


以下《2014考研英语高频热点词汇:B开头》由出国留学网考研复习资料频道为您精心提供,欢迎大家参考。 bald 秃头的,不毛的,单调的 barren 贫瘠的 不毛的 bizarre 古怪的,奇异的 bleak 阴冷的,寒冷的;荒凉的;暗淡的 blunt 不尖的,钝的;直率的,直言的 botanical 植物学的 bound 一定的 brisk 活跃的,活泼的 brutal 野蛮的,残忍的 cardinal 主要的,最基本的 bankrupt 破产;完全缺乏 batch 一批,一捆 bearing 举止,态度;关系,方面 belly 肚子,腹部 bias 偏见,倾向,癖性 bishop 主教 blunder 错误,大错 budget 预算 booth 棚子,摊位,亭 botany 植物学 boycott 联合抵制 brace 链,曲柄 bracket 托架,类别;分类 breach 违犯,破坏,缺口 breakdown 坏掉,出毛病;病倒,衰退 brink (危险等)边缘 brochure 小册子 bruise 挫伤;碰伤,淤伤 bust 半身像,胸部 buzz 嗡嗡声 bypass 辅助道路 cannon 大炮,火炮 baffle 困惑,阻止,难住 beam 微笑,高兴地笑;播送(节... [ 查看全文 ]



以下《2014考研英语高频热点词汇:A开头》由出国留学网考研复习资料频道为您精心提供,欢迎大家参考。 abnormal 不正常的 absurd 荒谬的 abundant 丰富的 acute 敏锐的,锋利的,急性的 accurate 精确的,准确的 adequate 足够的,恰当的,合适的 adjacent ( to )毗连的,接近的 adverse 不利的,相反的 aerial 空中的,航空的 a...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(20)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text20 What is your earliest childhood memory? Can you remember learning to walk? Or talk? The first time you heard thunder or watched a television p...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(19)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text19 About 40 percent of Americans think of themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from shyness at some point in the...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(18)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text18 One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic 1 in stores, restaurant...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(17)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text17 Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. It's easy to understand why. For adults, alcohol is legal, widely 1 in American...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(16)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text16 An estimated 11,300 laptop computers, 31,400 handheld computers and 200,000 mobile telephones have been left in taxis around the world during ...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(15)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text15 Managers must become proficient cross-cultural communicators if they wish to succeed in today’s global environment. Culture consists of the va...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(14)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text14 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that, on average, each person in the United States throws out about 328 pounds of edible f...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(13)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text13 A potful of evidence suggests that the antioxidants and polyphenols in tea help protect you from stroke and heart attack, Alzheimer's disease,...[ 查看全文 ]


以下《2014考研英语完型模拟冲刺题(12)》由出国留学网考研英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Text12 Responsibilities. We all have them; most of us have more than we’d like. That doesn’t change the reality that, sooner or later, we all have to...[ 查看全文 ]
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