频电路两大部分组成。其工作的基本原理都是一样的:把光学图象信号转变为电信号,以便于存储或者传输。当拍摄一个物体时,此物体上反射的光被摄像机镜头收集,使其聚焦在摄像器件的受光面(例如摄像管的靶面)上,再通过摄像器件把光转变为电能,即得到了“视频信号”。光电信号很微弱,需通过预放电路进行放大,再经过各种电路进行处理和调整,最后得到的标准信号可以送到录像机等记录媒介上记录下来,或通过传播系统传播或送到监视器上显示出来。



  在2014年5月17日的托福阅读考试中有这样一道题:针孔摄像机。针对这道托福考题,出国留学网(www.liuxue86.com)小编来为大家普及一下关于针孔摄像机的背景知识,这样有助于考生在面对这类题目时方便作答。小编在此提醒大家:TPO中,与本文在题材与结构都非常相似的文章是TPO22的The Birth of Photography.这篇文章的第二段第二句提到了camera obscura。



  版本二:一开始说了相机成的像是倒置的(标题旁边图 类似小孔成像)。后面通过实验研究发现用镜子可以改变倒置的像。接着说了对艺术家的影响,具体举了一个画家的例子,说他的画可能就是受了相机的影响。但是由于没有对此的记录,作者觉得大概是这个画家不想让大家知道他受了相机的影响。接着又说到了很多画家也可能受到了相机的影响。最后一段说即使相机出现 但是画家还是要有自己在画画上的造诣 并把这些与相机的特点结合起来。

  版本三: 有些画家没节操,用小孔成像技术画画还不让别人知道,然后他举了个例子说有个荷兰的画家,叫VIE神马的(达芬奇?),画画不让人家看也不收徒弟,可能就是因为它利用了这个技术。不过作者后来又说,其实有时候这个技术没啥用,因为最后还得看个人。

  词汇:camera obscura n.针孔摄像机

  解析:本文围绕针孔摄像机的发明对于油画艺术的主要影响主题为展开论证。文章从三个角度切入,探讨针孔摄像机对于油画艺术的影响,这三个角度恰恰是最后一题文章总结题的三个答案。每个观点独立成段且每段有清晰的主题句的可能性非常大。TPO中,与本文在题材与结构都非常相似的文章是TPO22的The Birth of Photography.这篇文章的第二段第二句提到了camera obscura。


  Camera obscura

  This article is about an optical device. For other uses, see Camera obscura (disambiguation).

  A drawing of a camera obscura

  Camerae obscurae forDaguerreotype called "Grand Photographe" produced by Charles Chevalier (Musée des Arts et Métiers)

  A projection of an image of the New Royal Palace in Prague Castlecreated with a camera obscura

  The camera obscura (Latin; camera for...

初中初二作文1000字:日记 生活的摄像机


 作文标题: 日记 生活的摄像机
关 键 词: 日记 生活 初中初二 1000字
字    数: 1000字作文
本文适合: 初中初二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com


本作文是关于初中初二1000字的作文,题目为:《日记 生活的摄像机》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

欢迎阅读《作文:日记 生活的摄像机》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“初一作文”,请随时关注!
有人说日记是最好的镜子,它让你认识自己;有人说日记似病例,能帮助你对症下药;还有人说,假如明天不存在,那日记就是人生另一种形式的遗书。但是我认为,日记是人生的摄像机,留住人生的精彩,把握人生的澎湃。  日记,让我骂生活中不敢骂的人,哭不敢让别人看见的哭,爱不敢说出去的爱。我有一本日记,它记录着我身边发生的事以及我的情感。在日记里我有我的喜,我的愁,我的苦,我的怒,我的俱。它就像是一部摄像机。记录下我一生发生的事。 来自:作文大全 在我看来,日记就是我的另一个世界。在那里我统治整个世界,我安排这个世界,我想干什么就干什么。当我快乐时,遇到开心事时。便将它重新上演在我的世界——日记里。并将它永远保存在那里。或许在多少年后的某个地方,我将重新翻开它看一看,重新品味人生的经历,体验人生的快乐,对以往发生的事,重新作一个评价。或许,在日记里我会得到很多常人的不到的东西,明白儿时不明白的道理。 来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.com 记思想的日记像是闪着星星的夜空,记心情的日记像叮咚的泉水,记人事往来的日记像一卷生活的画面。那么请问记思想又记心情,并且也记人事往来的日记像什么呢?噢!
鲁迅有一部书,名叫《朝花夕拾》,写的是老年回忆以往发生的事,并发表感想。如果有一天,我也写一本类似与《朝花夕拾》的书,那么,我的日记本,将会为我做出巨大的贡献。有什么能比在摄像机里再看一遍好呢?  有时我想,如果每个人都坚持写日记,把自己的心里话写出来。无论是快乐、开心,还是悲伤,都记在日记里。那么,如果你和其他人发生的误会,不经意间看到了对方的日记,看到了他的心里话,相信你们之间的误会一定就会消除的。在看你的日记时,他是站在了你的角度去思考问题,这样一来,通过换位思考,你就会明白他的苦衷有多少。就如同我们在看电视时为电视里两个好朋友因为相互误解而同情和惋惜一样。因为日记这部摄像机就是一台很棒的电视!
  其实,日记在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,但是只有很少人懂得利用它的价值。日记是一本史书,记录了你的人生;日记是一座桥梁,连通了你我的心灵;日记是另一个世界,任凭我们翱翔。  今天,我们坚持写日记,记录下来我们的一生,千万年后,或许在就是后人研究我们的一批珍贵的资料。记录我们祖国母亲一生的《史记》、《资治通鉴》等不都是她所写的日记吗?在我们今天看来,那不就是录摄我们祖国母亲一生的摄像机吗?  我们的祖国在写日记,我,也要写日记。记录下我的一...



