

2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport


  “2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport”由出国留学网雅思考试栏目为您提供,想要在雅思口语考试拿高分,话题每日练是必须的,小伙伴们赶紧练习吧,小编就先在这里祝大家考试顺利!


  有点贵的运动Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive

  You should say

  What it is

  How much it usually costs

  Who usually do it with

  And explain why you like to do this activity


  Even though people say it’s quite costly, it’s meant for the rich, but I would love to play tennis one day.

  I knew just a bit about this sport, but it’s not too hard to estimate the price. As an amateur, at least I should have a nice Nike or Adidas which up to now is about 50 USD, not to mention other fancy sportswear like T- shirt, shorts and socks. For equipment, bats, bat bags and also I should never forget safety equipment, sadly, it’s said that the higher it costs the better, so I’m gonna give it around 200 USD. So that would be 250 USD in total. Quite expensive I’m afraid. Anyway, my dad, who is not only motivated, but also knowledgeable about the sport, would definitely be my go-to partner. I guess the reason why I’m into this quite-expensive sport firstly is because of its intense, intensive practice, intensive competitiveness, for example, which helps increase my patience and focus. In addition, such independent sport makes me feel rewarded, feel proud because what I’ve won actually ...

雅思口语每日话题训练:Country encounter


  “雅思口语每日话题训练:Country encounter”由出国留学网雅思考试栏目为您提供,想要在雅思口语考试拿高分,话题每日练是必须的,废话不多说,小伙伴们赶紧练习吧,小编就先在这里祝大家考试顺利!

  Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

  You should say:

  Where you went

  What you did

  When you did it

  Who you went with


  I belong to Huanggang.It is a small town, and there are many villages near my hometown.My maternal uncle and aunt have a farmhouse in a village near my hometown.Their farmhouse is it the center of lush green farms.

  Last year, they invited us over to stay with them for a few days.Their farmhouse is very well maintained, as they have given a portion of it to a family who stays there and looks after it.They have maintained a very good kitchen garden, and I remember, the whole week we enjoyed fresh veges from our garden.They had grown aubergines, okra, bottle gourd, broccoli, cauliflower, mint, coriander and green chilly. My uncle is retired from the agriculture department, and he knew a lot about organic farming.He never sprayed any insecticides and pesticides and even prepared compost at home from the kitchen waste.Those vegetables tasted different. What we eat in the cities has so much spray of insecticides and pesticides, that the taste of veges is different.

  It was so much fun.They have 4 dogs, two pugs and two German shepherds.Every morning, we used to go for long walks in the fields, and the four dogs would walk b...

托福口语每日话题:a good parent


  托福口语每日话题:a good parent

  出国留学网每日为大家更新口语话题训练,今日话题为“a good parent”, 有关好父母的标准,大家思考一下对你来说一个好的父母是怎样的,然后用英语把它表述出来吧!


  What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you.



  I think a good parent should be patient. Because children are always confused with the things around them, they ask questions every now and then. A good parent should be patient enough to give them answers. When i was very young, I always asked questions like "Why can airplanes fly?","Why can’t we fly?" and "Why the earth is a globe?". My parents answered these questions patiently and if they couldn't, they would buy books that have the answers to my questions. I also think a good parent should be open-minded. In other words, they should respect their children's decisions when their kids are growing up. My parents always show their respect to my decisions. My major in the college is software engineering, but I decided to be an English teacher after graduation. My parents respected my decision and allow me to pursue my own interest. Thanks to ...

托福口语每日话题:choose courses


  托福口语每日话题:choose courses

  出国留学网每日为大家更新口语话题训练,今日话题为“choose courses”, 有关大学选课,大家思考一下选课时是集中于一科比较好,还是同时学习多种课程比较好,想想理由然后用英语把它表述出来吧!


  Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subjects while others decide to focus on a single course, which do you think is better for the students?



  Sample (范文)

  Well, I think taking a wide variety of courses is better for students. Because, first of all, I think undergraduate study is meant for broadness. Students had better broaden their horizon and prevent themselves from being narrow-minded. Second of all, I think before students find their "true love", I mean, the subject they really want to go deep into, they should probably extend their study field and taste different subjects in various areas so as to identify the "true love". Take myself as an example, my major is software engineering in the college, but I took various courses outside my major field. Then I found out that I was more interested in literature than in computer and software. So literature is my "true love".


托福口语每日话题:an important book


  托福口语每日话题:an important book

  出国留学网每日为大家更新口语话题训练,今日话题为“an important book”, 有关“对你而言重要的一本书”,大家思考一下对你来说重要的书是什么,然后用英语把它表述出来吧!


  Talk about a book that was important to you for some reason and explain why the book was important to you.


  谈论对你而言重要的一本书并解释它重要的原因。那么大家首先就需要说明那本书到底是什么,可以书名、作者、和书的主要内容等,然后再提出一些理由来说明自己为什么喜欢那本书,最后若还有时间声,可以总结一下,比如:So I think this book is important to me.


  The book that was important to me was an instruction manual on how to pronounce English.

  When I was a middle school student, I did not speak English very well. I always confused the Chinese pronunciation with the English pronunciation, and I was frustrated with that. So I used this book to practice a lot. And there was also a video with this book, so I watched the video, I practiced and imitated the pronunciation.

  Now I have improved my English and also gained some confidence because of the book.


  pronounce 发音 (动词形式)

  pronunciation 发音 (名词形式)

  instruction manual 指导手册


  immitate 模仿

  practice 练习

  gain confidence 增加信心

  以上就是出国留学网为大家整理的托福口语每日话题:an important book,祝大家在考试中取得好成绩,如果喜欢请按Ctrl+D进行收藏!





