




  1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

  Um…I suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um… as well as that, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I don’t really use it as much as I used to, because I think weibo’s a bit better.

  “你喜欢使用哪种社交网站?”这里的回答是微博,考生可以注意一下,开始的“Um…I suppose……”似乎是有停顿的,但是为什么还能够得高分呢?其实雅思口语适当的停顿并不是坏事,有时候还能够给大家思考答案的时间,上述的I suppose其实就表明了回答者在思考。再来看which is……非限定性定语从句,对微博的解释,相当于西方的Twitter。And um… as well as that连接词,顺承到人人网的介绍,中文版的脸书,及其优势。整个回答十分完整,定语从句和让步状语从句使句式避免单一,词汇显然是合格的。有明显的连接词和交流标记词,虽然有停顿但是能够给人一种在思考,与人交流的感觉,所以整个回答不管是从词汇,句式还是连贯度上都是非常优秀的范文,而且能够让人感受到交流的氛围是十分难能可贵的。


  the equivalent of – 相等于

  Essentially -大体上;基本上

  Chinese version – 中国版

  2. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?

  I’m honestly not that sure because I’ve never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably not that easy, although it’s definitely possible, because um… I think you never quite know someone properly until you’ve met them in the flesh. At least that’s been my experience anyway!





  题目很简单:Describe a place near water you want to visit.


  The place I’m all dreaming about is the place in Mediterranean area. It can be any country, region, or any city located there, such as Greece and Morocco. The deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration are pictures that always come into my mind. Besides that, the mouthwatering foods there are another part which makes me crazy about.


  The Mediterranean has always been listed as one of the Top 10 World’s tourist attractions, especially for those newly-wed couples flying all the way from other countries and starting the hot honeymoon vacation. In China, you know, it’s not that easy to find a sea like that, and it’s boring to see modern buildings with similar shape all the time. But the Mediterranean style houses—blue and white appearance is pretty much like refreshment to the pale world, or like adding spice to meals. I guess the feeling will be fantastic!

  这部分的内容是继开头部分中提到的“deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration”进行扩展描述,具体解释。

  The live seafood has been another reason that pushes me coming to visit. A large range of seafood can be found in local market and seaside restaurant, such as oysters, salmon, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and so forth. Another thing, which is particularly popular on Me...