
约翰逊:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can的相关文章推荐

约翰逊:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can

下面出国留学网小编要推荐的英语听力材料:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can 我想要尽可能地减少预算,详细内容如下,和小编一起来听听记者与约翰逊的精彩问答吧~ 点击收听音频 Reporter: Mr. President, have you been able to get your new budget under $100 billion yet? 记者:总统先生,你已经把你的新预算 降到1000亿美元了吗? Johnson: We finished about a third of the budget last night and sent it to the printer. We have not wrapped up the budget yet. I don’t want to get into any numbers game because I always lose those. I think it is better to say that we want to keep the budget as low as we can, consistent with meeting th... [ 查看全文 ]

约翰逊:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can的相关文章

听力练习材料推荐:I Am Good at Debating

下面是出国留学网小编为大家整理的美国总统英语访谈录之采访美国第40任总统:罗纳德里根--从好莱坞明星到美国总统: I Am Good at Debating 我很善于辩论,采访文稿中英对照。详细内容如下,欢迎参考。 点击收听音频 Reporter: Mr. President, welcome. We want to go through and talk about the presid...[ 查看全文 ]

英语听力材料:I Didn't Violate Any laws

美国总统英语访谈录,采访美国第42任总统:比尔克林顿第一个出生在二战后的总统:I Didn't Violate Any laws 我没有违背任何法律,采访文稿中英对照。希望能对大家英语听力练习有所帮助! 点击收听音频 Reporter: I've read the transcripts of all the interviews you’ve done thus far si...[ 查看全文 ]
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