


本文“双语新闻阅读:百位名人反对特朗普入主白宫”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! 希拉里获提名 百位名人联名反对特朗普入主白宫 100 celebrities join a campaign to deny Donald Trump the White House 美国民主党全国代表大会当地时间26日正式提名前国务卿希拉里·克林顿为民主党总统候选人,希拉里由此成为美国主流政党首位女性总统候选人,开创女性从政新高度。 在民主党全国党代会第二晚的会议现场,前总统克林顿和好莱坞女影星梅丽尔·斯特里普都上台讲话力挺希拉里。美国歌手Alicia Keys也在现场演唱。与此同时,百位名人还签名加入全民抗议动员行动,反对共和党候选人唐纳德·特朗普入主白宫。 Meryl Streep was pictured getting ready to address the Democratic National Convention this evening – as more than 100 celebrities joined a campaign to urge Americans to deny Donald Trump the White House. 记者... [ 查看全文 ]



朋友们一起来阅读以下夏洛特的网这本小说吧,本文“夏洛特的网中英双语小说(第一章)”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,希望您喜欢! Chapter 1 Before Breakfast 第一章 早饭之前 "Where's Papa going with the ax?" said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for brea...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻:日本全面停产盒式磁带录像机”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! 日本本月底将全面停产盒式磁带录像机 Japan 'to stop making VCR machines' The last videocassette recorder (VCR) in Japan will be produced by the end of the month, accordi...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语考试频道为大家整理提供“中英双语新:法国尼斯遭恐袭”。希望世界少一点恐怖袭击,多一些和平,为无辜逝去的人们默哀! A lorry has struck a crowd after Bastille Day celebrations in the southern French city of Nice, killing at least 80 people and injuring...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语考试网为您整理“双语新闻阅读:俄罗斯因兴奋剂丑闻可能无缘里约奥运”,欢迎您阅读。 俄罗斯或因兴奋剂丑闻无缘里约奥运 Russian doping: Olympic chiefs to decide on sanctions after McLaren report Russia should be banned from this summer's Olympics and P...[ 查看全文 ]


你最近也沉迷在Pokemon Go,时时刻刻想着捕捉精灵吗?本文“中英双语新闻:美国少女玩《口袋妖怪GO》发现一具尸体”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,祝您阅读愉快! The augmented reality game, which was released last week, gets people to catch virtual monsters using the perso...[ 查看全文 ]


你知道为什么katy perry被叫做“水果姐”、Tom Hiddleston为什么叫“抖森”?本文“双语阅读:水果姐等欧美明星昵称的由来”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,希望考生们喜欢! "Fruit Sister," or "shui guo jie," is what people in China call Katy Perry -- referring to her tende...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“双语新闻:安倍晋三在参院选举中全胜”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,欢迎广大朋友们阅读! Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a sweeping victory in the elections to Japan's upper house, leaving him within reach of a parliamentary supermaj...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“双语新闻:维贝嫂亲女儿嘴引争议”由出国留学网英语考试网整理而出,希望考生们喜欢! 维多利亚•贝克汉姆亲女儿嘴引争议 Victoria Beckham is under fire for posting a photo kissing her 5-year-old daughter, Harper, on the lips. Victoria Beckham Under...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语考试网为您整理“中英双语新闻:法国总统理发师月薪上万欧元”,欢迎您阅读。 Short on the sides and thinning on top, French President Francois Hollande's hair is kept perfectly groomed at a cost of almost 10,000 euros a month, t...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语考试频道为大家整理提供“中英双语美文欣赏之爱和时间”。欢迎朋友们阅读! Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was ann...[ 查看全文 ]
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