




  1.Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents ___ .

  A demur

  B schism

  C cooperation

  D compliance

  E shortsightedness

  F disband



  demur 对某事物表示怀疑或反对

  schism 分歧,(特指教会等)分裂,不合

  compliance 顺从,服从,(贬)百依百顺、曲承颜色

  disband 遣散、解散(公司、组织等),(组织、机构等)解体

  如果某国政府极力压制不同声音,那有可能它就属于某种unenlightened authoritarin managers。


  2.Speakers and listeners are often at odds: language that is easy for the receiver to understand is often difficult to ___ , and that which is easily formulated can be hard to ___ .

  A estimate

  D confirm

  B produce

  E ignore

  C suppress

  F comprehend



  at odds,争执,冲突,(与某人意见)不合。

  suppress (尤指用武力)镇压,抑制(情感等),查禁(思想、言论等)

  " NBA = National Basketball Association "


  理解:大家都听过刻舟求剑的故事。对于第一次听这个故事的弟弟妹妹,你要先讲一遍这个故事,然后告诉她这个故事后来又用来形容什么样的情况,用在什么样的语境,这就叫easy for the receiver to understand,但对你来说这是difficult to pro...




  1、Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be , her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.

  (A) Ambiguous

  (B) Provisional

  (C) Menial

  (D) Humble

  (E) Unique

  (F) Mediocre

  Answer: C D

  2、Although it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize for athletic .

  (A) Athletes

  (B) Spectators

  (C) Scholars

  (D) Snobbery

  (E) Inactivity

  (F) Ignorance

  Answer: B E

  3、 Although Darwinism was a profoundly world view, it was essentially passive, since it prescribed no steps to be taken, no victories over nature to be celebrated, no program of triumphs of be successively gained.

  (A) Limited

  (B) Repressive

  (C) Debatable

  (D) Innovative

  (E) Paradoxical

  Answer: D

  4、Individual freedom of thought should be more absolutely than individual freedom of action, given that the latter, though also desirable, must be the limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others.

  (A) Exercised

  (B) Protected

  (C) Curtailed

  (D) Conscious of

  (E) Superior to

  (F) Subject to

  Answer: B F

  5、Our new tools of systems analysis, power...





  1. Thomas Jefferson called The Federalist papers "the best commentaries on the principles of government ever written," and two centuries later they still stand as the most ________ statements of American political philosophy. ?

  (A) derivative ?

  (B) abstruse ?

  (C) impressive ?

  (D) ambiguous ?

  (E) underrated ?


  解析: 顺承关系/时间变化关系。Still表明仍然延续过去的评价。


  2. The most crucial issue for wildlife in this arid land is unimpeded ________ water. ?

  (A) passage through ?

  (B) freedom from ?

  (C) access to ?

  (D) saturation in ?

  (E) overflow of ?




  3. Freeing embedded fossils from rock has become less______ for paleontologists, who now have tiny vibrating drills capable of working with great speed and delicacy.

  A. exploratory

  B. conclusive

  C. tedious

  D. respected

  E. demeaning



  A. 挖掘的

  B. 结论性的

  C. 繁重冗长的

  D. 尊敬的

  E. 贬低的

  翻译:从岩石中取出镶嵌的化石对于古生物学家已经不那样(繁重), 现在他们有非常细




标签: gre考试 gre填空


 1. William James lacked the usual______death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without______about the old man’s impending death.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A longing for D inhibition

  B awe of E rancor

  C anticipation of. F eloquence

  2. Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a _____ bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be _____ treated with antibiotics.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A breakthrough in D consistently

  B panacea for E effectively

  C resurgence of F efficiently

  3. During the widespread fuel shortage, the price of gasoline was so _____ that suppliers were generally thought to be _____ the consumer.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A stable D cheating

  B depressed E placating

  C excessive F gouging

  4. Recent research indicates that a system of particles which has apparently decayed to randomness from _____ state can be returned to that state; thus the system exhibits a kind of memory of its _____ condition.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A an equilibrium D lesser
