




  文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness

  重复年份 20140920 20130622

  题材 人文社科

  题型 配对 6+选择 4+判断 4

  文章题目 Expert in musician

  重复年份 20160130 20140517

  题材 人文社科

  题型 选择 4+判断 6+填空 4

  文章题目 Newly Hatched birds

  重复年份 20150430 20130718 20100821 20070922

  题材 动物

  题型 暂无

  文章大意 有一种通过敲击蛋壳加速蛋的孵化,并解释了同时孵化的原因。后面又比较了各种鸟的喂食方式。

  参考阅读: The changes in body weight and composition were examined in broilers that either had immediate access to feed and water or had not been fed for 48 h posthatch. Chicks without access to feed decreased in BW by 7.8% in the 48 h posthatch, which was equivalent to 5.3 kcal/45 g chick/d. However, during this period the small intestines increased in weight and protein content by 80% or more. The decrease in yolk fat and protein could account for most of the changes in body composition in the feed-deprived chick. In contrast, fed chicks grew by 5 g and used 4.5 kcal/d for maintenance; during this period small intestines increased in weight by 110%. Intestinal absorption of exogenous nutrients was determined from hatch through 4 d posthatch by administration of a bolus of labeled glucose, methionine, or oleic acid, together with a nonabsorbed reference substance. Absorption of fatty acids was more than 80% at hatch and was higher than that of ...





  文章题目 When did music begin?

  题材 艺术

  题型 选择 4,+配对 5+判断 5


  文章题目 Who should look after the child?

  题材 人文社科


  参考阅读:Working Mothers In the United States today, more than half of mothers with young children work, compared to about one third in the 1970s. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their families need the income.

  Why Women Work In many families today, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years developing. Some women return to work soon after giving birth because they know that most employers in this country are not sympathetic to working ...





  P1 rubber tfng6个,summary6个。发明发展史类 P2 odd and curious money.多选和matching P3 blind to change。人物matching,tfng,matching的句首配句尾。前两篇是送分啊,427这么简单,511的孩子你们惨了。


  阅读第一篇Happiness, 第二篇number, 第三篇,英国中世纪的历史之类!


  阅读第一篇快乐的来源, 第二篇大脑如何记忆numbers,第三篇一个作者写关于中世纪的书


  rubber the odd coin... blind change 各种matching啊。


  4月27.澳洲,G类阅读,第一篇介绍几个市集,按描述的把市集对号入座,可以重复, 第二篇 说排班制,2班倒,3班倒的优缺点, 然后填表. 第三篇说职场评估,经理如果帮助员工制定计划,完成计划,怎样评估, 然后填空和T/F/NG, 第四篇讲UK的人口问题,生育率,死亡率,老龄化趋势,然后headings 和 T/F/NG





  p1: Koala   1. 考拉的死因,在路上被车压死!选on the road

  2. 需要长时间休息才能消化,以前我看过类似文章,貌似因为桉树树叶是一种麻醉剂,所以才睡觉2 s' |8 [0 T1 n' I& B, Z

  3. 考拉害怕的时候的表现,我选的是第一个,few signals,文章中有blitting,xxx,xxx# S( O) D u7 A& F. g

  4. 澳洲动物园如何开发考拉,让孩子们抱来抱去,所以是和人接触1 L7 d! n7 D% D L

  5. 澳洲新政对的影响,我选的是部分动物园改了他们的策略,因为不让给考拉拍照了

  TFNG 下面的顺序是乱的; {0 I" G) E/ }1 i# I! U

  6. YES 考拉主要死于settler and descent) \, H! L; \8 X

  7. NO 考拉只分布于部分地区

  8. 考拉不喜欢被捏,但是喜欢把饲养员的手当树干+ [7 L9 k: l4 N

  9. 大火后的树林已经恢复\$ b& P& m4 J5 O

  10. 考拉不会为了吃的打架

  11. 考拉和人类疾病那个是NG9 z+ ?8 i' k: V/ K+ j2 h

  12. 考拉生病可以看出来,说以是N7 j) L/ j$ m, O5 r

  13. 本文是一个记者写的 journalist


  P2: 第二篇讲南极的冰和世界气候环境的关系Antarctica climate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica . D1 j s# O7 x; b( T$ B8 g7 `


  第一段是讲人们曾disregard南极,第二段最后2句话最重要,有答案出现.(可能之前有一段)第三段是讲农业收到南极影响,然后是海洋生物受到影响,最后讲一个项目,把水怎样怎样,可以提高盐含量和带来冷流。7 b0 H: n, ?( P4 x


  好像两个E,一个F,还有忘了  5 A,我们不了解南极的时候的误解在A段

  后面三个拼接句子& t5 z( y2 D4 T0 \8 y

  1. 低气温5

  2. krill 磷虾吗

  3. 气压差导致的那个sourth...估计是什么大气环流

  后面是选择,顺序乱,不全!   1南极是地球所有大气水循环的心脏

  2. 南极盐分变化导致什么水的含氧量变化


  讲商家劝说人们买东西,先举英国商城用购物车和购物篮让人们停留并买东西,然后是loyal card,然后讲情绪影响人们的举动,3段都出现了matching的答案,然后讲一个专家说广告的秘诀是让顾客舒服(或像名人?不确定,是选择第二题的答案), 然...