
雅思口语话题an ancient building的相关文章推荐

雅思口语话题an ancient building

出国留学网雅思频道小编为在奋斗在雅思一线的小烤鸭们整理了《雅思口语话题an ancient building》,口语话题在于平时多练多积累,希望对你们有所帮助。 Describe a historic building that you have visited. where it was what people were doing there why you went there and explain how you felt about this building. 雅思口语话题:an ancient building 范文: Ok, well, the building I’ve decided to talk about is the former residence of a Chinese poet, who I think was called Sha Menghai or something like that, and although it’s not really that well-known a building, the reason I’ve chosen to describe it rather ... [ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语话题an ancient building的相关文章

雅思口语难度话题:An interesting talk or speech that you heard

如果在雅思口语考试中遇到一些平时积累较少的话题或者话题本身比较难的话,你也不要紧张,整理好思绪,能说什么就说什么,下面出国留学网雅思频道小编就就为你带来《雅思口语难度话题:An interesting talk or speech that you heard》,希望对你有所帮助。 Cue Card Describe an interesting talk or speech that you...[ 查看全文 ]



书是精神粮食,至乐无如读书,那么如何要在雅思口语中把一本书描述得很精彩呢,所以,出国留学网雅思频道小编为你带来的《雅思口语话题范文:描述一本书》,供考生们参考学习。 You should say: what type when you started reading this type of book and explain why you like (or, prefer) to rea...[ 查看全文 ]


今天,出国留学网雅思小编为正在备考雅思口语考试的你整理了关于雅思G类口语问题汇总问答之工作(Working) 的文章《雅思G类口语实例问答:工作篇》,希望能够帮助大家对于雅思口语问题工作(Working) 的问答方式方法,帮助到你的口语 雅思G类口语问题汇总问答之工作(Working) ①雅思口语问题 :Are you working or studying?(你是在上班还是在上学?) 雅思...[ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语话题:pass situation

今天出国留学网雅思小编为大家带来话题为《雅思口语话题:pass situation》的口语范文,希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助! Topic: We have all walked away from situation in our lives-work, school, family matters that we have regrette...[ 查看全文 ]



出国留学网雅思频道小编为大家整理了雅思口语考试中常用到的九大时态分析问题,英语的时态不像中文那般容易表现。一般来说,雅思口语考试常用到的时态有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时、现在完成进行时,下面出国留学网雅思频道小编将给与详细的《雅思口语九种时态详解》,希望对你有所帮助。 一.雅思口语时态之一般现在时 概念:表经常性习惯性发生的动...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网雅思栏目今天为大家带来口语话题练习一份《关于未来规划的雅思口语练习话题》,也是雅思口语话题里出现频率比较多的,希望对正在准备雅思口语的你有所帮助。希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助! 题目: Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study. You should say - what the plan ...[ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语话题范文:education system

出国留学网小编为大家带来口语话题练习一份《雅思口语话题范文:education system》。希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。 题目:Tell me about the education system in your country. 解题思路: 1. at what ages students go to different schools 2. what the advan...[ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语高分范文:controversial issue

口语需要每天练习,考生们要阅读很多的话题和背景知识来完善自己的知识面,所以,出国留学网雅思频道今天为大家带来口语话题练习一份《雅思口语高分范文:controversial issue》。希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。 范例一: Well, I’d like to talk about the controversial issue of religion in schoo...[ 查看全文 ]


口语需要每天练习,所以,出国留学网雅思频道今天为大家带来口语话题练习一份《雅思口语话题:dish》。希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。 【真题回放】 Describe A Dish Describe one of your favorite dishes. You should say: From whom you learnt to cook it. How this ...[ 查看全文 ]


今天出国留学网雅思栏目为大家带来的是《雅思口语话题范文:Monkey 》,也是2014年雅思比较热门的口语话题,希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。 题目一:Where Do Monkeys Live? 范例一: Monkeys live in most of the warmer regions in the world, counting Asia, Africa and S...[ 查看全文 ]
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