





  To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.


  点睛:本句的主干为animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst。句首的介词结构To those who are unaware those…and vaccines作状语,those后跟有一个定语从句who are unaware...,该定语从句中还含有宾语从句that animal research was needed to produce these treatments,as well as new treatments and vaccines。

  考点归纳:注意at best和at worst的用法。

  *at best意为“充其量,至多”。

  She is at best a second-rate singer.


  Don’t expect much of him; he is at best a student.


  *at( the) worst意为“在最坏的情况下;从坏处想;在最保守的估计下”。

  He's a fool at the best and at the worst he's a criminal.


  At worst,the storm will make us postpone the trip.





  Deliberate 故意的;从容不迫的

  He told us a deliberate lie. 他故意跟我们撒谎。

  It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident。那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。

  Expedition 远征;考察

  The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole. 这些科学家们将要去南极考察。

  They equipped themselves for the expedition. 他们为远征治装。

  Scatter 分散;撒

  The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 枪声一响, 群鸟受惊飞散。

  Don't scatter your strength. 不要分散你的精力。

  The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields. 农夫把种子撒在田里。

  Mutually 互相地

  These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict. 这两个目标不总是互补的:有时它们相互抵触。

  If everybody is well, mutually congratulates. 如果大家都平安无事,就互相祝贺。

  Deprecate 不赞成

  The peace-loving people deprecate war. 爱好和平的人民反对战争。

  I strongly deprecate the use of violence by the students. 我强烈反对学生们使用暴力。

  Drift 漂流

  The snow drifted everywhere. 雪飘至各处。

  The boat drifted down the river. 船顺水漂流而下。

  Overwhelming 势不可挡的;压倒的

  The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 该法案以压倒多数通过。

  Our football team has won an overwhelming victory. 我们的足球队取得了压倒性的胜利。

  You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。

  Domesticated 驯养的;驯服的;驯养

  The cat is domesticated. 这只猫是驯养的。

  We domesticated the dog to help...




  able 有才干的,能干的

  adaptable 适应性强的

  active 主动的,活跃的

  aggressive 有进取心的

  ambitious 有雄心壮志的

  amiable 和蔼可亲的

  amicable 友好的

  aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的

  audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的

  capable 有能力的,有才能的

  careful 办理仔细的

  candid 正直的

  competent 能胜任的

  constructive 建设性的

  cooperative 有合作精神的

  creative 富创造力的

  dedicated 有奉献精神的

  dependable 可靠的

  diplomatic 老练的,有策略的

  disciplined 守纪律的

  dutiful 尽职的

  well--educated 受过良好教育的

  efficient 有效率的

  energetic 精力充沛的

  expressivity 善于表达

  faithful 守信的,忠诚的

  frank 直率的,真诚的

  generous 宽宏大量的

  genteel 有教养的

  gentle 有礼貌的

  humorous 有幽默

  impartial 公正的

  independent 有主见的

  industrious 勤奋的

  ingenious 有独创性的

  intelligent 理解力强的

  learned 精通某门学问的

  logical 条理分明的

  motivated 目的明确的

  methodical 有方法的

  modest 谦虚的

  objective 客观的

  precise 一丝不苟的

  punctual 严守时刻的

  realistic 实事求是的

  responsible 负责的

  sensible 明白事理的

  sporting 光明正大的

  steady 踏实的

  systematic 有系统的


  sweet-tempered 性情温和的

  temperate 稳健的

  tireless 孜孜不倦的







  AA制 Dutch treatment; go Dutch

  艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合征) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

  爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace

  安居工程 Housing Project for low-income families

  按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost

  按揭贷款 mortgage loan

  按劳分配 distribution according to one‘s performance

  暗恋 unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly

  暗亏 hidden loss

  澳门大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul

  奥姆真理教 Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult

  巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse

  把握大局 grasp the overall situation

  白马王子 Prince Charming

  白色行情表 white sheet

  白色农业 white agriculture (also called “white engineering agriculture” It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)

