






  在雅思考试中,写作部分Task 2对许多烤鸭们来说似乎总是一个大问题.很多考生总是在问:到底怎么才能写好文章呢?事实上,区区250个字的文章,比起大家之后在外留学时被要求所写的essay而言,真的是小巫见大巫呀.但由于中国学生缺少写作的训练,不仅是英文,毫不夸张地说,中文的写作现在也鲜有人为之,那么,要用英文清晰表达自己观点并予以支持的困难就更不言而喻了.很多考生也时常抱怨说,某某话题,就是用中文也写不出来.那么,就跟不用提用英文来清晰表述思想了.

  若言而无物,原因只有一个:读得少了.俗话说,七分读,三分写.但我们现在大部分的考生,在繁重的工作学业压力下,读书——读深刻的书,机会是很少的.虽然,在雅思考试中,观点本身是没有好坏的,但往往很多时候,观点就一个小短句,倘若无法将文章进行发展,给更多充分的理由,你的对手(写essay,就像辩论,在自己的对方立个靶子,有利于观点的严密.)很快就将你打败了.于是,很多考生挖空心思地去找例子,觉得只要例子,把例子往那一贴,万事大吉了.抱有这种想法的生,往往讲例子写的很长,多的会占去3-4行.举例后,也往往不再对例子的功能进行解释.那么很显然,一篇文章如同拼贴画,棱角分明.就又会伤害到文章的coherence & cohesion.如果大家去仔细研读考官的范文,会发现,文章对例子的运用并不多,即便使用也是一笔带过,以求变化.归根结底,文章,重在言之有物、言之有理,文以明道、文以载道.



  随后,写出topic sentence,并反复修改,尽量达到准确表达意思的同时句型复杂.在临考前,不要忘记模考,这个是让你最快体验考试环境的方式了.每一个话题至少选择一个进行限时模考,对于自己相当不熟悉的话题,更要给予关注,切莫抱有侥幸心心理.






  For example/ instance…

  Take … for example/ instance.

  To offer another example/ instance…

  In my personal case,…

  Just as the saying goes: there is no garden without weeds. The same appliesto TV advertising.

  As the society has entered the information age and the commercialization/ industrialization is sweeping across the world ,…

  The advent of … makes…

  Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of the society.

  As time passes…

  Compared with the past,…

  However, the situation is beyond control since…

  In the past, it was assumed that…. But now the attitude is that…










  As far as I am concerned, I think sb. should spare no effort to do sth. for the following reasons.

  Considering the seriousness of this problem, we must…

  In view of the seriousness/ importance of this problem, effective/ essential measures should be taken before things get worse.

  I think we need to be hard on …, and also hard on…

  Without… , … will always be out of touch.

  To solve the problem, … will seem to be helpful.

  Only in this way, can the problem be settled eventually.

  I believe that our concern should go beyond commerce and money.

  We should look into the future.






雅思写作指南 背景句运用的技巧


标签: 雅思作文


  在具体写作过程中,为了满足考生应介绍段落写作的第一步。俗话说,万事开头难。许多学生不知道如何开始,浪费时间,无法在规定的时间内完成250字。事实上,作者的结论,可以引入基于background 的描写来引出话题。

  II Background 方法介绍


  1). 追根溯源法。即从题目给出的话题中找出这个现象产生的原因来扩展背景句。这种方法适合大多数的话题,考生要尽量在考前做练习,这样在考试就可以得心应手了。


  There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? (高分范文P76)

  这个题目中给出的话题是mobile phone,所以考生可以从它产生的原因来考虑,就是科技的繁荣,而科技的繁荣,手机的广泛使用是在20世纪末,这样背景句就有内容可写了。当然要通过相应的句型来写了。如 … (time) witnessed …

  这个背景句就可以写成:The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone.


  Nowadays, some universities offer students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe that the main function of a university should bide students with access to knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion?


  参考:As job-hunting has become one of the main purposes of university education, the majority of the universities tend to offer vocational trainings to prepare the students for their future career.

  2). 重述法。即对关于这个话题的当前现状的重述。



雅思写作指南 如何运用语法


标签: 雅思作文


  在8000以上的雅思考生的词汇,其中有1 / 3指的是一些难的单词或专业词汇,阅读,为我们的写作,灵活运用5000字就够了。很多中国的知识,思维敏捷,并感觉到雅思考试的话题,就像春天,害羞,但胶囊有限的词汇,更多的想法,像锅里煮饺子,有货但不出来的,它是“只可意会,不可言”。


  有些考生一想起“ 产生,引起”,就习惯性用“produce”,却不了解 “promote, generate, trigger, lead to, result in”等词汇和短语的表达都有此意思,完全可以在写作当中进行词汇的替换。而简单词汇的重复不仅让文章在词汇上水平不高,通篇归于平庸,而且让一些能够成为行文闪光点的精辟思维和见解也黯然失色。


  许多考生在背词汇时,往往只是满足于知晓单词的中文意思,而不深究词汇的具体用法。英语的每个单词都有它的denotation(字面意思)和 connotation(内涵意思),一些同义词在感情色彩上可能大相径庭。并且,由于中西方文化和传统的差异,一些相同的意象可能负载着不同的文化内涵,而这些都是考生在写作中要注意的问题。