  出国留学网托福口语栏目今日给大家提供的话题有关工作环境(work environment), 这是一道口语真题,本文会给大家提供范文和解析,希望对大家有帮助!


  When you are at work, which of the following factors do you think is most important to you? A) Having a flexible schedule; B) having friendly co-workers; C) having a helpful boss.


  你觉得在工作中以下哪些因素对你最重要? A. 灵活的时间安排;B. 友好的同事;C.对你有帮助的老板。 对于这个话题,大家在考试时一定要选择一个最容易说的,首先提出自己的观点,然后说明理由,最后若有时间可以再次总结自己的观点。下面以C.having a helpful boss 为角度给大家提供一篇范文:

  In my opinion, I think a helpful boss is more important to me because firstly in a traditional Chinese point of view, someone with the ability to discover a good horse is so much rarer than a horse itself, which essentially means, if a man wishes to be successful, he would always need a good leader to discover him and guide him, without a good leader, he may not be able to achieve the goals he’s capable of achieving, so I think having a helful boss is instrumental to my career. Also, A helpful boss may provide insights that are more in-depth and strategic, and these insights could help me make better choices at work.


雅思口语每日话题:make mistakes, make progress




  雅思口语每日话题:make mistakes, make progress

  今日小编给大家带来的雅思口语话题是:make mistakes and make progress(犯错和进步)大家坚持每日围绕一个话题说英语,多说多练,只要勇敢说出来就能给考试带来更多自信,因此也会更顺利,希望大家考出好成绩。

  Make mistakes and make progress

  Everyone makes mistakes. We can be blamed or even get severe punishment after making mistakes. As a result, we are all afraid of making mistakes. But in fact, in the process of making mistakes, we make great progress that leads us to success.

  We are not born wise men, so it’s normal that we make mistakes. That is, there is no need being guilty all the time for the mistakes you’ve made. Just as the old saying goes, “to err is human”. In addition, we can know what is right and wrong through our mistakes, and make progress through it. For example, we can make mistakes in our studies, but as long as we can correct them, our academic grades will be improved and we can make progress.

  So what matters is not the fact that you have made mistakes, but that you can make much progress from them.


  make mistakes 犯错

  make progress 进步

  as a result 结果

  in the process of doing sth. 在...的过程中

  all the time 一直

  以上就是出国留学网为大家整理的最新雅思口语每日话题:make mistakes, make progress,祝大家在考试中取得好成绩,如果喜欢请按Ctrl+D进行收藏!





  英语中有三大时间范畴:过去、现在和将来,在所有描述将来的话题中,都应该用将来时. 在雅思今日话题中,大家想象一下未来会是怎样的并把它描述下来吧。

  To describe the future, you can talk either the future about yourself or the world around you.

  For example:

  The future

  Do you know what will happen in the future? I think my future will be very beautiful, because I will make a great plan for my future.In 20 years, I will be a doctor.And I will work in a big hospital. Why am I going to be a doctor? Because I am going to save people’s lives and make people healthy every day.I will move to GuiZhou with my family. It is a beautiful city and there are many places of interests. For example, I will visit HuangGuoShu Waterfall with my family in 20 years. In my free time, I will do something special. It is a good idea to listen to music to make me relax. To keep healthy, I will get lots of exercise. When I am unhappy,

  I will read some books. I think there will be some beautiful parks near my

  Home in 20 years. On the weekend, I will play basketball with my friends. I will have a robot in my home. He can help me do some housework. What about your future?


  Vocabulary (词汇):

  in the future 在将来

  places of interests 名胜古迹

  HuangGuoShu Wa...




  今日的雅思口语话题是:job. 你的职业计划是什么呢,你将来想从事什么样的工作呢?和小编一起用英语说一说吧!大家坚持每日多说多想多练,口语一定会有很大进步的!


  A: What do you want to be in the future?


  B: I want to become a teacher in the future.


  A: Why?


  B: Because I think teachers are the engineer of human’s soul, and I think that’s very sacred. And there was also one person who made me have a strong will to become a teacher. When I was in senior high school, I had an English teacher who is so patient and competent in teaching that I had made much progress because of her. And from then on, I had the dream that I could become a teacher in the future.




  Vocabulary: sacred 神圣的

   senior high school 高中

   from then on 从那以后

   patient 有耐心的

   make progress 取得进步


托福口语每日话题:career plan


  托福口语每日话题:career plan

  今日的托福口语话题是:career plan. 你的职业计划是什么呢,你将来想从事什么样的工作呢?和小编一起用英语说一说吧!大家坚持每日多说多想多练,口语一定会有很大进步的!

  Topic: What’s your career plan? Or more specifically, what do you want to be when you graduate? Give specific reason or details to support your opinion.


  When I graduate, I want to be a techer. Because I think teachers are the engineer of human’s soul, and I think that’s very sacred. And there was also one person who made me have a strong will to become a teacher. When I was in senior high school, I had an English teacher who is so patient and competent in teaching that I had made much progress because of her. And from then on, I had the dream that I could become a teacher in the future.


  Vocabulary: sacred 神圣的

  senior high school 高中

  from then on 从那以后

  patient 有耐心的

  make progress 取得进步

  如有任何英语学习方面的问题,欢迎加入qq群134624330:雅思托福答疑 ,群主将很乐意为你解答!

