

2012中考英语语法重点 代词 5

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2012-05-26 12:31




【 liuxue86.com - 中考英语 】

  ( ) 25. There are two windows in the room. They _______ face east.

  A. all B. both C. every D. either

  ( ) 26. Here are two dictionaries. You may use _______of them.

  A. all B. every C. each D. either

  ( ) 27. The teacher put__________ the books he could find on the desk.

  A. all B. any C. much D. some

  ( ) 28. ChenBin has read lots of stories by Chinese writers, now he would like to read______

  stories by writers from_______ countries.

  A. some, any B. other, other C. other, some D. some, other

  ( ) 29. I can’t go there. There is__________ bus.

  A. not B. not any C. no D. none

  ( ) 30. Let you and_________ do it together

  A. I B. my C. me D. mine

  ( ) 31. I don’t think this is a good idea. Have you any_______ suggestion?

  A. another B. the other C. others D. other

  ( ) 32. ________ a pity you didn’t see the film.

  A. It’s B. That’s C. These is D. What’s

  ( ) 33. It was ________who helped me a lot.

  A. herself B. she C. himself D. her

  ( ) 34. I don’t like playing football,________ does he.

  A. either B. neither C. none D. so

  ( ) 35. ________ are very good.

  A. Both they B. The both boys C. Both of they D. Both those boys

  ( ) 36. _______ of the three bus lines will take you to the station.

  A. All B. Either C. Neither D. Both

  ( ) 37. Try to make as_______ mistakes as possible in your homework.

  A. less B. little C. fewer D. few

  ( ) 38. I have ______ money with me. Let me pay for you.

  A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

  ( ) 39. Not all students go home on holiday, __________ still stay in the school.

  A. a little B. none C. a few D. few

  ( ) 40. I haven’t _________ money with me, but if you want I can give you_________.

  A. much, many B. many, little C. much, some D. any, much

  ( ) 41. That’s the matter between_________.

  A. I and you B. me and your C. you and I D. you and me

  ( ) 42. Have you finished_________ homework?

  A. yours B. I C. your D. you

  ( ) 43. --- This is _______ ruler. Where is _____? --- Oh, ________ is on the desk.

  A. me, yours, my B. my, your, my C. my, yours, mine D. mine, your, my

  ( ) 44. _________ has some new books. The books are on ________ shelf.

  A. He, his B. He, him C. Him, his D. His, he

  ( ) 45. We want_________ example. This one is not enough.

  A. the other B. others C. other D. another

  ( ) 46. “_______ teaches _________ English?” “Mrs. Ma________.”

  A. Who, your, does B. Who, you, does C. You, whom, do D. You, whose, is

  ( ) 47. Could you give me _________ water?

  A. any B. some C. little D. many

  ( ) 48. “_________watch is this?” “ It’s_________.”

  A. Whose, your B. Whose, yours C. Which, you D. What, yours

  ( ) 49. Most of ________ can read as fluently as ________.

  A. us, they B. our, them C. we, them D. ours, theirs

  ( ) 50. He is the boy________ I went swimming yesterday.

  A. who B. whom C. with whom D. him

  代词专项练习 (2)

  ( )51. The weather in summer in Wuhan is hotter than _______ in Beijing.

  A. one B. it C. that D. this

  ( )52. --- How do you think about the film? --- Sorry. _______ of us have seen it.

  A. Some B. Any C. All D. None

  ( )53. --- Which do you like better, English or Chinese? --- _______. I prefer math.

  A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. No one

  ( )54. --- What would you like to drink? --- It doesn’t matter. _______ will do.

  A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything

  ( )55. --- Shall we meet on Saturday or Sunday? --- _______ day is OK.

  A. Any B. Either C. Each D. Every

  ( )56. --- Is this your book? --- No, _______ is in my bag. Perhaps it’s _______.

  A. my, her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers

  ( )57. Mr Wang taught _______ English last term.

  A. we B. us C. our D. ours

  ( )58. I have two brothers. _______ is a doctor, ______ is a soldier.

  A. One, the other B. One, other C. The one, the other D. The one, other

  ( )59. His mother did the housework all by _______.

  A. her B. she C. hers D. herself

  ( )60. This pair of trousers is too short. Would you please show me _______ one.

  A. other B. others C. another D. the others

  ( )61. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

  A. new anything B. anything new C. new something D. new everything

  ( )62. I found _______ important to read English in the morning.

  A. it B. that C. its D. which

  ( )63. --- ______ are you going to visit in Beijing? --- We are going to visit the Summer Palace.

  A. Where B. What C. Why D. When

  ( )64. He wanted to invite three of _______ --- Tom, Mike and _______ to his birthday party.

  A. we, I B. us, me C. us, I D. we, me

  ( )65. They are twins. _______ of them like English.

  A. Each B. Both C. All D. Neither

  ( )66. Your son is old enough to look after _______. You needn’t worry about _______.

  A. him, him B. himself, himself C. himself, him D. him, himself

  ( )67. My father keeps some white cows and three black _______.

  A. one B. ones C. it D. its

  ( )68. The desks in our classroom are bigger than _______ in yours.

  A. them B. those C. ones D. that

  ( )69. --- _______ are you? --- Ah, it’s a secret.

  A. How B. How many C. How much D. How old

  ( )70. _______ sister asks _______ to go to school with _______.

  A. My, I, she B. My, me, her C. I, my, she D. I, me, her


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