  白手起家 starting from scratch

  白条 IOU note, IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来白雪公主 Snow White

  摆架子 put on airs

  摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances

  拜把兄弟 sworn brothers

  拜年 pay New Year call

  搬迁户 relocated families

  半拉子工程 uncompleted project

  棒球运动记者 scribe

  傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags

  包干到户 work contracted to households

  包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash

  包工包料 contract for labor an...






  babble v.n.1.哑哑学语;胡说 2.喋喋不休;潺潺声

  bubble n.泡沫;空想的计划

  cobble n.鹅卵石 v.修补 ——> cobbler n.工匠,修鞋匠

  dabble v.1.戏水 2.涉猎,涉足 ——> dabbler n.业余爱好者

  dribble n.v.细流;滴落

  gabble v.n.急促含糊地说;啰嗦

  gobble v.1.狼吞虎咽,贪食 2.火鸡叫声

  hobble v.蹒跚,跛行;不流畅

  nibble v.n.细嚼慢咽,轻咬,蚕食

  pebble n.小鹅卵石;小石头

  quibble n.吹毛求疵地反对意见,(躲避要点)狡辩

  rabble n.1.乌合之众 2.下层社会,贱民

  rubble n.(一堆)碎石

  scribble v.n.潦草写,草书

  squabble v.n.(小)争吵

  wobble v.1.来回不定地摇动,颤动,摇摆 2.犹豫


  addle a.v.使糊涂;困惑的

  befuddle v.使酒醉昏迷;使糊涂

  cuddle v.n.拥抱

  huddle n.v.1.蜷曲,收缩 2.聚集

  meddle v.管闲事,干涉

  muddle v.1.使混乱,使混合 2.使人糊涂,混淆

  peddle v.n.沿街叫卖,兜售

  piddle v.偷懒,闲荡 ——> piddling a.不重要的,琐碎的

  puddle n.泥水坑 v.搅浑;捣成泥

  riddle n.谜语 v.使迷惑

  saddle v.使负担,强加重担或责任 n.马鞍

  twaddle n.v.废话;胡说

  waddle v.像鸭子走路,蹒跚


  baffle v.a.1.使困惑,不可理解的 2.阻碍;令人丧气的

  muffle v.蒙住,捂;压抑(声音) ——> muffler n.1.围巾 2.消音器

  raffle n.v.抽彩

  ruffle n.褶饰,花边 v.1.弄皱 2.激怒,扰乱(情绪)

  shuffle v.n.1.拖曳地走路 2.搁放;混在一起;洗牌

  waffle v.胡扯,闲聊


  bedraggle v.全身湿透,湿脏

  boggle v.1.(因惊慌)犹豫不决 2.笨手笨脚做事

  gaggle n.鹅群;一群(喧哗或多话的人)

  giggle v.n.咯咯笑,傻笑

  goggle n...








  接着,和阅读中相似,说话者会从三个方面阐述支持自己的观点,很多情况下,这三点和阅读中的三点是刚好契合,一一对应的。但听力三方面的分论据往往是从阅读中无法推断的,所以分论点及论据是需要同学进行笔记的,应当记的是key words,切忌洋洋洒洒想记全一句话,最后自己也难以读懂。







  奔奔族 rushing clan

  漫游 roam

  气候变化 climate change

  万人迷 mack daddy

  循环经济 Cyclic Economy

  视频直播 live streaming

  博客 blog

  小留学生 parachute kids

  非法食品添加剂 illegal food additive

  骑墙族 fence sitters

  “二” thick

  过劳死 death from overwork

  反恐部队 counter-terrorism unit

  游戏化 gamification

  肥胖谈话 fat talk

  蚁族 ant tribe

  家中度假 staycation

  毒黄瓜 contaminated cucumbers

  网络水军 online “water army”

