







  Spring Festival is the first traditional festival for the Chinese people. In the past years, Spring Festival was called “new year”, for this day was the first day of the lunar month according to the lunar calendar which had long been used in China, so it was the beginning of a new year. It is recorded that Chinese people have celebrated Spring Festival for more than 4000 years, which was started by Yu Shun. One day as far back as 2000 B.C, Shun was inaugurated as the emperor. He led his men to hold a ceremony in honor of Heaven and Earth. From then on, people saw that day as the beginning of the year, i.e. the first day of the lunar month. This is said to be the origin of the lunar new year, which was called Spring Festival later. After the Revolution of 1911, China began to number the years according to the Gregorian calendar, and it was then that the lunar new year began to be called Spring Festival.









  Lushan Waterfall Group, one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls, is located at Lushan in Jiu Jiang City of Jiang Xi province. Here, numerous ancient literatus composed poetry or wrote inscriptions to eulogize its magnificent, which brought it a high reputation. The most famous poems, Gazing at the Cascade on Lushan, wrote by the Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, which has become eternal. According to research, the name of Lushan, existed as early as the Zhou dynasty. Ancient people felt puzzle about the towering beautiful mountain bulged out over the great plain with many streams and waterfalls, thus they made up a lot of fairy tales to explain the origin of Lushan and its streams and waterfalls. One of the tales is Qin Shihuang mountain-chasing and sea-filling.

  development in our country, to further coordinate the relationship between low-carbon economy and the development, protect the ecological environment of the earth, is about the well-being of the Chinese people and the people all over the world as well.









  A popular saying has it that “There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.”But now, it is quite fashionable for many young couples to choose a lifestyle without kids and organize the DINK family. Some couples who choose DINK family are fearful that they cannot provide favourable living conditions for children. Nowadays, the cost of educating a child is much higher than that of the past. In a big city, to send a child to a better kindergarten takes a large amount of money and the key primary or secondary schools are even more expensive. Some couples who have chosen DINK family are obliged to do so. When they make preparations for having a baby, it is a pity that they have missed the most fertile years.





  Pets-only DINK Family





  算盘(abacus)是中国传统的计算工具,也是中国古代的一项重大发明。阿拉伯数字出现以前,算盘在世界各地广泛使用。算盘是矩形的木框,木框上固定着带算珠的木杆。木框中间的横梁(beam)将木杆分成两部分:木杆上方的两颗算珠 (counting beads)每个代表5,下方的五颗算珠每个代表1。随着算盘的应用,人们总结出很多计算技巧,提高了计算速度。由于算盘易于制造,而且计算口诀易于记忆和操作,因此算盘在中国十分流行。


  As a traditional Chinese calculation tool and an important ancient Chinese invention,the abacus was widely used before the invention of Arabic numerals in the world. The abacus is a rectangle with a wooden frame. Within the frame,rods with stringed beads are fixed. The beam in the middle of the frame divides each rod into two parts. The two counting beads in the upper part of each rod represent five and the rest five beads in the lower part represent one. With the application of the abacus, people summarized many calculation tips to help improve the speed of calculation. As the abacus is simple to produce, and its calculation tips are easy to memorize and operate, it is quite popular in China.


  1.广泛使用:可以用被动语态表示“被广泛使用”,即be widely used。

  2.带算珠的木杆:可译为rods with stringed beads。其中rod意为“木杆”,stringed 意为“用带或绳绑或挂的”,beads意为“珠子”,故stringed beads意为“串起来的珠子”。

  3.上方:即in the upper part;“下方”可译为in the lower part。

  4.随着算盘的应用:可译为 with the application of the abacus。

