




  Entrance Examinations-Talks-Education


  1. 泛听:第一遍听懂文章大意;第二遍边听边做笔记,记下关键信息,不看文本

  2. 精听:第三遍着重听自己不懂的句子,对照文本

  3. 词汇积累:对照文本,积累生词,并背下词汇表内容

  4. 重听:回到原文听第四遍,不看文本,能听懂每句话

  5. 总结:归纳文章场景,把词汇,短语分类记下


  Spring breaks were always used to pay back my sleep debt for burning the midnight oil on a regular basis.


  This year was different.My parents,counselors,and friends all encouraged me to go visitcolleges.I thought,"those tedious application forms and essays were a pain,now I have to giveup a week of vacation touring the USA?"


  I went.Visiting 7 schools in 5 days was a great feat in itself.My mother and I first flew to SanFrancisco and rented a car.That day,we went to UC Berkeley and Stanford.On day 2,we drove allthe way down to LA.Day 3 is for visiting UCLA and USC.We flew across the continent to the eastcoast,arriving in Boston at midnight.The next day,we toured MIT and Harvard for a while,thendrove to Newark,New Jersey for the night.On the last day,we saw U Penn in Philadelphia beforecatching the plane back to our home in Texas.





  Religious Belief-Health-Peace


  1. 泛听:第一遍听懂文章大意;第二遍边听边做笔记,记下关键信息,不看文本

  2. 精听:第三遍着重听自己不懂的句子,对照文本

  3. 词汇积累:对照文本,积累生词,并背下词汇表内容

  4. 重听:回到原文听第四遍,不看文本,能听懂每句话

  5. 总结:归纳文章场景,把词汇,短语分类记下


  People around the world have religions.Some people consider it as an important part of good mental health while others take it much lightly.


  As a Christian,I can fully appreciate the fact that my faith helps me keep my mind at ease.The improvements in mental health are seen in many newly baptized people.Rituals like confessing can relieve the pressure of one's mind by pouring out what bothers him deep inside.Praying,going to church,and singing all have their powers.Maybe religion is also psychological as well.A theists may reject it as totally supernatural,but they are missing out.


  Other religions like Judaism,lslam,Buddhism,and Hinduism also offer some mechanisms for supporting people through hardships and giving people hope.Some religious groups have beliefs that conflict with others.This can happen with different denominations within Christianity as well.The Catholics and the Protestants 'ways of thi...