标签: 初中初一 750字

 作文标题: 我的“摄像机”
关 键 词: 初中初一 750字
字    数: 750字作文
本文适合: 初中初一
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com



   空中飞人 来自:作文大全  “再飞一次,再飞一次嘛!
 来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.com  我多希望能停留这一刻,停留在飞的这一瞬间,和爸爸一起享受快乐!
   快乐竞走   “不算,我还没准备好呢,等着我!
   硬币快跑   “快跑啊,跑远点,不听话我就扔了你!
”“抓紧啊~”爸爸说着就在院子里跑了起来,我坐在爸爸的肩膀上,高兴的笑啊……整个院子的快乐气息都被我们点燃……   这个简单又有趣的游戏,把我哄的是那么的开心!



标签: gre写作



  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”


  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

  To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the O...






  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”



  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

  To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the Olympic Gam...



标签: 麻省理工学院

 光明网科技讯 麻省理工学院媒体实验室的研究人员开发出了一个新的激光驱动的摄像机,它可以看到拐角后面的物体。

相机取得拐角后物体成象使用了两种技术的结合:飞秒激光(femtosecond laser)和计算机算法程序重组图像。飞秒激光是激光以每千万亿分之一秒 (onequadrillionth of a second) 的频率发射光脉冲激光;计算机算法程序重组图像,是用一套计算方法把像机里的感光数据与其相应的时间座标还原为图像。该技术的操作显示在 《自然》杂志网站上的动画视频中(nature.com, 2010年3月20日)。


麻省理工学院的相机在记录光子时,同时记录下光子飞行时间。所有从照射墙上直接反弹的光子都被过滤掉后, 多次反弹的光子就可重建墙后另一边隐藏物的三维图象。目前相机所取得的图像是不完美的,有点模糊和变色,但是仍然能提供相对可清楚辩认的三维图像。 麻省理工学院认为,它可以迅速提高指日可待的场景图像的分辨率,该技术在军事,消防,非直视条件下导航系统,及其它领域都有广泛应用前景。

这项研究领军者,麻省理工学院媒体实验室副教授,拉梅什西拉斯卡尔(RameshRaskar)说 “四年前,当我谈到室内应用飞秒激光器,超快光学时,他们说,这是个完全荒谬的设想。”








  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”



  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

  To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the Olympic Games, comfort...



标签: 印刷术 摄像机



“The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”



“The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the Olympic Games, comfortably sitting on the sofa, needless to be present on the spot.

And more excitedly, certain close-...





  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”



  “The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

  To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the Olympic Games, comfortably sitting on the sofa, needless to be present on the spot.

  And more excitedly, certain close-up enables us to scrutinize our favorable athletes. If there isn‘t video camera, we may...

考试资源网:手机相机摄像机 “后高考经济”令商家狂喜


标签: 高考

 2011年06月11日 11时32分,《考试资源网:手机相机摄像机 “后高考经济”令商家狂喜》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理.

本报讯 (记者 符樱) 高考(微博)刚结束,武汉商家就开始掘金“后高考经济”,有商家坦言,如今不少家长奖励考生舍得花钱,“后高考消费”逐年升级。
昨日,记者走访了解到,多家商场本周末促销大打考生牌。武广引爆“高考放榜玩酷数码”活动,将运动休闲产品、高新数码产品作为促销主力;世贸广场称,高考学生凭准考证购物满额,可获赠 “悠游咸宁”套票,到太乙温泉水上乐园和太乙洞游玩。