



  1. “Ode to the west wind” was written by the author of ___.

  A “I wandered lonely as a cloud”

  B “Kubla Khan”

  C “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

  D “As Defense of Poetry”

  2. Which of the following poets does not belong to the school of romantic poets?

  A William Wordsworth

  B Percy Bysshe Shelley

  C George Gordon Byron

  D John Donne

  3. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except ___.

  A Oliver Twist

  B David Copperfield

  C A Tale of Two Cities

  D Heart of Darkness

  4. “A Red, Red Rose” was written by ___.

  A Alexandra Pop

  B Robert Burns

  C William Blake

  D John Keats

  5. Pip is the character of Charles Dickens’ novel ___.

  A Oliver Twist

  B David Copperfield

  C A Tale of Two Cities

  D Great Expectations

  6. Sense and Sensibility is a ___ by ___.

  A play… Jane Austen

  B novel… Jane Austen

  C play… Emily Bronte

  D novel… Anne Bronte

  7. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be---that is the question” by___.

  A Iago in Othello

  B Lear in King Lear

  C Shylock in the Merchant of Venice

  D Hamlet in Hamlet

  8. Robert Browning’s “My last Duchess” is composed in the form of a(n) ___.

  A dramatic mono...



  1. _____is a fork legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it is a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.

  A Beowulf

  B sir Gawain

  C the Canterbury tale

  D king Arthur and his knights

  2. The father of English poetry, the author of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of ____.

  A Romeo and Juliet

  B the faerie queen

  C Tamburlainc

  D the Canterbury tales

  3. The group of Shakespeare plays known as “romance”or “reconciliation plays” is ______.

  A merchant of Venice, as you like it

  B the tempest, pericles, the winter’s tale

  C Romeo and Juliet, antonym and Cleopatra

  4. Which of the following are regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies?

  A Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, King Lear

  B Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, Macbeth

  C hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

  D Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth, Timon of Athens

  5. Which of the following is not the work of Francis bacon?

  A advancement of learning

  B new instrument

  C songs of innocence

  D essays

  6. At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics by Samuel Johnson, ____is the founder of metaphysical poetry.

  A Ben Johnson

  B john Milton

  C john Bunyan




  Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1688)


  I.Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1485)


  The Wars of Rose


  The name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485. Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Fireld in 1485 and put ht country under the rule of the Tudors. From these Wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.


  II. The English Reformation


  Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church. There were three main causes: a desire for change and reform in the church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of Martin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were resented; and Henry needed money.


  The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the Papacy. Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused. Henry's reforms was to get rid of the English Church's connection...



  The Shaping of the Nation (1066-1381)


  I. Norman Rule (1066-1381)


  1. William's Rule (1066-1087)


  Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established.


  According to this system, the King owned all the land personally. William gave his barons large estates in England in return for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land's produce. These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king. The barons, who had become William's tenants-in-chief, parceled out land to the lesser nobles, knights and freemen, also in return for goods and services. At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs. One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance,not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.


  2. King Henry II and his reforms


  Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy. He forced the Flemish mercenaries to leave England; recalled grants of Royal lands made by his previous king Stephen; demolished many ...



  The People


  1.population distribution


  Britain has a population of about 57 millions and it is very unevenly distributed. 90% of the population is urban and only 10% is rural. The population of Britain is made up mainly of the English (81.5%), the Scottish (9.6%), the Welsh (1.9%), the Irish (2.4%), the Northern Irish (1.8%) and other peoples (2.8%).


  2.The difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welsh and Irish:


  The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons, the Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts.


  3.The difference in character


  The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. They are music lovers and are proud of their past.


  The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious and thrifty people, and they are also hospitable, generous and friendly.


  The Irish are charm and vivacity.


  4.The difference in speech between southern England and northern England:


  Southerners speak the type of English close to BBC English; In northern England, regional speech is usually "broader" than that of southern Engl...





  1. Britain's favorable climate


  Britain has a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range.


  2.The factors that influence the climate in Britain:


  1)The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer;


  2)The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;


  3)The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.




  Britainhas a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000mm. There is a water surplus in the north and west, and a water deficit in the south and east.

  英国全年降雨量稳定,平均降雨量超过1000毫米。 英国北部、西部雨量较多,但是南部、东部有所缺乏




  Geographical Features 英国的地理特征

  1.Geographical position of Britain:


  Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.


  2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands.


  Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊

  Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m).


  Severn River is the longest river in Britain (338km).


  Thames River is the second longest and most important river in Britain. (336km).


