
出国留学网专题频道斯文本科技大学栏目,提供与斯文本科技大学相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 斯文本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology)是一所位于澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本市的综合类公立大学,是澳大利亚唯一的应邀为欧洲创新大学联合会的成员(ECIU),亦是澳大利亚唯一一所设有TAFE学院的公立大学。



  Prepare for your trip

  After accepting your offer, it’s time to prepare for your trip. It’s a good idea to understand well ahead of time what you need to arrange, the steps you need to take and when the latest day is that you should arrive in Melbourne.

  There are many things you need to organise before arriving; these include applying for an Australian student visa, booking accommodation and taking out health cover. Depending on the type of study exchange you are on, some of these may be arranged for you as part of the program.

  After you have accepted your offer to study at Swinburne, you can start planning your arrival in Melbourne.

  There are a number of things you must do before you depart your home country. Use our resources to help plan your arrival.





  1.Pre-departure checklist

  There are many things to organise before you travel to Melbourne. Use our checklist to make sure you complete all these important tasks.

  Before you depart for Australia, make sure you:

  obtain your passport and visa

  check your Letter of Offer to confirm details ...




  Student accommodation

  From the on-campus Residential College and student apartments, to off-campus rooms and houses, there are a range of housing options available while studying at Swinburne.



  1.On-campus accommodation

  The Swinburne Student Residences on the Hawthorn campus are home to over 600 students from across Australia and around the world, making it a great place to meet new people and make lifelong friendships!

  We offer a variety of accommodation options including dormitory-style living, single or shared apartments, and townhouse-style deluxe apartments.

  Residents have access to academic support, guidance and pastoral care, as provided by a team of live-in Resident Advisors.

  Whether you are passionate about study, sports, the arts, food, cultural immersion, just hanging out and getting to know other students, or all of the above, Swinburne Student Residences offers you many opportunities to get involved with both the on-campus accommodation community and the broader university community.


  斯文本科技大学 Hawthorn 校区有学生公寓,可容纳来自澳大利亚和世界各地的600名以上的学生,是结交朋友和打造终身友谊的很好的地方。




  作为澳大利亚一所著名的高等学府,斯文本科技大学每年都面向国际招生。斯文本科技大学的学费分为预科(Foundation Year)学费、文凭课程(UniLink diplomas)学费、职业教育学费、本科学费和研究生学费五大类。每类费用都是多少呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。



  Foundation Year

Study area

Indicative course fee*

Arts/Social Sciences

A$19,564–21,750 total


A$19,560–21,750 total


A$20,928–23,256 total




  Application instructions

  At Swinburne, we aim to make your application process as easy as possible.

  We run many events outside Australia where you can speak with a Swinburne representative about courses, admission and studying in Melbourne. This is a great opportunity for you to receive advice.

  Swinburne has agents all over the world that can help you with your application.





  English language requirements

  Each Swinburne course has a minimum English language requirement for entry.



Swinburne English Language Centre



  澳大利亚斯文本科技大学是一所著名的综合性大学,每年面向国际招生留学生。斯文本科技大学的奖学金分四类:斯文本奖学金、联邦奖学金、准入和迎新奖学金(Access and Welcome scholarship conditions)和捐赠者基金奖学金(Donor funded scholarship )。四类奖学金的适用对象不同,申请条件也不同。那么具体情况是怎样的呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。

  Swinburne scholarship conditions

  Swinburne offers a variety of scholarships based on different criteria and conditions.



  Merit based scholarship conditions


  1. As a recipient of the scholarship, you must:

  a) commence your first year of studies at Swinburne University of Technology in Semester 1 of the Commencement Period outlined in your letter of offer.

  b) undertake an on-campus undergraduate degree.

  c) maintain:

  i. a full-time study load; generally, three units (37.5 credit points) or four units (50 credit points) per semester. Important: If you are on a student visa, a full-time study load is four units (50 credit points) per semester.

  ii. Applicable only to Vice-Chancellor’s, Dean’s Outstanding and Swinburne Excelence Scholarships: an average mark of 70% in each Progress Review Period and you must not fail a unit.

  iii. Applicable only to George Swinburne, STEM and Women in STEM Scholarships: an average mark of 65% in each Progress Review Period and you must not fail a unit.

  iv. Women in STEM Scholarship recipients...