





  I have a small garden. It’s behind my building. There are some flowers in my garden. There are butterfly flower, rose, and a lot of wild flower. I often pick a lot of wild flower. Sometimes I catch butterflies and give my sister. In the morning, I often catch fireflies and dragonflies, and put them eat themosquito in my home.

  I like my small garden. It’s an interesting garden.


  Today is October 4th, It is my birthday. Today I so happy. Because I can wear my new T-shirt have a picnic in the forset. In forset, father open a big bos. "who is it?" asks father. "It is your favourite foot —— cake." "Oh,Thank you Dad." At six o'clock. Ieat dinner, Then I go home play computer games. At 12:00, I go to bed. Today, It's my happy day!