  边境争端 border dispute

  代驾司机 designated driver

  抹布女 duster women

  醉驾 drunk driving



标签: gre词汇 gre考试




  比如有这么两个词,discreet和discrete,它们形状长得非常相似,但意义却有很大的差别。前面这个词的意思是“谨慎小心的”,后面这个词意思“是离散的,不连续的”。背这种形近词的时候一般可以两步走,第一步是找两个形近词的差异,第二步是通过差异来联想。比方说这两个词的差异非常明显,就在于一个词的结尾是eet,而另一个词的结尾是ete,找出差异之后就可以通过差异来联想了。由于后面这个词discrete的结尾是ete,两个 e不连接在一起,所以这个词的意思是离散的,不连续的。而前面这个词discreet的结尾是eet,两个e连在一起了,所以这个词的意思是谨慎小心的。

  再比如还有两个词,一个是ingenious,意思是“聪明的”,还有一个词是ingenuous,意思是“天真的”。这两个词的形状也很象,同样我们可以先找差异,差异在于前面这个词 的中间是,后面这个词的中间是u,我们可以把i想象成I,I就是自己,而u可以想象成you,也就是你。而联合两个词的词义,我们每个人都喜欢说自己是聪明的,而说别人是天真的,这样这两个词也就相应记忆住了。


  批评(轻):v: admonish chide criticize reproach reproof(n) reprove flak

  批评(重):v: berate castigate censure chastise condemn denounce diatribe(n) excoriate fulminate impeach impugn invective(n) inveigh lambaste rail rebuke reprehend reprimand reprobate revile scold upbraid vituperate pan


  称赞:v: acclaim applaud commend eulogize exalt extol glorify laud rave tout

  n: accolade encomium approbation orchid plaudit tribute



2012中考英语词汇归纳 3


标签: 2012中考英语



  Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

  21. cabbage/fish

  1) I bought lots of ___________ yesterday.

  2) ___________ was served after the first course.

  3) They caught several frogs, crabs and ___________ in the river yesterday.

  4) I think you'd better eat some more ___________ vegetables are good for you.

  22. can/may/must

  1) We ___________ follow the instructions when we use the computers.

  2) ___________ I have a look at your photos?

  3) I thought I ___________ smell something burning.

  23. die of/die from

  1) Nowadays more people ___________ car accidents on high ways.

  2) In fact the little baby ___________ a fever last night.

  24. drop/fall

  1) The vase ___________ and broke.

  2) Jenny's voice ___________ as the class teacher entered the classroom.

  25. elderly/elder/older

  1) Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, especially in children and the ___________.

  2) My ___________ brother is ten years ___________ than I.

  26. electricity/electric/electrician/electronic/electrical

  1) Make sure that lights and other ___________ appliances are turned off when not needed.

  2) Avoiding using ___________ dictionary while doing some reading.

  3) Simon's father used to be an _______...

2012中考英语词汇归纳 2


标签: 2012中考英语



  Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

  11. answer/reply

  1) Can you __________ this question right now?

  2) What did he do in ____________ to your challenge?

  12. at table/at the table

  1) The man sitting _________ is the new manager of this restaurant.

  2) Children must learn to behave _________.

  13. be familiar to/be familiar with

  1) I am not very __________ pop singers.

  2) Our national anthem ___________ each of the students, even the kids in nurseries.

  14. full/fill

  1) Will you please __________ in this form with a pen?

  2) She was ___________of news. That means she couldn't stop herself talking about it.

  15. be located/stand/lie

  1) Shanghai __________ in the east of China.

  2) That quiet small town is __________ at the foot of the mountain.

  3) A clock __________ on the sideboard was an antique.

  16. be made of/be made from/be made in

  1) This watch _________ Japan in 2002.

  2) Bread _________ wheat.

  3) The blackboard _________ glass and wood.

  17. beat/win

  1) Mum always _________ me when we played chess before I was eight years old.

  2) To my surprise, two of the students in our school _________ the first prize in the English contest this year.

  3) He _________...