


下面是出国留学网英语栏目为大家带来的“英语双语阅读:黑色星期五的来历到底是什么”,希望对大家有所帮助! 黑色星期五 Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day and the Friday before Cyber Monday in the United States. It is a busy shopping day and is a holiday in some states. 黑色星期五就是在美国感恩节和网络星期一(感恩节之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动)之间的那个星期五。这一天是疯狂购物日,在很多州都是休息日。 A Day to Shop 购物日 Many people have a day off work or choose to take a day from their quota of annual leave on Black Friday. Some people use this to make trips to see family members or friends who live in other areas or to go on vacation. Others use ... [ 查看全文 ]



出国留学网英语栏目为大家整理了“双语阅读:内向者的10个好处他人比不了”,希望大家喜欢! 1. We choose our words carefully so others don't have to wade through a river of bullsh** to understand what we are saying. 1.我们会想清楚再说话,所以别人不用听半天废话还丈二和尚摸...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目为大家整理了“双语新闻:欧盟拟收紧对海外银行监管”,希望大家喜欢! Brussels is proposing to tighten its grip overoverseas banks operating in the EU in a tit-for-tat step against the US that will raise costs forbig foreign l...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目为大家带来中英双语阅读:我们被电梯“关门”按键骗了这么多年,希望对大家有所帮助! Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the 'close' button to speed up the process. ...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目为大家带来英语阅读:都是“胖手指”惹的祸,希望对大家有所帮助! 10月7日晨,亚洲外汇交易市场英镑对美元汇率瞬时跌至1比1.1841,跌幅达6%。外汇市场一片哗然,不清楚英镑为何突然大幅跳水,因为只有重大事件才可能造成如此大的跌幅。多名外汇分析师认为,多种因素叠加造成这次闪跌,而罪魁祸首可能是所谓的“胖手指”、即交易员键盘操作失误。 ...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目为大家带来“双语阅读:看看老外认为红包应该送多少”,希望对大家有所帮助! Editor's note: Giving hongbao (red envelopes stuffed with money) at weddings has been a tradition in China. 编者按:亲朋结婚时送红包(里面装有钱的红色纸包)是中国一直以来的传统。 Now man...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目的小编给大家带来中英双语美文欣赏:做最好的自己才能更好爱人,以下是详细内容,希望大家喜欢! I used to believe that love meant putting everyone else and their needs first, before my own. While I do think there is some truth to that, in t...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目的小编给大家带来中英双语阅读:如何判断一家海鲜餐厅是否靠谱,以下是详细内容,希望对同学们有所帮助! Some seafood restaurants don't serve fresh fish. They take a product that's already been frozen and processed, and then they serve it to you...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目的小编给大家带来中英双语阅读:吸烟可永久改变基因,以下是详细内容,希望对同学们有所帮助! Smoking leaves an "archaeological record" of the hundreds of DNA mutations it causes, scientists have discovered. 科学家研究发现,吸烟会导致DNA突变,给人留下数百种基因突变...[ 查看全文 ]


今天出国留学网英语栏目的小编给大家带来“中英双语阅读:日本街头突现天坑”,以下是详细内容,希望对大家有所帮助! In the end, it disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared. 这还真是来无影、去无踪。 A giant sinkhole which swallowed a chunk of road the length of ...[ 查看全文 ]


出国留学网英语栏目的小编给大家带来“中英双语阅读:《里加声明》”,以下是详细内容,希望对大家有所帮助! 里加声明 Riga Declaration On 5 November 2016, the fifth Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (hereinafter referred to as “CEEC”...[ 查看全文 ]
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