  如说“slander, slim, lean, skinny, underweight, lanky”等词都有“瘦”的意思,而 “slander”是褒义的,“skinny”是贬义的,而“underweight”是中性的。再比方说, “dragon”(龙)这个意象,在中国人眼里是“吉祥,高贵”的象征,而在西方人的眼里却是“邪恶”的象征,从西方史诗Beowulf《贝尔沃夫》里那条邪恶的喷火龙Grendel就可见一斑。还有一些考生完全不顾及单词的用法和固定搭配,杜撰出的中式英语令人啼笑皆非,写作分数自然提不高。





雅思写作指南 常用句型


标签: 雅思作文


  1. do good to…

  be good for…

  do damage to…/damage sth.

  2. …has/have a lot of advantages over…

  …has/have the advantage of…

  3. benefit sb./sth.

  benefit from…

  4.be of great benefit to sb./sth.

  6. not so much… as…

  The reason for the rapid increase in population is not so much a rise in birth rate as a fall in death rate.

  7. There are some/two/many good reasons for…/to do…

  There are two reasons for the changes in people’s living conditions. First, we have been carrying out an opening and reform. policy. Second, our national economy is developing rapidly and the birth rate has been put under control.

  8. We have many good reasons for…

  9. The reasons for… are that…

  10. Different people have/hold different

  opinions/views/viewpoints/points of view/standpoints on this

  People differ in their opinions on the international cultural exchange. Some believe that international cultural exchange contributes to the friendship andars and has its own traditional culture, which is quite different from that in the western countries. Therefore, al. The international cultural exchange is of great importance now. People of all countries should understand each other and learn from each other to enhance the friendship among them.

  11. They are quite different from each other in their opinions.

  12. Some people hold the ...

雅思写作指南 议论文的得分点在哪


标签: 雅思作文












  说实话做到这点真的很难,首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争fierce competition等。


雅思写作指南 错误案例


标签: 雅思作文


  典型失败案例: Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married?

  This topic is very interesting. I’m very interested in talking about this topic. Because I’m also a college student and I’m not married……


  典型失败案例: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

  I think this topic is very hard to say. Because I am still very little, only 17, and not married, so this topic is very difficult for me……


  典型失败案例:Topic 1-The happiest moment in your life

  In our life, there are always some moments which make your heart flower opened angrily……

  Topic 2- The population problem

  The population problem is a very big problem. For example, in the city centers of Shanghai, we can always see people mountain people sea there.

  Topic3- Is there fairness in today’s business world?

  I think in today’s society, there is no fairness in the business world. For example, I always chopped when I go out buy things……


  典型失败案例:Topic-It is said that nowadays one can not acquire the qualifications and quality essential to success through university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? (雅思真题)

  I think to success, we must have a lot of important qualities. To have these important qualities, we must learn a lot of things, for example, English, music tools...

雅思写作指南 怎么反驳对方观点


标签: 雅思作文


  Some people feel that…

  One sentence (While, although)

  While it is true that… … I believe…

  Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.

  Give the other side's opinion, and then give YOUR opinion

  Give the other side

  Some people think that…

  Although many people feel that…

  It is claimed that…

  Although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true

  Two sentences

  It is undoubtedly true that… …However…

  Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.

  Although many people think that…., I feel that

  Although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true

  Some people say that… They claim… However, I feel…

  Supporters of this viewpoint say that… However, it is

  One sentence (While, although)

  While it is true that… … I believe…

雅思写作指南 与老年人口问题相关


标签: 雅思作文



  1. Build entertainment and fitness facilities 修建娱乐与健身设施

  2. Encourage them to have deuterogamy/ digamy (remarriage) 鼓励再婚

  3. Organize societies 组织社团

  4. Provide them with employment opportunities 为老人提供就业机会

  5. Frequent lectures introducing latest technology经常的举办讲座介绍最新的科技

  6. Establish social security system and perfect Medicare system建立社会保障系统并完善医疗系统

  7. make community clinics available 建立社区诊所


  1. The aged 老年人

  2. The elderly 老年人(通常指生活不能自理的老人)

  3. Senior citizen(非常尊敬的说法)

  4. OAP 领取养老金的人,委婉指老年人(Old Age Pensioner)

  5. Old folk 老年人(美式用法)


  1. Feel lonely being on one’s own all day 每天孤身一人感到孤独

  2. Live in emptiness/ empty nest/ nuclear family 生活在空虚/ 空巢家庭/ 小家庭中

  3. Feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world 感到孤立、与世界失去了联系

  4. Can not manage on pension 靠养老金无法过活

  5. Deepening generation gap 加深的代沟

  6. Be confined to limited social relationship 被限制在有限的社会关系网中

  7. Ageism 年龄歧视

  8. Outmoded values and skills 过时的价值观与技能

  9. Weak physique 病弱的体质

  10. Gerontocracy 老年人统治


  11. A mental aberration 精神错乱

  12. Negative mentality 消极心态

  13. Vacuous 感到空虚的


  14. Aged diseases 老年病

  A. hypertension(high blood pressure)高血压