


Explore what makes our community so special—learn about our programs and resources, visit our campus, and engage with our students. If you feel WashU is a place for you, we encourage you to apply. A WashU experience is not out of reach.If you are admitted, we will work closely with you to meet your financial need. We provide scholarships—not loans—to students with limited financial resources so they can graduate debt-free and ready to take on the world.Your academic journey at Washington University in St. Louis can include exploring... [ 查看全文 ]



The Cost of Attendance is our best estimate of what a full academic year at Carolina might cost, before student aid is factored in. Actual costs can vary widely from student to student.Some of the...[ 查看全文 ]


For the 2017-2018 academic year, the total cost of full-time attendance for undergraduates is estimated to be $25,876 for North Carolina residents and $53,100 for out-of-state residents. Those fig...[ 查看全文 ]


The world’s leading study destination for international students, the US boasts over 150 leading universities in the QS World University Rankings®. In 2015/16, the number of international studen...[ 查看全文 ]


At the University of Missouri, you’ll get a world-class education in the heart of the United States. Last year, students from 112 countries came to study at Mizzou, as did 800 international schola...[ 查看全文 ]



All students enrolled at the University of Missouri are required to pay tuition based on the number of credits of instruction they are receiving. Courses taken as a hearer (auditor) are charged at...[ 查看全文 ]


2017-2018乔治亚大学本科留学费用,跟着出国留学网一起来了解下吧,欢迎阅读。Tuition and Costs of Attending UGAIn today's economic environment, families are more concerned than ever with the cost of higher education. The University...[ 查看全文 ]


很多学生会选择去英国读大学,那么英国有哪些大学需要交申请费用?下面和出国留学网一起来看看吧!欢迎阅读。英国有哪些大学需要交申请费剑桥大学(University of Cambridge):100镑牛津大学(University of Oxford):普通专业100镑,MBA申请费150镑杜伦大学(Durham University):商学院专业60镑萨里大学(University of Surre...[ 查看全文 ]


英国留学生的费用如何节省呢?下面和出国留学网一起来看看吧!欢迎阅读。英国留学费用如何节省一、一次性缴付有折扣允许学生按照一次性付款、分期付款和按月度付款三种主要方式来缴付学费。而英国大学为鼓励学生在入学注册时一次性付清学费,通常会给予2%-5%的学费折扣。通常而言,中国学生在离境前已有能力准备好留学期间的学费和生活费,所以,一次性缴付学费可行性较强。二、赶早不赶晚而如果只能读个普通的大学,而又不得...[ 查看全文 ]


Making the decision to leave home to study in the U.S. can be very exciting, but it can also feel a bit overwhelming. Being a part of UConn means the University of Connecticut becomes your second ...[ 查看全文 ]


不少学生会选择自费去美国,那么自费去美国留学的高中费用情况是怎么样呢?下面和出国留学网一起来看看吧!欢迎阅读。2017年自费去美国高中费用一、学费1、按学校性质分:美国高中公立学校约占85%,私立约15%,公立学校交换生名额较少,美国公立高中由当地政府资助,不需要费用,但只针对美国本地学生。国际留学生只能作为交换生到美国公立高中留学一年,一年期满仍需回国。美国高中留学以私立学校为主,其学费偏贵一些...[ 查看全文 ]
雏鹰计划-本科生项目招聘 初中科学教师 山东理工大学 应届大学生 美国堪萨斯州立大学 美国叶史瓦大学 大学生找兼职 斯坦佛大学 分数线|北京科技大学 中国|矿业大学 石河子大学 南京医科大学 佳木斯大学 北京体育大学 广东中山大学 上海大学附属中学 山东曲阜师范大学 澳门大学 宁夏大学 延安大学
科摩罗高中生留学费用 黎巴嫩留学费用一览表 土耳其研究生留学费用 肯尼亚留学费用一览表 法属圭亚那留学生活费 乌克兰留学一年费用 斯洛伐克本科生留学费用 乍得留学费用一览表 斯里兰卡留学费用一览表 萨尔瓦多留学一年费用