  Lough Neagh is the largest lake in Britain which is located in Northern Ireland. (396 square kilometres).


  River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland.


  Snowdonia is the highest mountain in Wales.(1,085m)





  Land and People


  Different Names for Britain and its Parts


  1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.


  2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


  3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.


  4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.


  (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.


  (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh


  (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff


  (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast.


  5.The Commonwealth (of nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991.




  20世纪文学  20世纪文学的第一个成就是戏剧创作上的突破。首先是爱尔兰人萧来到伦敦,用泼辣的剧评为易卜生所代表的欧洲现实主义新戏剧打开局面,接着又在自己的创作里巧妙地把它同阿里斯托芬以来的欧洲古典喜剧传统结合起来,写出了51个剧本,其中有《华伦夫人的职业》(1894)、《人与超人》(1903)、《英国佬的另一个岛》(1904)、《巴巴拉少校》(1905)、《皮格马利翁》(1913)、《圣女贞德》(1923)、《苹果车》(1929)等名作,它们或是辩论社会问题,或是发表新颖思想,但都给观众以高尚的艺术享受。萧的出现使过去一百年英国戏剧不振的局面根本改观。 新戏剧的另外一支强大力量也来自爱尔兰。随着爱尔兰民族解放运动的高涨,出现了一个爱尔兰文艺复兴运动。都柏林的阿贝戏院,在格雷戈里夫人和诗人叶芝的主持之下,演出了他们自己的和新起的爱尔兰作者包括辛格和奥凯西的剧本。辛格的《西方世界的花花公子》(1907)和奥凯西的《朱诺和孔雀》(1924)都是杰作,他们不但成功地写了爱尔兰题材,而且在戏剧语言上有重大的创新。叶芝写了《胡里痕的凯瑟琳》(1902)一剧,鼓舞了观众的民族主义情绪。后来他又在戏剧艺术方面多所试验,但在诗歌方面他的成就更为突出,早期诗作以优美著称,后来则写得精粹深刻,吸收而又超越现代主义,成为西方世界最大的诗人之一。 在英格兰本土,两次世界大战对文学有重大影响。特别是1914至1918年的战争,英国虽胜而遭受重大损失,一整代有才华的青年死于战壕。战争文学几乎全是创伤文学。炮火初停,仍然疮痍满目,在精神的废墟上出现了现代派文艺,其诗歌上的代表作是艾略特的《荒原》(1922),它用新奇的形象、多变的韵律和通过大量引文对比古今各国文化的手法来写西方文明的危机感,造成了一时影响。现代派还发表文学理论,为他们作品的晦涩与险僻辩护,又对过去的作家重作评价,如艾略特就抑革命诗人弥尔顿与雪莱,而扬17世纪的玄学派诗人。在小说方面,战前已有詹姆斯、康拉德等人将小说艺术推向对心理与动机的细致分析,战后又有属于布卢姆斯伯里团体的维•吴尔夫,既撰文抨击威尔斯、高尔斯华绥、本涅特等人的旧现实主义小说为不真实,又创作《到灯塔去》(1927)等小说来展示“意识流”的新技巧。运用“意识流”技巧而成就更大的是爱尔兰作家乔伊斯,他的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(1922)细致、深入地写现代都市居民精神生活的庸俗和猥琐,在结构和语言上都作了大胆创新,成为小说发展史上的一座里程碑。另一个重要的现代小说作家劳伦斯揭露了现代西方社会中人的畸形生活,并用火样的热情和明亮的语言表达了对于一种身心和谐、情感与智慧融合的圆满生活的追求。《虹》(1915)和《恋爱中的女人》(1921)是他的名作。 在这些创新活动的同时,传统的文学形式与写法仍然有众多的实践者。就诗而论,哈代在20世纪初放弃小说创作而重新拾起诗笔,不但写出了真挚深刻的抒情诗,而且完成了一部规模巨大的史诗剧《列王》(1903,1906,1908) 。他不追随任何流派而自成一家,但由于他深深植根于英国农村人民的纯朴生活,对历史和人生也长久思索过其意义,又有相应的貌似古拙实则敏感而又强烈的语言,因此诗作质朴而深沉,秀美而有力,近年来其诗名几乎超过他在小说方面的声誉。 在小说方面,继续现实主义传统的更大有人在。老一辈作家中,威尔斯不止善写科学幻想小说,而且长于描绘伦敦小市民的职业生涯,高尔斯华绥用上层人士的语言写资产者福赛特的家史,本涅特和毛姆用法国式的现实主义手法写人们的情感生活,都拥有广...